Meeting documents

Parish Partnership Panel
Thursday, 9th June, 2005 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
PP 05/011 Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 10 March 2005
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 10 March 2005 were received and agreed as a correct record of the proceedings.
PP 05/012 Chairman's Announcements
The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the new Cabinet Member for Efficiency and Innovation, Councillor Baldock, who would be responsible for overseeing the Council's response to the Gershon Report which would affect all public authorities including Parish Councils. A further responsibility of the new portfolio related to the Council's approach to prospective call centres and there would be opportunities for Parish Councils to hear about any proposals and make suggestions in due course.

The Chairman also advised the Panel of a recent Local Governance Seminar given by the Chief Executive, which had been an interesting and informative event and would be presented at a future Parish Partnership Panel meeting.

Finally the Panel was made aware of the Government's promotion of the "Neighbourhood" concept, resulting in initiatives that would have a statutory effect on County, Borough and Parish councils. Once the Government released more details it was proposed to provide a briefing at a future meeting of the Panel.
PP 05/013 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes
No items were identified.
PP 05/014 Police Liaison
The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Sergeant Terry (West Kent Area Police) and Inspector Wyatt, Sergeant Hutton and PC Holland (Maidstone and Malling Area). Sgt Terry announced the recruitment of a new Police Community Liaison Officer (PCSO) to cover the East Peckham and Hadlow area. This officer could be contact via West Kent police on 01732 771 055.

A new Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator, Lena Hughes, had started and there were currently 116 schemes in the area. There had been no obvious decline in numbers and several more were due to start in Tonbridge and Malling. Sgt Terry warned that "handbag dippers" were in operation in Tonbridge town centre and that residents should be aware.

Sergeant Hutton advised that Joanne Tully had recently been appointed as a new PCSO in Larkfield. A second part time officer had been recruited to cover Aylesford, Eccles and Walderslade with a third due to start soon.

Maidstone police were in discussions with the TMBC Crime Reduction Officer in getting a designated alcohol free area. This would be an effective measure against anti social behaviour (ASB) and related crimes and was anticipated to be in place by 21 July. The representative of Aylesford Parish Council asked if the designated area would affect the buying or selling of alcohol as several licensees' trade could be affected. Sgt Hutton explained that it sought to address the anti social activities of those engaged in drinking and believed that this policy would not interfere with the night-time economy.

The Chairman suggested that papers detailing Neighbourhood Watch Schemes should be circulated to all members of the Panel. It was agreed that contact details for the police representatives be included in the minutes. [Sgt Terry: 01892 502 032 or Sgt Hutton:]
PP 05/015 Speedwatch Initiative
Inspector Wyatt, on behalf of Kent Police, gave a presentation which outlined the future of the Speedwatch initiative. He reported that a more balanced approach to speed enforcement had been researched with the aim of reducing deaths and injuries, improving public awareness and safety, which would provide a long-term solution.

A need for partnership working had been identified and extensive negotiations between the Police, Kent County Council, Medway Council and Kent Association of Parish Councils had taken place. It was felt that Parish Councils were best placed to manage speed initiatives in their area as they had local knowledge of road schemes.

It was intended to set up Speedwatch countywide and there would be a formal launch of the scheme on 17 August 2005, at 1900 hours at Kent Police College. One representative of each Parish Council throughout Kent would be invited to this event, when full details of how the scheme would operate would be announced. The matter would also be presented to the Kent Association of Parish Councils Annual General Meeting on 5 November 2005.

The idea behind the revised Speedwatch would be to train a team of 6 volunteers, overseen by a Parish Councillor, to monitor local speeding problems and liaise with Kent County Council and the Police. Inspector Wyatt explained that the County Council would be responsible for engineering and education while the police would get involved if law enforcement were required. It was noted that speed guns had a limited impact on motorist behaviour and could be confrontational. Therefore Kent County Council would assess whether new road safety measures would be required, and speed indication devices could be installed to remind motorists to reduce speed.

To purchase equipment would cost in the region of £2-3K, which could be funded by parish precept or syndicates of several smaller parishes. Some County Councillors were willing to use their £10K allocation for local projects towards Speedwatch whilst sponsorship with local business might be an alternative option.

Inspector Wyatt confirmed that priority would be given to existing schemes once Kent Police got the initiative running, with future long-term expansion to more urban areas. However, new schemes would only be introduced if they could be managed satisfactorily. It was also aimed to increase Speedwatch awareness with the erection of permanent signage.

