Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Wednesday, 18th November, 2009 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
PE 09/039 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
PE 09/040 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 29 July 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 09/041 Car Parking - Annual Report
Decision Notice D090158MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation invited endorsement of the first Annual Report on car parking. It was noted that the Report would be placed on the Council's website to ensure that the local community was aware of the work of the parking enforcement service and that it would be sent to the Chief Adjudicator and the Secretary of State.

The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure believed that the Annual Report demonstrated that the parking team operated an accountable, consistent and effective operation whilst delivering good value for money. This opinion was supported by the comparatively low number of PCN appeals dismissed by the Adjudicator. Members recognised that the parking team maintained a high degree of safety, convenience and service for residents by providing well planned parking management.

Members noted the value of producing an Annual Report in informing the local community about the work and performance of the service.

The Advisory Board noted that the borough's long stay car parks represented particularly good value for money when compared to competitors, notably at Tonbridge Station with Southeastern announcing further increases in their annual season ticket from January 2010.

RECOMMENDED: That the draft Annual Report on the parking enforcement service for 2008/09 be endorsed.
PE 09/042 CCTV Annual Report
Decision Notice D090159MEM

Members gave consideration to an annual report on the Borough Council's CCTV Operations for 2008/09. It was noted that the report would be published on the Council's website.

The report provided an open and transparent description of how the service was operated and an outline of results in crime prevention and detection, demonstrating the benefits of CCTV in reducing the fear of crime for residents. Members welcomed this information as crime reduction was a key priority for the Borough Council and expressed an interest in knowing which offences resulted in arrests. Further consideration would be given to how such information might be usefully presented.

RECOMMENDED: That the CCTV report for 2008/09 be endorsed for publication.
PE 09/043 Draft Design Guidelines for site at Sovereign House, Tonbridge
Decision Notice D090160MEM

The Director of Planning,Transport and Leisure presented draft design Guidelines for the Sovereign House site and described the approach taken in preparing the document in light of the previously dismissed planning appeal. The consultation process was also outlined.

Members recognised the value of establishing design guidance for potential developers, especially in such a critical location in the town centre. It was recognised that a reduction in building height adjacent to the proposed 'street', shown as figure 9 in the design guidelines document, would be beneficial.

The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure outlined the intended approach to targeted consultation and confirmed that local residents and previous consultees would have the opportunity to comment.

RECOMMENDED: that the Draft Design Guidelines document be adopted for targeted consultation, subject to an amendment to the elevation treatment to reduce the tunnelling effect of potential development adjoining the proposed ‘street' in figure 9 of the document. The result of consultation would be reported back to the next meeting of the Advisory Board.
PE 09/044 Quarry Hill Conservation Area Appraisal
Decision Notice D090161MEM

The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure set out details of responses received to the public consultation on the Quarry Hill Conservation Area Appraisal.

RECOMMENDED: That the Quarry Hill Conservation Area Appraisal, as amended, be adopted.
PE 09/045 Vehicle Parking Standards
Decision Notice D090162MEM

The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure advised that Vehicle Parking Standards, set out in Supplementary Planning Guidance had relied upon the Kent and Medway Structure Plan which was no longer in force.

It was noted that a statement in the Managing Development and the Environment DPD (MDEDPD) made it clear that, notwithstanding the demise of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan, the Borough Council would continue to apply the standards in SPG4 until such time as they were superseded by a new Supplementary Planning Document to be prepared pursuant to a policy in the MDEDPD. SPG4 was to be read alongside later Government advice in PPS3 and the Manual for Streets which had been interpreted locally by a document prepared as a supplement to Kent Design. The report sought to clarify the current situation and the status of the Vehicle Parking Standards which applied.

Members raised concern at the inadequate parking provision on some major developments which created difficulties for residents and needed addressing for the future. The Board was advised that these developments were the product of permissions granted by the Secretary of State under the terms of prevailing national policy at the time and the lessons learnt were now obvious. Developers would be encouraged to consider potential solutions for problem areas, such as Kings Hill and Holborough, and Members were reminded that parking provision for new developments was always subject to negotiations.


(1) SPG4 and IGN3 be adopted for the purposes of the assessment of parking in development control until standards are finally adopted pursuant to MDE DPD Policy SQ8; and

(2) IGN2 (Visibility) be adopted for the purposes of development control.
PE 09/046 Draft Planning Policy Statement 15 (PPS 15) Planning and the Historic Environment
Decision Notice D090163MEM

The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure presented the draft Planning Policy Statement on Planning and the Historic Environment produced to incorporate all aspects of the historic environment and replace PPG15 as well as PPG16 on Planning and Archaeology.

Members expressed concern that the draft document appeared to weaken the ability to protect historical sites, listed buildings and conservation areas from development. It also failed to recognise the positive role that heritage could play in creating jobs, growing the economy and making better places.

RECOMMENDED: That the concerns outlined in the report be forwarded to the Department of Communities and Local Government.
PE 09/047 Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Regulations
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure outlined the implications surrounding the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy.

The report concluded that the Levy if introduced was intended to provide a significant new stream of capital funding for local government, although its reliability as a source of funding to the Borough Council was questionable. Members were advised that the implications on the development market were unknown, the collection and distribution arrangements unclear and its resource implications, in terms of preparing and administering the charge, should not be under-estimated.
PE 09/048 Aylesford Flood Alleviation Partnership
The report updated Members on progress of the Partnership and the next steps towards implementing the project.
PE 09/049 Land Drainage and Flooding Update
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure summarised the land drainage case work for 2009, highlighting the initiative to tackle highway flooding hot spots and providing the latest position on the Flood Management and Water Bill.
PE 09/050 Future Rail Services
Members noted the joint report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation which updated the position on recent activity aimed at promoting improved train services in the Borough.

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation took the opportunity of updating Members on a recent meeting at the House of Lords relating to 'Operation Stack.' Members were advised that the operation required regular policing and Kent County Council were trying to implement a process for recovering costs.

The Cabinet Member for Community Development reminded the Advisory Board that Southeastern continued to fail to promote the Redhill connection on the Gatwick to Tonbridge line and expressed support for the campaign of the Tonbridge Line Commuters Group.
PE 09/051 Kent International Gateway (KIG) and Kent Road Freight Interchange
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided an update on progress with the KIG public inquiry and a situation report on the emerging proposal at Borough Green/Platt.
PE 09/052 Local Development Framework - Progress Report
Members were advised that the preparation of the Managing Development and the Environment DPD had now reached the stage of Public Hearing. Work was progressing on the preparation of the Character Area Appraisals SPD.
PE 09/053 Enforcement of Planning Controls
The report set out the broad context by which planning enforcement investigations proceeded and concluded. The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure explained the complexity of decision making that lay behind the superficially simple process of planning enforcement and emphasised the importance of prioritisation and communication in delivering the service.
PE 09/054 The Future of Building Control - Proposed Implementation Plan
The report set out the latest proposals from the Department of Communities and Local Government to make the Building Control system work better for both local authorities and the construction industry.

Members discussed the potential difficulties surrounding this proposal given that Local Authorities and Approved Inspectors had markedly different approaches and accountabilities.
PE 09/055 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2145 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M R Rhodes (Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr A K Sullivan and Cllr L A Withey.
In attendance:
Councillors Aikman, C Brown, Balfour, Evans, N Heslop, Mrs Luck, Mrs Murray and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Smith(Vice-Chairman), Rogers and Thornewell.