Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Wednesday, 16th November, 2011 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
PE 11/042 Declarations of interest.
Councillor C Smith declared a personal interest in the Kent Minerals and Waste Development Framework - Response to Supplementary Options Consultation as he was a Kent County Council member involved in overseeing the consultation process. He remained in the meeting during the discussion to hear the views of Borough Councillors but did not take part in the debate.

Councillor N Heslop declared a personal interest in the item on Borough Transportation Matters on the grounds that he was a regular commuter using the Southeastern services.

Councillor Worrall declared a personal interest in the item on Borough Transportation Matters as the Pembury Hospital development was referred to in the report, on the grounds of being a non-executive director of the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.
PE 11/043 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 27 July 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 11/044 Character Area Appraisals SPD (Medway Gap and West Malling) - Response to Consultation
Members were reminded that Character Area Appraisals were being undertaken for the whole Borough pursuant to a policy in the Management Development and the Environment Development Plan Document (DPD). The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure considered the response to consultation in respect of the third and final tranche of documents dealing with the Medway Gap and West Malling and recommended their adoption.

The responses to the consultation were summarised in the schedules attached as Annexes A and B to the report. The schedules incorporated a number of recommendations for changes to be made to the respective documents.

Members recorded their appreciation of the work undertaken by the Chief Planner (Policy) and his team which had provided a useful basis to judge the context of planning issues.

RECOMMENDED: That the Character Area Appraisals for the Medway Gap and West Malling, as amended in accordance with the changes set out respectively in Annexes A and B to the report, be referred to Cabinet with a recommendation that they be adopted by Council as part of the Local Development Framework.

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 11/045 Medway Gap Conservation Area Appraisals - Response to Consultation
Decision Notice D110148MEM

The report recommended that Conservation Area Appraisals prepared for Larkfield Church, Cobdown Farm and Holtwood Conservation Areas be adopted, subject to some minor changes following public consultation. It was noted that these appraisals formed an integral part of the Character Area Appraisal of the Medway Gap area.

RECOMMENDED: That the Conservation Area Appraisals for Larkfield Church, Cobdown Farm and Holtwood be adopted as a material consideration for development control.
PE 11/046 Kent Minerals and Waste Development Framework - Response to Supplementary Options Consultation
Decision Notice D110149MEM

The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure recommended a response to Kent County Council on the supplementary minerals and waste site options consultation of the new Minerals and Waste Development Framework.

It was noted that there were four sites in the consultation document located in Tonbridge and Malling and these were set out in more detail in Annex B to the report.

RECOMMENDED: That the views on Kent County Council's Mineral and Waste Sites Development Plan Documents - Supplementary Options Consultation (October 2011) as set out in the report be transmitted to the County Council in response to its consultation.
PE 11/047 Maidstone Borough Council Core Strategy - Consultation
Decision Notice D110150MEM

The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure sought Members' endorsement of the response already submitted to Maidstone Borough Council's formal consultation on its draft Core Strategy. It was noted that the deadline for responses had been 14 October 2011.

The response set out in Annex A to the report raised concerns on a number of the broad proposals due to their potential impact on the Borough and the erosion of the strategic gap.

Members requested that serious concerns regarding the potential for traffic congestion affecting the M20, the A26 (especially the junction at the southern end of Hermitage Lane and at the Wateringbury crossroad) and the impact on the access to Maidstone Hospital to the detriment of residents be expressed in a supplementary response to the consultation. In addition, the increased traffic generation resulting from the proposed housing development should not worsen the air quality between junctions 4 and 5 of the M20 and west of Hermitage Lane on the A20.

Members also expressed concern about the implications of the emerging duty to cooperate and the uncertain confidence levels in Maidstone being able to meet its identified housing levels.

RECOMMENDED: That the response to Maidstone Borough Council's consultation on its Draft Core Strategy, as set out in Annex A to the report, be endorsed, subject to the further concerns set out above being submitted in a supplementary letter and copied to Kent County Council and the Highways Agency.
PE 11/048 Borough Transportation Matters
Decision Notice D110151MEM

The report provided an update on a number of transportation matters on which the Borough Council had recently been focusing and sought retrospective endorsement of letters sent to the Minister of Transport with responsibility for rail and to the Managing Director of Southeastern Railway. The letters expressed deep concern about the impact that imminent rail fare increases would have on residents of the Borough who travelled regularly by train and urged restraint in the scale of the proposed increases.

