Meeting documents

Area 3 Planning Committee
Thursday, 7th February, 2013 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
AP3 13/001 Declarations of interest.
Councillor King declared an Other Significant Interest in Application TM/12/02609/RM in that his home abutted the development site. He withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this application.
AP3 13/002 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Area 3 Planning Committee held on 22 November 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP3 13/003 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Area 3 Planning Committee held on 18 December 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP3 13/004 Development Control
Decisions were taken on the following applications subject to the pre-requisites, informatives, conditions or reasons for refusal set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure, or in the variations indicated below. Any supplementary reports were tabled at the meeting.

Members of the public addressed the meeting where the required notice had been given and their comments were taken into account by the Committee when determining the application. Speakers are listed under the relevant planning application shown below.
AP3 13/005 TM/12/02609/RM - Former Holborough Quarry And Adjoining Land Parcel, Holborough Road, Snodland
Details of Reserved Matters being access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 55 dwellings in phases 12 and 13 pursuant to planning permission TM/01/02746/OAEA (Outline Application for the formation of new development platforms and residential development; provision of reserve primary school site, highway, pedestrian and cycle access, open space and landscaping) at Former Holborough Quarry and Adjoining Land Parcel, Holborough Road, Snodland.

RESOLVED: That planning permission be

APPROVED in accordance with the submitted details and the conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and subject to amendment of the plans list by the addition of 'Letter dated 11.01.2013, Details FENCES AND GATES dated 11.01.2013 and Details SURFACING dated 11.01.2013. The following plans should read Roof plan P-MP-05 revision e dated 04.12.2013 and Landscaping 1266/023 revision f dated 11.01.2013' and to the addition of Informatives 1 and 2 as follows:-

1. The applicant is advised to continue to work with the local residents and the Borough Council to enhance the existing parking facilities available to the occupants of phases 1 and 2 of the overall Holborough Lakes development.

2. The applicant should avoid, as far as is practical, vehicles relating to the construction of these phases being parked within any part of the completed and/or occupied residential areas.

[Speakers: Mrs E Farbrace on behalf of Holborough Lakes Residents Group and Mr C Gilbert, applicant]
AP3 13/006 TM/12/02480/FL - Land rear of Bondfield Road, Temple Way and Carnation Crescent, East Malling
Demolition of 5 houses and 36 x one bedroom flats and redevelopment to create 34 flats, 18 family houses and 4 bungalows of affordable accommodation at Land Rear of Bondfield Road, Temple Way and Carnation Crescent, East Malling.

RESOLVED: That planning permission be

APPROVED in accordance with the submitted details and the conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and subject to amendment of the recommendation by the addition of the document addendum design statement received 14.01.2013 and of the email received 22.01.2013 to the list of approved plans, the amendment of conditions 2 and 18 as follows and the addition of conditions 19 and 20 (final wording delegated to DPTL):

2. No development shall take place until details and samples of materials to be used externally have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. These details should accord with the colour palette stated in the addendum design statement received 14 January 2013 and tile details stated in e-mail received 22.01.2013 and samples shall be provided and displayed at or near the site, in a location agreed with the Local Planning Authority, for public inspection.
Reason: To ensure that the development does not harm the character and appearance of the existing building or the visual amenity of the locality and in accordance with paragraphs 17, 57, 58, 61 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.

18. Prior to the commencement of the use of the link road between the two estates, a scheme of monitoring and assessment to review the operation of the road shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such monitoring details as are agreed shall be carried out for a period of one year from an agreed date unless circumstances dictate otherwise. The final details regarding an open or closed vehicular link shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in order to secure a satisfactory outcome for local residents

19. The bungalows and flat blocks hereby approved shall be finished with a bespoke metal roof, the details of which are to be approved in writing prior to the commencement of the development, and the roof is to be formed at the site and not a preformed profiled sheet system and samples shall be provided and displayed at or near the site, in a location agreed with the Local Planning Authority, for public inspection.
Reason: In order to ensure that the development does not harm the character and appearance of the building or visual amenity of the area and in accordance with paragraphs 17, 57, 58, 61 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.

20. Prior to the development hereby approved commencing details of the treatment of the vehicular access between 10 and 11 Bondfield Road to ensure no vehicular access to and from the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as are agreed shall be carried out concurrently with the development.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

[Speakers: Mr D Thornewell on behalf of East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council; Ms J Firman, Mrs D Russell and Mr S Millson - members of the public; Mr R Brooks on behalf of East Malling Conservation Group; and Mr P Hicks, Applicant]
AP3 13/007 Exclusion of Press and Public
No matters were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2045 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman), Cllr J A L Balcombe (Vice-Chairman), Cllr R W Dalton (Second Vice-Chairman), Cllr J Atkins, Cllr T Bishop, Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr Mrs C M Gale, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr D Keeley, Cllr S M King, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr M Parry-Waller, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr D W Smith, Cllr R Taylor and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.
In attendance:
Councillors N Heslop and Mrs Murray were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Bellamy and D Davis.