Meeting documents

Leisure and Arts Advisory Board
Monday, 10th December, 2012 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
LAA 12/046 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

However, Councillor Heslop referred to a potential interest in the item on Leisure Services - Review of Charges 2013/14 which might have implications for the Bridge Trust on the grounds that he was a member of its Board.
LAA 12/047 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board held on 17 September 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
LAA 12/048 Presentation by Alan Gibbins, Chairman of music@malling
The Board received a presentation from Alan Gibbins and Tom Kemp of music@malling on the work undertaken in the Malling area to promote and develop music appreciation within schools and to the wider community. They outlined their current school projects and concert programme and welcomed the Council's assistance in promoting their work. The Board thanked Mr Gibbins and Mr Kemp for their interesting and enthusiastic presentation and wished them every success in the future.
LAA 12/049 Leisure Facilities Review of Management Options
The report of the Management Team referred to the presentation given at the previous meeting of the Advisory Board regarding the review of management options for the future delivery of the Council's leisure facilities undertaken to fulfil the key priority of "the continued delivery of priority services and a financially viable Council". The Board was reminded that the brief provided to the consultant stressed the Council's objective of retaining a strong commitment to the delivery of leisure facilities in the Borough and the efficient quality standards achieved.

A presentation was made by Robin Thompson, Managing Director of RPT Consulting on the outcome of the review. Mr Thompson assessed the management options and advised that the establishment of a new not for profit distributing organisation (Leisure Trust) met all of the criteria required by the Council. Mr Thompson answered a range of questions from Members and discussion ensued. Particular reference was made to the protection of staff, the need to ensure the retention of the current high level and range of services and the establishment of a Management Board of Trustees. The Chairman thanked Mr Thompson for his presentation.

RECOMMENDED: That the following be commended to Council:-

(1) a new Not for Profit Distributing Organisation (NPDO) be established to operate Larkfield Leisure Centre, Angel Centre, Tonbridge Swimming Pool and Poult Wood Golf Centre in the future;

(2) a formal TUPE staff consultation be progressed with staff in liaison with UNISON representatives;

(3) a detailed Project Plan and Timescale be submitted to the next meeting of the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board; and

(4) the estimated consultancy costs of £75,000 be met from the ‘Invest to Save Earmarked Reserve'.
*Referred to Cabinet
LAA 12/050 Leisure Services - Review of Charges 2013/14
The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and Director of Finance outlined the charging proposals in respect of Poult Wood Golf Centre, Tonbridge Cemetery, moorings in Tonbridge, Tonbridge Castle Council Chamber and weddings, the Summer Playscheme and pitch hire for Sportsgrounds in Tonbridge. It was noted that proposed charges for the Council's indoor leisure facilities were reported separately.

Members were advised that the proposed charges took into account a range of factors including policy objectives for each of the facilities, market conditions and customer feedback and had been brought forward within the context of the Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy. Reference was made to the wide range of concessions available within the charging structure and the Leisure Pass Scheme which ensured that the Council's leisure facilities and services were available to all. In response to concern raised about the rate and level of concessionary use of the Council Chamber at Tonbridge Castle the Board was advised that this would be clarified prior to consideration of this item at Cabinet.


(1) the proposed charges for Poult Wood Golf Centre as detailed at Annex 2 to the report be agreed and implemented with effect from 1 April 2013;

(2) the proposed pitch hire charges for Tonbridge Sportsgrounds as detailed at Annex 3 to the report be agreed and implemented with effect from 1 April 2013;

(3) the proposed charges for Tonbridge Cemetery as detailed at Annex 5 to the report be agreed and implemented with effect from 1 April 2013;

(4) the proposed charges for Tonbridge Castle Chamber as shown at Annex 8 to the report be approved and implemented from 1 April 2013;

(5) the proposed charges for Weddings in 2014/15 at Tonbridge Castle be agreed as detailed in Annex 9 to the report; and

(6) the proposed charges for the 2013 Summer Playscheme as detailed at Annex 10 to the report be approved.
*Referred to Cabinet
LAA 12/051 Leisure Services Business Unit - Review of Charges
The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and Director of Finance outlined the charging proposals in respect of Larkfield Leisure Centre, Angel Centre, Tonbridge Swimming Pool, Tonbridge Farm All Weather Area and Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground Games Hut. Reference was made to the later report on financial performance and attention drawn to the need for the charging proposals to be considered within the context of the Leisure Services Business Unit draft revenue estimates which would be reported to the Finance and Property Advisory Board on 9 January 2013. It was noted that proposed charges had been subject to consultation with the Tonbridge Sports Association and members of the Customer Panels at each site.

RECOMMENDED: That the scale of charges for the Council's leisure facilities as set out in Annexes 1-3 of the report be implemented with effect from 1 April 2013.
*Referred to Cabinet
LAA 12/052 Memorial Safety
Decision Notice D120167MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts gave details of a revision to the Council's current approach to memorial safety inspections/testing in response to new government guidance.

RECOMMENDED: That the Council's revised Memorial Testing Policy, set out at Annex 1 to the report, be approved and implemented as part of the forthcoming memorial inspections at Tonbridge Cemetery and Closed Churchyards in Tonbridge.
LAA 12/053 Capital Projects - Post Implementation Reviews
Decision Notice D120168MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts gave details of Capital Plan Post Implementation Reviews undertaken in respect of four completed projects, namely the new all weather pitches at The Hayesbrook and Wrotham Schools, and the provision of new toilets and enhanced catering facilities at Larkfield Leisure Centre.

RECOMMENDED: That the Post Implementation Reviews for The Hayesbrook School, All Weather Pitch; Wrotham School All Weather Pitch; Larkfield Leisure Centre Larkabout Toilets and Larkfield Leisure Centre Catering Facilities be endorsed.
LAA 12/054 Children and Young People Update
The Advisory Board was updated on key areas of the Children and Young People work programme, including the Summer Playscheme, Activate, the Y2 Crew programme, the Tonbridge and Malling Local Children's Trust Board, the Kent County Council Community Chest Grant, the Kent Youth Service Review and the Youth Forum.
LAA 12/055 Quest Assessment - Larkfield Leisure Centre
The report of the Chief Leisure Officer provided an update on the recent Quest Assessment at Larkfield Leisure Centre and the Advisory Board was extremely pleased to note that the Centre had maintained the overall banding of 'Excellent'.
LAA 12/056 Capital Plan Schemes
The report gave details of progress with schemes contained in the Leisure Services section of the Capital Plan.
LAA 12/057 Leisure Facilities - Financial Performance
The report of the Chief Leisure Officer set out details of the overall financial performance of the Leisure Services Business Unit and submitted management information for Larkfield Leisure Centre, Angel Centre, Tonbridge Swimming Pool, Poult Wood Golf Centre, Tonbridge Castle/Customer Services, Tonbridge Cemetery, Country Parks and Poult Wood Grounds Maintenance.
LAA 12/058 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no matters considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2117 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr P F Bolt (Vice-Chairman - in the Chair)), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Mrs J M Bellamy, Cllr Ms V M C Branson, Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr M O Davis, Cllr Miss J R L Elks, Cllr D Keeley, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr Ms S V Spence and Cllr R Taylor.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Atkins, Baldock, Coffin, Cure, Mrs M Heslop, N Heslop, Luker, Mrs Murray, Rhodes and Sullivan were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Representative: Mr A Nicholl (Tonbridge Sports Association)

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Robins (Chairman) and from Councillor Edmondston-Low.