Meeting documents

Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board
Wednesday, 2nd October, 2013 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
FIP 13/041 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
FIP 13/042 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board held on 24 July 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
FIP 13/043 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the extraordinary meeting of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board held on 28 August 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
FIP 13/044 Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief
Decision Notice D130117MEM

The joint report of the Director of Finance and Transformation and Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property gave details of renewal and new applications for discretionary rate relief which were considered in accordance with the amended criteria approved at Decision No D130090MEM.


(1) in respect of the reapplications for relief set out at Annex 2 to the report, 20% discretionary rate relief be awarded in each case with effect from 1 April 2013, time limited to 31 March 2015;

(2) in respect of the application by River Centre Limited for the River Centre, Medway Wharf Road, Tonbridge, no discretionary relief be granted; and

(3) the new applications for discretionary rate relief be determined as follows:

Medway Towns District Scouts, Buckmore Park Scout Campsite, Maidstone Road, Chatham - 20% discretionary relief be awarded time limited to 31 March 2015;

Kent County Football Association Limited, Invicta House, London Road, Ditton - no discretionary relief be granted.
FIP 13/045 Rural Rate Relief - Rural Settlement List
Decision Notice D130118MEM

The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation referred to the requirement to review the Council's rural settlement list and recommended that the current list should be retained, unaltered, for the financial year 2014/15.

RECOMMENDED: That the current rural settlement list remain in force for the year 2014/15.
FIP 13/046 Financial Planning and Control
Decision Notice D130119MEM

The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation provided information on the Council's key budget areas of salaries, major income streams, investment income and the trading position of the Leisure Services Business Unit. It also gave an update on the variations agreed in relation to the revenue budget and areas identified through budgetary control, summarised to provide an indicative overall budget position which showed a net favourable variance of £523,250.

An update was also given on capital expenditure and variations agreed in relation to the capital plan.

RECOMMENDED: That the contents of the report be noted and endorsed.
FIP 13/047 Financial Arrangements with Parish Councils
The joint report of the Director of Finance and Transformation and Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property gave details of a proposed adjustment to the formula for calculating payments to parish councils under the Scheme of Financial Arrangements. This involved the expansion of the Borough Council's 'grant baseline' for the purpose of the calculation to include both the Local Government Finance Settlement and the New Homes Bonus funding. It was noted that the revised methodology would result in the overall Section 136 budget decreasing by less than 1% rather than 10.6%. The proposal had been welcomed by the Parish Partnership Panel on 5 September 2013.


(1) the revised methodology be adopted in calculating the allocations to parish councils under the Scheme of Financial Arrangements with Parish Councils for the year 2014/15; and

(2) parish councils be notified of their allocations as set out in Annex 1 to the report.
*Referred to Cabinet
FIP 13/048 Consultation Papers Published by the Department for Communities and Local Government
Decision Notice D130120MEM

The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation referred to three consultation papers issued by the DCLG, namely Local Government Finance Settlement 2014-15 and 2015-16: Technical Consultation; New Homes Bonus and the Local Growth Fund: Technical Consultation; and Proposals for the use of capital receipts from asset sales to invest in reforming services.

Details were given of responses made to each consultation by the respective deadlines following liaison with the Leader, the Chairman of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property. Reference was also made to progress in the assessment on behalf of the Kent authorities of the case for establishment of a pool under the Business Rates Retention Scheme.

RECOMMENDED: That the responses to each of the consultation papers detailed in the report, as previously agreed with the Leader, the Chairman of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property, be endorsed.
FIP 13/049 Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2014/15 and Possible Changes to Council Tax Discounts and Exemptions
Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Finance and Transformation which sought views on the operation of the current council tax reduction scheme in 2014/15 and whether there should be any amendment to the existing council tax exemptions and discounts.

The report set out the features of the Council's council tax reduction scheme, its current operation and the outcome of the previous consultation prior to adoption of the scheme based on an 18.5% deduction from entitlement. The case for change was examined together with the impacts arising from the Spending Review on the Council's ability to fund a smaller council tax reduction figure. Reference was made to possible alternative options to the introduction of transitional protection for claimants faced with receiving less support in 2014/15, for example, through use of the Social Fund administered by Kent County Council.


