Meeting documents

Leisure and Arts Advisory Board
Monday, 15th October, 2007 7.00 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
LAA 07/035 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
LAA 07/036 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board held on 17 July 2007 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
LAA 07/037 Outdoor Leisure Facilities - Dog Control Orders
Decision Notice D070175MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts provided an update on the new powers available under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 and set out details of the formal process required for the implementation and adoption of Dog Control Orders on the Borough Council's outdoor leisure facilities.


(1) the proposed process for making Dog Control Orders as detailed at Annex 1 to the report be commenced;

(2) the proposed adoption procedure as outlined in the report be agreed; and

(3) the Chief Leisure Officer, in liaison with the Director of Health and Housing, explores the opportunity of introducing Dog Control Orders on a co-ordinated basis with the county and parish/town councils to ensure consistency of approach.
LAA 07/038 Leisure Services - Christmas Closure Arrangements
Decision Notice D070176MEM

Proposed Christmas closure arrangements for the Council's leisure facilities were brought forward following consultation with the Buildings and Facilities Manager and taking into account essential maintenance works at individual sites.

RECOMMENDED: That the Christmas closure arrangements for the Council's leisure and customer service facilities, as detailed in the report, be agreed and publicised in the December edition of Here & Now and other appropriate outlets.
LAA 07/039 Capital Projects - Post Implementation Reviews
Decision Notice D070177MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts set out details of the Capital Plan Post Implementation Reviews in respect of Larkfield Leisure Centre - Soft Play Air Conditioning, Tonbridge Pool - Health Suite and Tonbridge Pool - Remedial Works.

RECOMMENDED: That the Post Implementation Reviews for the schemes outlined in the report be endorsed.
LAA 07/040 Tonbridge Castle Festival of Music and Fireworks
Decision Notice D070178MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts provided a review of this year's event and outlined arrangements for a Festival of Music and Fireworks to be staged at Tonbridge Castle in 2008, in liaison with the present promoters and in accordance with the agreed Leisure Services arts programme.


(1) the staging of a Tonbridge Castle Festival of Music and Fireworks in July 2008 be confirmed in accordance with the Council's arts programme;

(2) authority be given to an exception from Contract Procedure Rules in accordance with Rule 3.1(g) to enable detailed negotiations to be entered into with Musical Associates in respect of the 2008 Festival;

(3) the 2008 programme be determined following Member discussion at the meeting and be finalised in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts; and

(4) ticket prices for the 2008 programme be reviewed taking into account market conditions.
LAA 07/041 2007 Summer Playscheme
Decision Notice D070179MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts provided an operational review of the 2007 Summer Playscheme which had received positive feedback to date from parents and children. Particular reference was made to the success of partnership arrangements with external agencies and to the extension of the scheme to four year olds who attended Primary School full time. A number of recommendations were brought forward regarding the operation of the scheme next year.


(1) the Summer Playscheme be operated in 2008;

(2) an on-line payment system be developed in advance of the 2008 Summer Playscheme;

(3) the 2008 Summer Playscheme charges be reported to the next meeting of the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board;

(4) the Council should not directly operate more than eight Summer Playscheme venues and, if suitable partners can be found, this number should be reduced;

(5) recommendations made by Ofsted be developed into an Action Plan and be implemented in advance of the 2008 Summer Playscheme;

(6) staff pay rates in 2008 be increased in line with the Council's annual pay award; and

(7) the proposed improvements/changes identified by the Youth and Play Development Officer in paragraph 1.12.1 of the report be implemented.
LAA 07/042 Activate 2007
Decision Notice D070180MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts provided an operational review of the 2007 Easter and Summer Activate Programmes and set out details of a number of suggested improvements for the future.


(1) the Activate programmes be continued in 2008 during the Easter and Summer holiday period; and

(2) the suggested improvements outlined in the report be implemented.
LAA 07/043 Quest Assessment
Decision Notice D070181MEM

The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts assessed the value of the UK National Quality Award for Sport and Leisure, outlined the process involved in Quest Assessment and provided an update on the current status of each of the Council's indoor leisure facilities.

RECOMMENDED: That the Leisure Services Business Unit continue the programme of Quest Assessment at the Council's indoor leisure facilities.
LAA 07/044 Leisure Services Business Unit - Investors in People
The Board was pleased to note that the Leisure Services Business Unit had retained its Investors in People award.
LAA 07/045 Capital Plan Progress Report
The report updated the Board on progress with schemes contained within the Leisure Services section of the Capital Plan.
LAA 07/046 Leisure Facilities - Financial Performance
Management Information for Larkfield Leisure Centre, Angel Centre, Tonbridge Swimming Pool, Poult Wood Golf Centre, Tonbridge Castle/Customer Services, Tonbridge Cemetery and the Ground Maintenance Contract at Poult Wood was summarised in the report. The Chief Leisure Officer indicated his intention to change the format of his report to provide further detail on variances in either income or expenditure at each of the facilities.
LAA 07/047 Exclusion of Press and Public
The Chairman moved, it was seconded and

RESOLVED: That as public discussion would disclose exempt information the following matters be considered in private.
LAA 07/048 Ground Maintenance Services - Retendering of the Ground Maintenance Contract
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)

  • (Attachment: 27)Report of Chief Leisure Officer and Cabinet Members for Leisure, Youth and Arts and Finance
  • (Attachment: 28)Annex 1
  • (Attachment: 29)Annex 2
  • (Attachment: 30)Annex 3
  • (Attachment: 31)Annex 4
The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Members for Leisure, Youth and Arts and Finance provided an update on the outcome of the re-tendering of the Ground Maintenance Contract.


(1) Kent County Council Landscape Services be awarded the Ground Maintenance Services Contract Option A, as outlined in the report, commencing on 1 January 2008 for a contract sum of £520,914;

(2) following the decision by Kent County Council no longer to involve the Borough Council in the maintenance of highway verges, this Council expresses its regret and concern at this decision and opposes Kent County Council's intention to reduce the number of cuts, which will not only result in a lower standard of service delivery to the community, but will do so in a much less efficient manner; and

(3) it be recommended to the Council that the financial implications of the new Ground Maintenance Contract be reflected in the revised Revenue Estimates and the Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy.
*Referred to Cabinet
LAA 07/049 Poult Wood Golf Centre - Clubhouse and Catering Services Contract
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Decision Notice D070182MEM

  • (Attachment: 32)Report of Chief Leisure Officer and Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts
The joint report of the Chief Leisure Officer and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts outlined the outcome of the re-tendering of the Clubhouse Management and Catering Services Contract at Poult Wood Golf Centre.

RECOMMENDED: That the Poult Wood Golf Centre Clubhouse and Catering Services contract be awarded to Par 4 Catering Limited for the period 1 November 2007 to 31 October 2011 with the option of a two year extension based on the satisfactory performance of the contractor.
The meeting ended at 2023 hours having commenced at 1900 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M A Coffin (Chairman), Cllr P F Bolt (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Ms V Branson, Cllr Mrs F A English, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr D Keeley, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr B J Luker, Cllr A G Sayer and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Court, Mrs Murray and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Heslop and Mr Nicholl (Tonbridge Sports Association).