Meeting documents

Area 2 Planning Committee
Wednesday, 8th March, 2006 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
AP2 06/027 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
AP2 06/028 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of Area 2 Planning Committee held on 8 February 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP2 06/029 Development Control
Decisions were taken on the following applications subject to the prerequisites, informatives, conditions or reasons for refusal set out in the report of the Director of Planning and Transportation, or the variations listed below.

Members of the public addressed the meeting where the required notice had been given and their comments were taken into account by the Committee when determining the applications. Speakers are listed under the relevant planning applications shown below.
AP2 06/030 TM/05/02490/FL - 249 London Road West Malling
Construction of 2 no. detached houses with garage at
249 London Road, West Malling.

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED subject to

(1) the amendment of Condition 11 to include an additional item:
11. (g) All works shall also be carried out to the standards set out in BS5837 (2005) entitled "Trees in relation to construction. Recommendations"".

(2) the amendment of Condition 13 to read:
13. No development shall commence until all existing trees and shrubs shown on the approved plan to remain in place have been identified on site by way of spray marking, and the protected trees within the site shall be spray marked with a different colour, this having been agreed in advance with the Local Planning Authority".
Reason: To protect the appearance and character of the site and locality.

(3) the amendment of Condition 18 to read:
18. No development shall take place until details of the slab levels of the proposed houses, in relation to those of the existing houses at 245 and 249 London Road, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance with those details. For the purposes of this condition, the proposed slab level for the house on plot 2 shall be at a level which is at least 0.3m below the existing land level of the part of the site in which it would be located and, if possible, deeper (commensurate with the requirements of Condition 19 of this planning permission).

(4) the addition of Condition
19. No development shall take place until details of the foundations of the proposed houses and any retaining walls that may be required in connection with this development have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance with those details. (DOO8).
Reason: To ensure that the development does not harm the root system of the existing trees within this site.
AP2 06/031 TM/04/03680FL, TM/05/01396FL, TM/04/02533/FL, TM/05/02804FL, 03/00076/UNAWKS. Beechin Wood Farm, Beechinwood Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent
(A) Retention of engineering works relating to land re-grading at Beechin Wood Farm, Beechinwood Lane, Platt.

(B) Use of land for the practice of archery for not more than 28 days in total in any calendar year at Beechin Wood Farm, Beechinwood Lane, Platt.

(C) Construction of garage between existing retaining walls at Beechin Wood Farm, Beechinwood Lane, Platt.

(D) Garage and store (retrospective)at Beechin Wood Farm, Beechinwood Lane, Platt.

(E) Alleged erection of unauthorised walls at Beechin Wood Farm, Beechinwood Lane, Platt.

RESOLVED: That all applications be

DEFERRED for a Members' site inspection.

[Speakers: Mr D Palmer - Platt Parish Council; Mr G Hickey, Mrs M Astbury, Mr J Murdock, Mr D Lloyd, Mrs P Hickey, Mrs P Darby - members of the public; and Mr F Robinson - agent]

AP2 06/032 TM/03/02563/MIN - Ightham Sandpit Borough Green Road Ightham
Development of new factory to manufacture aerated concrete (Jamera) products with outside storage and parking and new access and associated facilities (KCC ref. TM/03/TEMP/0050) at Ightham Sandpit, Borough Green Road, Ightham.

RESOLVED: That Kent County Council (KCC):
(1) be informed that Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council considers that the issues set out in Section 5 of the report must be balanced in the context of sub-regional, countywide and local factors surrounding minerals considerations and strategic highways matters.
Should KCC be satisfied that there is clear strategic justification for granting planning permission then the following issues must be controlled by legal agreements and/or conditions or addressed by KCC through its other statutory powers:
~the completion of the Borough Green bypass scheme;
~ provision of safe and updated access for pedestrians and cyclists to Wrotham school (looking particularly at the junction of Borough Green Road, Wrotham and A227);
~ careful assessment of the need for traffic calming and speed management in the Wrotham area as a result of modified traffic patterns resulting from the completion of the bypass;
~ the possibility of works to White Hill roundabout, including those in relation to air quality, being required should the bypass be built;
~ site access;
~ noise and odour emissions;
~ provision of landscaping mitigation;
~ controlling external appearance and materials to be used;
~ limiting expansion/alteration without the express consent of KCC;
~ protection of ecology;
~ impacts on Listed Buildings;
~ construction impacts including construction traffic;
~ air borne particulates arising for the movement of the aircrete products themselves;
~ construction traffic routing;
~ impacts upon Dark Hill Cottage, and the Listed Buildings of Cricketts Farm and 1&2 Crickett Farm Cottages;
~ the issue of whether or not the proposed factory would be sited on what is colloquially known as ‘brownfield' land because there is an enforceable restoration condition;
~ it should be noted that while the buildings and plant are tall structures, they will be set down in the landscape; and
~ encourage the completion of the bypass in advance of the commencement of construction of the new factory.