(1) no further 'transitional protection' be offered in 2014/15 in respect of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme;

(2) it be confirmed that the Scheme should revert to the original proposals - that 'the resultant entitlement of the claimant is reduced by 18.5%';

(3) on the basis that the Scheme is not to be revised, the existing council tax reduction be refreshed in preparation for the financial year 2014/15 and published accordingly;

(4) the Director of Finance and Transformation be authorised to enter into further discussions with Kent County Council and Kent District Council colleagues regarding the future potential use of the 'Social Fund' with regard to council tax liability; and

(5) no changes be made to the current discounts and exemptions in preparation for the new financial year 2014/15 but the possibility of further amendments be considered in due course.
*Referred to Cabinet
FIP 13/050 IT Strategy
Decision Notice D130121MEM

The joint report of the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Transformation outlined the proposed contents of an IT Strategy being produced to align technology to the business aims of the Council. It was noted that the strategy would consist of four interconnected themes involving self service, the website, communications, and service modernisation. Feedback was invited for inclusion within the final document which would be presented at a future meeting.


(1) the four strategy themes as set out within the report be endorsed for incorporation within an IT Strategy document;

(2) simplification of access to the Members' pages on the website and marking of changes to policy documents when presented be included in the Strategy; and

(3) the intention be noted to report back to the next meeting of the Advisory Board with more details of the 'online council tax information' project.
FIP 13/051 Committee Management System
The report of the Director of Central Services outlined arrangements for replacement of the E-Genda committee management system with which would facilitate the use of tablet devices in connection with the outcome of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee's review of Council agendas, printing and increased use of information technology.
FIP 13/052 Council Tax and Business Rates Update Report
The report gave details of recent developments in respect of council tax and business rates including collection rates and the introduction of a national discount for annexes.
FIP 13/053 Benefits Update
Members were advised of current issues arising in the benefits field including performance and workload of the Benefits Service and progress with various aspects of welfare reform.
FIP 13/054 Corporate Fraud Section Update
The report gave details of information on the resources and work carried out by the Corporate Fraud Section since the previous report in May 2013. Particular reference was made to the National Fraud Initiative update and fraud awareness training for all staff.
FIP 13/055 Exclusion of Press and Public
The Chairman moved, it was seconded and

RESOLVED: That as public discussion would disclose exempt information, the following matters be considered in private.
FIP 13/056 Debts for Write Off
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 2 - Information likely to reveal information about an individual)
Decision Notice D130122MEM

  • (Attachment: 23)Report of Director of Finance & Transformation
  • (Attachment: 24)Annex
The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation recommended approval of the writing-off of debts considered to be irrecoverable. Details were also given of debts under £1,000 which had been written-off in accordance with Financial Procedure Rule 17.2 together with cumulative totals of debts in the current and previous financial years and information on budgeted bad debt provision.

RECOMMENDED: That the 10 items shown in the schedule totalling £17,010.67 be written-off for the reasons stated.
FIP 13/057 Proposed Leases of Leisure Premises and Office Premises at Martin Square to Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Decision Notice D130123MEM

  • (Attachment: 25)Report of Director of Central Services
  • (Attachment: 26)Annex 1
  • (Attachment: 27)Annex 2
  • (Attachment: 28)Annex 3
  • (Attachment: 29)Annex 4
  • (Attachment: 30)Annex 5
  • (Attachment: 31)Annex 6
  • (Attachment: 32)Annex 7
The report of the Director of Central Services gave details of the proposed leases of leisure premises across the Borough together with office premises at Martin Square, Larkfield to the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust.

RECOMMENDED: That approval be given to the grant of leases, as detailed in the report, to the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust.
FIP 13/058 Proposed Extension to Ground Lease of Premises at Vale Rise, Tonbridge
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Decision Notice D130124MEM

  • (Attachment: 33)Report of Director of Central Services
  • (Attachment: 34)Annex
The report of the Director of Central Services gave details of a request for an extension to the existing industrial ground lease of premises at Vale Rise, Tonbridge.

RECOMMENDED: That a lease extension be offered on the terms outlined in the report with expiry dates as corrected at the meeting.
FIP 13/059 Proposed Lease of Car Park at the Slade, Tonbridge and Improved Car Parking Scheme
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Decision Notice D130125MEM

  • (Attachment: 35)Report of Director of Central Services
  • (Attachment: 36)Annex 1
  • (Attachment: 37)Annex 2
The report of the Director of Central Services referred to an approach from the owner of a car park adjacent to the Council's Deaconsfield car park at The Slade regarding a possible amalgamation. Details were given of the resulting improved car parking scheme in the area and the procedure for addressing the costs over and above the capital plan assessment.


(1) a lease be entered into on the basis detailed in paragraph 1.3.2 of the report; and

(2) the funding gap identified in the budget cost for the car park improvement works be addressed as part of the forthcoming capital plan review.

The meeting ended at 2107 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman), Cllr R Taylor (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J Atkins, Cllr T Bishop, Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr S R J Jessel, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr Miss A Moloney and Cllr C P Smith.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Balcombe, Balfour, Coffin, N Heslop and Mrs Murray were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Evans and M Davis.