Meeting documents

Area 3 Planning Committee
Thursday, 23rd June, 2005 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
AP3 D5/019 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
AP3 D5/020 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of Area 3 Planning Committee held on 26 May 2005 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP3 D5/021 TM/05/00608/FL - 5 Premier Parade, Aylesford
Change of use from A1 (Retail) to A5 (Sale of Hot Food) at 5 Premier Parade, Aylesford.
RECOMMENDED: That Council refuse the application due to the impact of the development both in respect of the balance of units in the parade and on the amenity of the neighbourhood.

[Speakers: Mrs L Barrett and Mrs M Smith - members of the public; and
Mr R Vara - Applicant]

(Prior to determination of the above application Members' attention was drawn to the confidential report of the Chief Solicitor)

*Referred to Council
AP3 D5/022 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 - Consultation by Environment Agency relating to an Application for a Waste Management Licence at Any Waste Recycling Limited, Sortmill Road, Snodland
The Director of Health and Housing's report advised that the Council had been consulted by the Environment Agency about an application for a Waste Management Licence at Any Waste Recycling Limited, Sortmill Road, Snodland.
RECOMMENDED: That the Environment Agency be informed that, subject to the type of waste being limited to inert waste only (ie no toxic or chemical waste), the Borough Council has no objection to the grant of a Waste Management Licence subject to the imposition and strict enforcement of conditions to minimise the impact of the site on the local environment.
*Referred to Cabinet
AP3 D5/023 Development Control
Decisions were taken on the following applications subject to the pre-requisites, informatives, conditions or reasons for refusal set out in the report of the Director of Planning and Transportation or to the variations indicated below.

Members of the public addressed the meeting where the required notice had been given and their comments were taken into account by the Committee when determining the applications. Speakers are listed under the relevant planning applications shown below.
AP3 D5/024 TM/05/00794/RD - Former Holborough Quarry and Adjoining Land Parcels, Holborough Road, Snodland
Details of junction of A228/Leybourne Way submitted pursuant to condition 34 of Planning Permission ref: TM/01/2746/OAEA (Outline application for the formation of new development platforms and residential development: provision of reserve primary school site, highway, pedestrian and cycle access, open space and landscaping) at Former Holborough Quarry and adjoining land parcels, Holborough Road, Snodland.

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED: Subject to the amendment of the recommendation to read:-
‘Kent County Council as Highway Authority be encouraged to investigate in detail:
(1) the potential risk of ‘rat running' in Lunsford Lane;
(2) the appropriateness of all signage in the vicinity of the A228/Leybourne Way junction;
(3) air quality matters arising from the changes to the junction; and
(4) a review of the signalling and filter lane access to the RSPCA centre.'

AP3 D5/025 TM/05/00784/FL - Land to North of 10 High Street, East Malling
Erection of one and a half storey house and vehicle turntable at land north of 10 High Street, East Malling.
RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED: Subject to
(1) the amendment of the recommendation to read:-
‘Grant Planning Permission as detailed by letters dated 10 June 2005, 6 June 2005, 7 March 2005, driveway technical specification received on 10 June 2005, site plan received on 9 March 2005 and by drawings 2629/04, D520.1D and D520.2D subject to the following conditions:';
(2) the addition of condition
13. Prior to the first occupation of the hereby approved dwelling, the vehicle turntable shall be installed and in operational use in accordance the details as shown on drawing D520.1D and Driveway Technical Specification received 10 June 2005. The vehicle turntable shall be retained thereafter and maintained on a regular basis.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and the visual amenity of the locality.
(3) the amendment of Informative 5 to read:
5. The applicant is advised that due to the narrowness of the High Street all delivery and construction vehicles should park and unload within the site. Materials and any skips should be stored to the rear site, with no materials stored within the public highway. The applicant is advised that only suitably sized vehicles should visit the site and deliveries should be arranged to avoid the peak morning and evening traffic movements.

[Speaker: Mr Bullman - Applicant]
AP3 D5/026 TM/05/01282/CR3 - St Peters Church of England Junior School, Mount Pleasant, Aylesford
Augment the existing stone and brick boundary with a 1.8 metre high metal palisade fence powder-coated in blue at St Peters C of E Junior School, Mount Pleasant, Aylesford.
RESOLVED: That Kent County Council be advised that the Borough Council raise no objections to the proposal as detailed by letters dated 19 May 2005, 22 March 2205 and supporting statement received on 24 March 2005 subject to the County Council considering the use of the colour black for the powder- coating rather than blue due to the impact this could have on the Conservation Area.
AP3 D5/027 TM/05/02369/TEPN56 - Fostington Way, Chatham
Prior Notification submission in respect of installation of 7.7 metre high slimline monopole with three antenna, equipment house and ancillary development at Fostington Way, Chatham.
Prior Approval of Details Not Required.