(2) should fully investigate the following matter once the Borough Green bypass is opened:
~the potential impacts upon the A25 and especially at Wrotham Heath and the possible need for traffic management (including prescribed primary traffic and HGV routing).

AP2 06/033 TM/05/02703/FL - 1, 6 & 7 Green Lane Trottiscliffe
Installation of Eternit weatherboarding treated with Sikkens Cetol BL21 Rosewood wood stain and white PVC fascia boards at 1, 6 And 7 Green Lane, Trottiscliffe.

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED subject to

(1) the addition of the following informative:
1. the applicant to consider painting the window frames and other white details to match the approved cladding.
AP2 06/034 TM/05/04208/FL - Orchard House Basted Borough Green
Erection of stables, storage building and new sand school including change of use of agricultural land to recreational purposes at
Orchard House, Basted, Borough Green.

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED subject to

(1) the amendment of Condition 3 to read:
3. the stables hereby permitted shall be used solely for private stabling of no more than four horses, all of which must be owned/used by the owner/occupier of the residential dwelling known as Orchard House and not for commercial stabling or in connection with a riding school/livery. The sand school hereby permitted shall be solely for private use.
Reason: Commercial use could significantly harm the amenities of the locality and the free and safe flow of traffic on local highways.

(2) the amendment of Condition 8 to read:
8. Any gateway to the access shall be set back 10 metres from the edge of the highway.
Reason: To enable vehicles with trailers/horseboxes to stand off the highway whilst any gates are being operated.

(3) the addition of the following Conditions:
12. With the exception of 2 trailers, no mobile home, caravan or similar chattel shall be brought onto the site at any time and no horse box or similar vehicle shall be parked at the site on a permanent basis without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the Green Belt.
13. No development shall take place until the applicant or their agents or successors in title, have secured the implementation of a watching brief to be undertaken by an archaeologist approved by the Local Planning Authority so that the excavation is observed and items of interest and finds are recorded. The watching brief shall be in accordance with a written programme and specification, which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure that features of archaeological interest are properly examined and recorded.

[Speaker: Mrs S Payne - applicant]
AP2 06/035 TM/06/00092/AT - Walnut Tree Farm Addington Lane Trottiscliffe
Erection of 1 no. timber post-mounted sign; 2 no. timber signs attached to gate post; and 1 no. temporary (November to December) banner sign at
Walnut Tree Farm, Addington Lane, Trottiscliffe

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED for sign (ii)

REFUSED for signs (i) and (iii)
AP2 06/036 TM/06/00288/FL - Land rear of 8 and 10 Alma Road West Malling
Two storey two bedroom detached house with parking at
land rear of 8 and 10 Alma Road, West Malling.

RESOLVED: That the application be

REFUSED for the following reason:

(1) The proposed dwelling would be out of character with the surroundings and cause harm to the visual amenities of the street scene, by virtue of its bulk, massing and incongruous siting in relation to the existing layout of properties in Alma Road and Woodlands Close. The proposal is thereby contrary to Policy RS1 of the Kent Structure Plan 1996 and Policies P6/3 and P4/11 of the Tonbridge and Malling Borough Local Plan 1998.

[Speakers: Mrs J Oxley - West Malling Parish Council; Mr P Waller - agent]
AP2 06/037 TM/05/02827/FL - Oakland Vigo Road Fairseat
Detached single garage at Oakland, Vigo Road, Fairseat, Sevenoaks.

RESOLVED: That the application be

AP2 06/038 TM/05/02831/FL - Walnut Tree Farm Addington Lane Trottiscliffe
Formation of new farm access at Walnut Tree Farm, Addington Lane, Trottiscliffe.

The application was WITHDRAWN from the agenda.
AP2 06/039 TM/06/00369/TEPN56 - Land At West Malling Golf Club Fronting East Street Addington
Prior Notification of Telecommunications installation comprising 1 no. 15m high freestanding monopole with 3 no. dual band antenna, radio equipment housing and ancillary development at land at West Malling Golf Club, fronting East Street, Addington.

RESOLVED: That the application be

NO OBJECTION RAISED - no details needed to be submitted
AP2 06/040 List D
The Director of Planning and Transportation submitted a list of applications determined since the date of the previous meeting.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP2 06/041 Forthcoming Public Inquiries and Hearings
The Chief Solicitor presented details of arrangements made for forthcoming Public Inquiries and Hearings.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP2 06/042 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 22.47 hours.

Attendance Details

Cllr D W P Evans (Chairman), Cllr H S Rogers (Vice-Chairman), Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr Mrs G S Bowden, Cllr C Brown, Cllr R C Brown, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr Mrs J M Harrison, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr B J Luker, Cllr Mrs S M Murray, Cllr Miss J L Sergison and Cllr M S Worrall.
In attendance:
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Anderson, Mrs Luck and Robins.