Meeting documents

Area 3 Planning Committee
Thursday, 5th March, 2009 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
AP3 09/009 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
AP3 09/010 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of Area 3 Planning Committee held on 29 January 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the amendment of those present to include Councillor Withey.
AP3 09/011 Development Control
Decisions were taken on the following applications subject to the pre-requisites, informatives, conditions or reasons for refusal set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure, or the variations indicated below.

Members of the public addressed the meeting where the required notice had been given and their comments were taken into account by the Committee when determining the application. Speakers are listed under the relevant planning applications shown below.
AP3 09/012 TM/08/03519/FL - Land North of 62 Pear Tree Avenue, Ditton
Four new lock-up garages at the end of an existing rank at land north of 62 Pear Tree Avenue, Ditton

RESOLVED: That the application be

DEFERRED for a Member site inspection.

[Speakers: Mr D Nunn and Mr R Harris - members of the public]
AP3 09/013 TM/08/03646/FL - The Spotted Cow, 742 London Road, Larkfield
Demolition of existing building and construction of 2 no. 1-bed flats, 10 no. 2-bed flats and commercial space on the ground floor of The Spotted Cow, 742 London Road, Larkfield

RESOLVED: That the application be

DEFERRED for further investigations.
AP3 09/014 TM/08/03256/CR4D - Former Mill Stream School, Mill Street, East Malling
Proposed redevelopment of the Former Mill Stream Junior School to provide 23 new residential dwellings comprising a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed units together with associated garaging and parking at former Mill Stream School, Mill Street, East Malling

AP3 09/015 Alleged Unauthorised Development 08/00047/UNAUTU - Corio Farm, 450 Wateringbury Road, East Malling
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided an update on recent enforcement action undertaken in respect of alleged unauthorised development at Corio Farm, East Malling.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 09/016 List D
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure submitted a list of applications determined since the date of the last meeting.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 09/017 Planning Appeal Decisions
The Central Services Director submitted details of recently received planning appeal decisions.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 09/018 Forthcoming Planning Inquiries and Hearings
The Central Services Director presented details of the arrangements for forthcoming Planning Inquiries and Hearings.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 09/019 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2047 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman), Cllr R W Dalton (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs E A Simpson (2nd Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr J R H Clements, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr Mrs C A F Grant, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr D Keeley, Cllr D Lettington, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr D W Smith, Cllr B D Stone, Cllr D Thornewell, Cllr L A Withey and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.
In attendance:
Councillor Worrall was also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Balcombe and Mrs Boakes.