Members welcomed the Kent County Council proposals to deliver the A21 Tonbridge to Pembury Dualling Scheme and requested that this be supported in a further letter to the Minister of Transport. In addition, reference should be made to the recent comments made by the CBI regarding the importance of the A21 dualling scheme to the economic vitality of the area.

Comments were made on a range of issues including the level of service provided by Southeastern compared to other rail operators; the proposed stop at Snodland station on the recently introduced High Speed Service between Maidstone West and St Pancras and the aspiration to reduce the waiting time at Strood Station to improve the service. It was also observed that this service created disruption to the borough with no benefit to residents and it was worth exploring how other local authorities in similar circumstances had apparently gained additional compensatory funding.

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation referred to the provision of bus services to access Pembury Hospital and the funding difficulties facing the Health Trust in providing these. However, he welcomed the alternative approach being explored with the voluntary sector and hoped that the County Council could be encouraged to enter into a Service Level Agreement to support this alternative transportation provision for local communities.

Members recorded their appreciation to the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation and the Chief Engineer for their contribution and commitment to addressing issues related to the A21 and rail services, particularly the organisation of the successful Rail Forum.


(1) the letters, set out in Annex 2 of the report, from the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation to the Minister at the Department for Transport and to the Managing Director of Southeastern railway be endorsed;

(2) the principle of joint consideration of the forecourt remodelling at West Malling Station and the planning obligations associated with the bus gate be endorsed;

(3) support for the proposals by the local Health Trust to explore the possibilities of response transport arrangements using the voluntary sector for community access to the new hospital at Pembury from the rural parts of the Borough be endorsed;

(4) the submission to South East England Councils, set out in Annex 4 of the report, be endorsed; and

(5) a further letter supporting the Kent County Council proposals regarding the A21 Tonbridge to Pembury Dualling Scheme and referring to the recent CBI comments be sent to the Minister of Transport.
PE 11/049 Parking Action Plan
Decision Notice D110152MEM

Members were advised that an assessment of parking management in Aylesford and West Malling had started and it was recommended that consideration of the detailed proposals for public consultation be referred to local Steering Groups for each exercise. The aim was to present proposals approved by the Steering Groups for each area to the next meeting of the Advisory Board and the Joint Transportation Board in March 2012.

It was noted that the West Malling Steering Group would meet on 30 November and the Aylesford Steering Group would meet on 6 December 2011.

Finally, Members suggested that forward planning on the parking programme be shared so that they were able to manage residents' expectation.


(1) local Steering Groups be requested to expedite progress on parking management schemes for Aylesford and West Malling including approval of proposals for an appropriate level of public consultation; and

(2) the issue of permits for Ryarsh Lane car park be temporarily suspended pending the results of the parking review.
PE 11/050 Building Regulation Fees
The report recommended an amended charging regime intended to more accurately cover the costs of the fee earning aspects of the Building Control Service provided by the Council.

Members were reminded that fees for planning applications were currently prescribed nationally and that although Government had proposed that a local fee setting regime be introduced, the regulations necessary to enable local authorities to charge a local rate had not yet been published. Members were assured that this would be addressed once the appropriate regulations were in place.

On discretionary fees Members were advised that no increase in charges for pre-application planning advice was recommended and that the charges for document sales were now insignificant and would also be unchanged.

RECOMMENDED: That the revised scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Charges and Associated Matters and the Charges for Building Control Applications, as set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report, be approved and adopted from 23 January 2012.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 11/051 The Hop Farm, East Peckham
The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided an update of matters related to the Hop Farm since the last meeting of the Advisory Board.

Members were pleased to note that the approach to development and management of the site was moving in a positive direction although it was important to maintain a close relationship with the site owners.
PE 11/052 National Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Plan
Members considered the potential implications of the National Planning Policy Framework for the future of local planning policy development. The work required to commence the evidential base towards the next Local Plan was noted.

Members discussed the implications for Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDP) for local communities and parish councils. The need to establish good relationships with those wishing to produce NDPs was recognised and this would be addressed once final guidance was available.
PE 11/053 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2036 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Ms V M C Branson (Chairman), Cllr R W Dalton (Vice-Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr J Atkins, Cllr T Edmondston-Low, Cllr S R J Jessel, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr C P Smith and Cllr A K Sullivan.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Ms Atkinson, Baldock, Balfour, Bolt, Coffin, Cure, Mrs Heslop, N Helsop, Mrs Murray, Rogers, Rhodes, Taylor and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

An apology for absence was received from Councillor D Smith.