Meeting documents

Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 24th September, 2012 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
JTB 12/029 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
JTB 12/030 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Transportation Board held on 11 June 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
JTB 12/031 Parking Action Plan
Decision Notice D120116MEM

The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided updates on the phased approach to on-street parking management and focused on Phase 6B of the Parking Action Plan. The Board was advised that further comments had been received since publication of the agenda and noted that the schemes at Tunbury Avenue, Walderslade and Rochester Road, Burham would be subject to further review rather than abandoned; that the scheme at Carpenters Lane, Hadlow would be held in abeyance pending further consultation on the Hadlow Parking Plan and that the proposals for junction protection at Chaucer Way, Larkfield, as promoted by the local County Councillor and East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council, would proceed to formal consultation.

RESOLVED: That the following be commended to the Borough Council Cabinet

(1) the recommendations stated for each location, as set out in Annex 1 to the report and as amended at the meeting and indicated above, be endorsed; and

(2) the endorsed proposals proceed to formal consultation and any objections arising be reported to the next meeting of the Joint Transportation Board.
JTB 12/032 Tonbridge Town Centre - Transport Strategy
Further to Minute JTB 12/020 the joint report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation and the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure outlined a proposed shift in the transport strategy for Tonbridge Town Centre away from the aspiration to redistribute traffic away from the High Street to better management of the current road structure through improved signalling, signing and modest engineering works which would ease the flow of traffic in and around the town centre. The report referred to the robust debate at the previous meeting of the Board and to the constructive discussion held at an informal session with Members during August. Table 1 at paragraph 2.1 of the report set out the objectives and proposed approaches for achieving the new Transport Strategy.

RESOLVED: That the revised objectives and approaches to the Tonbridge Transport Strategy, as outlined in Table 1 of the report, be endorsed and further reports on the implementation of the strategy be submitted to future meetings of the Board.
JTB 12/033 B245 London Road/Dry Hill Park Road - Three Way Traffic Signals Proposal
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation outlined the results of a recent consultation regarding the provision of three way traffic signalling at the B245/London Road/Dry Hill Park Road junction to provide safe crossing facilities to local school children. A number of Members expressed strong concerns that the installation of full traffic signals at this junction would prevent the free flow of traffic and cause significant congestion and some preference was shown for a stand alone signal controlled pedestrian crossing instead.

RESOLVED: That the County Council be invited to consider the feasibility of a stand alone, signal controlled pedestrian crossing on the B245 London Road, consult the local Borough and County Members and submit a further report to a future meeting of the Board.
JTB 12/034 Quarry Hill Road - Toucan Crossing Proposals
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation set out details of the result of a consultation on the provision of a 'Toucan' crossing at Quarry Hill Road, Tonbridge to aid pedestrians and cyclists, particularly those travelling to and from the local educational facilities.

RESOLVED: That the scheme to provide a 'Toucan' crossing at Quarry Hill Road be implemented under the 2012/13 Local Transport Plan programme.
JTB 12/035 Borough Transportation Issues
The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure, together with a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, provided an update on a number of transportation matters on which the Borough Council had been focusing. Particular reference was made to funding arrangements for the provision of voluntary transport for patients using the NHS Trust hospitals at Pembury and Maidstone and it was noted that this matter would be reported to a future meeting of the appropriate Advisory Board.
JTB 12/036 Highway Works Programme 2012-13
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation set out details of schemes programmed for construction by the County Council in 2012/13.
JTB 12/037 Petitions
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation updated the position on petitions being considered by the County Council. It was noted that the petition in respect of Pear Tree Avenue, Ditton had contained 104 signatures and not 61 as stated in the report.
JTB 12/038 155 Evening Bus Service
The report advised the Board that the six month trial reinstatement of the 155 Bus Service from Chatham to Maidstone would commence on 1 October 2012.
JTB 12/039 Local Winter Service Plan
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation outlined the arrangements made between Kent County Council and the Borough Council to provide a local winter service in the event of an operational snow alert. Details of the link on the County Council's website to the Local Winter Service Plan for Tonbridge and Malling were set out in the report.
JTB 12/040 Member Highway Fund and Traffic Schemes Programme
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation provided a summary of the current position on a number of traffic and transportation initiatives in the Borough. Updates were given on a number of the County Member funded schemes.
JTB 12/041 Kent 16+ Travel Card Scheme
The report of the Director of Kent Highways and Transportation provided an update on the implementation of the County Council's Kent 16+ Travel Card Scheme which had been introduced from September 2012. Members took the opportunity to point to the recent difficulties faced by school children accessing adequate bus services since the start of the new school year. It was noted that ongoing action was required to bring a resolution to these problems.
JTB 12/042 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no matters considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2152 hours

Attendance Details

Borough Council Members of the Board
Cllr Mrs S M Murray (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Ms V M C Branson, Cllr N J Heslop, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley and Cllr A K Sullivan.

County Council Members of the Board
Mr P Homewood (Chairman), Mrs V Dagger, Miss A Hohler, Mrs S Hohler and Mr C Smith.
In attendance:
Borough Councillors Mrs Anderson, Balcombe, Baldock, Balfour, Bolt, Coffin, Cure, D Davis, Luker, Miss Moloney, Rhodes, Rogers, Mrs Simpson and Mrs Woodger were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

An apology for absence was received from County Councillor Mrs T Dean.