Meeting documents

Leisure and Arts Advisory Board
Monday, 23rd May, 2011 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, KIngs Hill, West Malling
LAA 11/018 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
LAA 11/019 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board held on 1 March 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
LAA 11/020 Leybourne Lakes Country Park - Draft Management Plan
Decision Notice D110056MEM

The report of the Chief Leisure Officer presented an updated Draft Management Plan for Leybourne Lakes Country Park and sought comment prior to formal public consultation.


(1) the draft Leybourne Lakes Country Park Management Plan be circulated for public consultation as outlined in the report; and

(2) following public consultation, the final Plan be brought forward to a future meeting of the Advisory Board for consideration.
LAA 11/021 Tree Inspection Report
Decision Notice D110057MEM

The report of the Chief Leisure Officer outlined the tree inspections undertaken in 2010/11 and recommended that works be progressed in accordance with the Council's existing policy.

RECOMMENDED: That the tree works on the Council's outdoor leisure sites identified in the 2010/11 tree inspection reports be progressed in accordance with the Council's existing policy.
LAA 11/022 Leisure Services Business Unit - Business Plan 2011/12
Decision Notice D110058MEM

The Chief Leisure Officer's report sought endorsement of the Leisure Services Business Unit Business Plan 2011/12.

RECOMMENDED: That the Leisure Services Business Unit Business Plan 2011/12 be approved.
LAA 11/023 Extension of Swim School Programme
Decision Notice D110059MEM

The report of the Chief Leisure Officer referred to the previously approved proposals to extend the existing Swim School programme at Larkfield Leisure Centre and Tonbridge Swimming Pool. Detailed proposals were presented for consideration including an assessment of the potential increase in income to the Council.

RECOMMENDED: That the proposals to amend the Swim Schools at Larkfield Leisure Centre and Tonbridge Swimming Pool be pursued as outlined in the report with an implementation date of 1 September 2011.
LAA 11/024 Mystery Shopper Reports
Decision Notice D110060MEM

The Chief Leisure Officer presented the results of the 2010/11 mystery shopper visits to the Council's main leisure facilities and identified a number of key areas for improvement which were being addressed at each facility.

RECOMMENDED: That the 2010/11 mystery shopper results be noted, the identified areas of improvement be addressed and the results be considered within the relevant Service Improvement Plans for each facility.
LAA 11/025 Leisure Facilities - Customer Panel Meetings
Decision Notice D110061MEM

The report of the Chief Leisure Officer sought the appointment of Member representatives to attend Customer Panel meetings at the Council's main leisure facilities until May 2012.

RECOMMENDED: That the Group Leaders be invited to nominate representatives to serve on the Customer Panels at the main leisure facilities until May 2012.
LAA 11/026 Tourism Marketing
Decision Notice D110062MEM

The Chief Leisure Officer's report invited consideration of the transfer of the Council's tourism marketing services from the existing Heart of Kent Consortia to Visit Kent.

RECOMMENDED: That the Council's tourism marketing services be transferred from Heart of Kent to Visit Kent from 1 January 2012.
LAA 11/027 2011 Coach of the Year Award
Decision Notice D110063MEM

The report of the Chief Leisure Officer brought forward a recommendation for the 2011 Coach of the Year Award.


(1) the 2011 Coach of the Year Award be made to Mark Hookway for his achievements in the development of athletics, particularly cross country and road running; and

(2) the award be presented in liaison with Tonbridge Athletics Club at a suitable event in the athletics calendar.
LAA 11/028 Tonbridge Sports Association Annual Report
The Advisory Board received the Annual Report of the Tonbridge Sports Association for 2010/11 which was presented by Mr Alan Nicholl, the Association's Chairman who also provided an introduction to the work of the Tonbridge Sports Association. Members expressed their appreciation of the work of Mr Nicholl and the positive working partnership between the Sports Association and the Council.
LAA 11/029 Capital Plan Progress Report
Members were advised of progress with schemes contained in the Leisure Services section of the Capital Plan. The Chief Leisure Officer updated the Advisory Board on the arrangements for the official opening of the enhanced facilities at Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground on 29 May 2011 when all the improvements which had taken place would be celebrated by means of a Family Fun Day.
LAA 11/030 Tonbridge Castle Festival of Music and Fireworks
Further to Decision No D110040MEM, the report provided an update on arrangements for the Festival on 7-9 July 2011 including planned performances and marketing arrangements.
LAA 11/031 Children and Young People Update
Members were updated on key areas of the Children and Young People work programme including Activate, the Summer Playscheme, Y2 Crew and the Tonbridge and Malling Local Children's Trust Board.
LAA 11/032 Quest Award - Tonbridge Swimming Pool
The Chief Leisure Officer reported on the successful outcome of the recent Quest assessment at Tonbridge Swimming Pool. It was noted that the quality score of 91% placed the facility alongside Larkfield Leisure Centre at equal fourth of the 974 registered leisure sites nationally. The Advisory Board was pleased to note that the sites owned and operated by the Borough Council were the three highest scoring facilities in Kent and the only ones achieving 'Excellent' status.

Members recorded their congratulations to the Leisure Contracts Manager and staff at every level of the Business Unit.
LAA 11/033 Leisure Facilities - Financial Performance
The Chief Leisure Officer presented details of the provisional financial position at year end of the Leisure Services Business Unit and submitted management information for Larkfield Leisure Centre, Angel Centre, Tonbridge Swimming Pool, Poult Wood Golf Centre, Tonbridge Castle/Customer Services, Tonbridge Cemetery, Country Parks Car Park Income and Poult Wood Grounds Maintenance.
LAA 11/034 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2054 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr T J Robins (Chairman), Cllr P F Bolt (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Mrs J M Bellamy, Cllr Ms V M C Branson, Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr M O Davis, Cllr Miss J R L Elks, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley and Cllr R Taylor.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Ms Atkinson, Baldock, Mrs Bates, Coffin, Mrs M Heslop, N Heslop, Mrs Holland, Parry-Waller, Rhodes, Rogers and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Representative: Mr A Nicholl (Tonbridge Sports Association).