[Speaker: Mr C Crossley - Agent for the applicant]
AP3 D5/028 TM/05/01518/OA - Land at East Street, Snodland
Outline application for four no. one bedroom flats and parking spaces at land at East Street, Snodland.
RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED: Subject to
(1) the amendment of the recommendation to read:-
‘Grant Outline Planning Permission as per email dated 23 June 2005 and by site plan received on 26 May 2005, subject to the following conditions:'
(2) the amendment of condition 1 to read:-
1. Approval of details of the design, siting and external appearance of the building, means of access and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: No such approval has been given.
(3) The addition of condition
13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order amending, revoking and re-enacting that Order), no windows or similar openings shall be constructed in the west and east first floor elevations of the building other than is hereby approved, without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to regulate and control any such further development in the interests of amenity and privacy of adjoining property.

AP3 D5/029 TM/04/04118/FL - Unit 4, South Aylesford Retail Park, Quarry Wood Industrial Estate, Aylesford
New rear compound with condenser units/extractor systems at Unit 4, South Aylesford Retail Park, Quarry Wood Industrial Estate, Aylesford.
RESOLVED: That the application be


[Speaker: Mr A Foreman - member of the public]
AP3 D5/030 TM/05/00084/FL - 23 Forstal Road, Aylesford
Erection of changing rooms with associated facilities at 23 Forstal Road, Aylesford.
RESOLVED: That the application be


[Speaker: Mr D Burtenshaw - representative of the applicant]
AP3 D5/031 List D
The Director of Planning and Transportation submitted a list of applications determined since the date of the previous meeting.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 D5/032 New Postal Addresses: Street Names
Details of streets named under delegated powers since the previous report.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 D5/033 Forthcoming Public Inquiries and Hearings
Details of arrangements made for forthcoming Public Inquiries and Hearings for all three Areas.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 D5/034 Exclusion of Press and Public
The Chairman moved, it was seconded and

RESOLVED: That as public discussion would disclose exempt information the following matter be considered in private.

AP3 D5/035 Premier Parade, Aylesford
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 12 - Legal Advice)

  • (Attachment: 26)Report of Chief Solicitor
The Chief Solicitor presented a report on investigations he had undertaken into the legal implications of a potential refusal by Members of the above application.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
The meeting ended at 2255 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E A Simpson (Chairman); Cllr P M Hickmott (Vice-Chairman); Cllr J R H Clements, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr J Hayes, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr D M Laverty, Cllr D Lettington, Cllr B Miners, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr Mrs C M Ridsdill-Smith, Cllr G Rowe, Cllr A K Sullivan and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.
In attendance:
Councillor Worrall was also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chapman and Thornewell.


AP3 D5/021Change of use from A1 (Retail) to A5 (Sale of Hot Food) at 5 Premier Parade, Aylesford.
AP3 D5/022The Director of Health and Housing's report advised that the Council had been consulted by the Environment Agency about an application for a Waste Management Licence at Any Waste Recycling Limited, Sortmill Road, Snodland.
AP3 D5/024Details of junction of A228/Leybourne Way submitted pursuant to condition 34 of Planning Permission ref: TM/01/2746/OAEA (Outline application for the formation of new development platforms and residential development: provision of reserve primary school site, highway, pedestrian and cycle access, open space and landscaping) at Former Holborough Quarry and adjoining land parcels, Holborough Road, Snodland.

AP3 D5/025Erection of one and a half storey house and vehicle turntable at land north of 10 High Street, East Malling.
AP3 D5/026Augment the existing stone and brick boundary with a 1.8 metre high metal palisade fence powder-coated in blue at St Peters C of E Junior School, Mount Pleasant, Aylesford.
AP3 D5/027Prior Notification submission in respect of installation of 7.7 metre high slimline monopole with three antenna, equipment house and ancillary development at Fostington Way, Chatham.
AP3 D5/028Outline application for four no. one bedroom flats and parking spaces at land at East Street, Snodland.
AP3 D5/029New rear compound with condenser units/extractor systems at Unit 4, South Aylesford Retail Park, Quarry Wood Industrial Estate, Aylesford.
AP3 D5/030Erection of changing rooms with associated facilities at 23 Forstal Road, Aylesford.
AP3 D5/031The Director of Planning and Transportation submitted a list of applications determined since the date of the previous meeting.
AP3 D5/032Details of streets named under delegated powers since the previous report.
AP3 D5/033Details of arrangements made for forthcoming Public Inquiries and Hearings for all three Areas.
AP3 D5/035The Chief Solicitor presented a report on investigations he had undertaken into the legal implications of a potential refusal by Members of the above application.