The representative for Hadlow Parish Council confirmed that they took road safety seriously, and had applied previously but correct equipment had not been available. The Police were asked to clarify the situation as the Parish Council had 12 volunteers eager to start and hoped they would have high priority in the relaunched scheme.

Inspector Wyatt confirmed that neither Kent County Council nor Kent Police had purchased any equipment but had identified appropriate equipment. He also confirmed that previous applicants would receive assistance as a top priority.

The Chairman welcomed the newly researched scheme as offering a greater opportunity of success. He indicated that the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation wanted it to be recorded that he supported this activity and considered it should be encouraged and brought forward. He also suggested that Parish Councils might wish to consider Speedwatch equipment as a subject of special works grants from the Borough Council.

Finally, at the request of the Chairman, Inspector Wyatt agreed to provide further details of his presentation for circulation at a future date.
PP 05/016 Age Concern Presentation
The Panel received a comprehensive presentation from Keith Austin, Chief Officer of Age Concern (Malling) on their work and the services they offered.

Mr Austin explained that Age Concern was a federation of 500 small charities with various structures and each branch survived on its own. He outlined the staffing and funding arrangements, together with the services provided. These included day centre facilities, in- house bathing centre, domiciliary bathing services in own homes, footcare services, disability/attendance allowance assistance, clients holidays (respite service for carers), outings, and a monthly Sunday lunch.

Mr Austin reported on future joint working with Snodland, as well as Ragamuffins retail outlet shortly opening in West Malling, which would help fund better provision of services. The Panel was advised that the Age Concern Federation was Tesco's charity of the year and there would be a collections weekend on 24 and 25 June with Tesco's committed to doubling all donations made. Age Concern always needed volunteers to get involved with the organisation to help in raising funds and Parish Councils were thanked for their assistance to the organisation.

The Chairman expressed his thanks to Keith Austin for his presentation, papers of which would be circulated with the minutes.
PP 05/017 Tonbridge and West Malling Leisure Guide
The Panel noted the response by the Director of Leisure to an item raised by West Malling Parish Council relating to the criteria for inclusion of entries in the Leisure Guide with specific reference to Town Malling Day and Farmers Markets.
PP 05/018 East Peckham Green Waste Scheme
East Peckham Parish Council requested a progress report following the introduction of the green waste scheme to their parish. The Director of Health and Housing advised that in April 6,000 households in North Tonbridge, Hildenborough and East Peckham had begun participating in the service following considerable preparation, communication and liaison with the Parish Council. It was anticipated that a further 6,000 would be joining in September with a further 12,000 properties starting to receive the service next year. East Peckham residents had been very supportive with 95% participation in the Green Box scheme.

The representative of Hadlow Parish Council asked about the Council's policy on provision of larger bins (360 litre), or allowing residents to purchase additional 240 litre bins. It was requested that if the situation had changed a copy of the minute be provided to Hadlow Parish Council. The Director of Health and Housing undertook to investigate the relevant minute and contact the Parish Council representative out of meeting.

The Cabinet Member for Environmental Services endorsed the Council's commitment to recycling and wanted to note the professionalism and dedication of the officers dealing with this project and emphasised that current policy was to recycle more and landfill less.

The representative of Aylesford Parish Council asked if an introduction date for participation in the Green Waste scheme could be given for their parish. The Director of Health and Housing indicated that this could not be confirmed but when the in-vessel facility was available at Blaise Farm areas in the north of the Borough such as Aylesford and Snodland could be addressed.
PP 05/019 Licensing Act 2003
A presentation entitled "Overview of the Licensing Act 2003 - Alcohol, Regulated Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment" was given by the Licensing Manager. The new Act came into force on 7 February 2005 with a transition period running until August 2005. It was important for village halls to apply to convert their public entertainments licence to a premises licence before 6 August. Take up overall had been slow with only 36 applications (10%) being received. Information on the Licensing Act and advice for village halls had been produced and would be circulated after the meeting.

The Panel was informed that if village halls only occasionally ran licensable activities they could apply for a temporary event notice (TEN), but only 12 events per year were allowed. If such events were held on a regular basis a premises licence would be required and village halls should appoint a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) who would be named in the premises licence and must hold a personal licence, which would be valid for 10 years. Take away food outlets would also need to be licensed if open after 11.00pm.

The representative of Hadlow Parish Council asked in respect of their community hall, which was owned by the Parish Council but had a cash bar, whether they would need to apply for an individual licence. They were advised to apply for a premises licence to supply alcohol. This would require a Designated Premises Supervisor who would need to be a Personal Licence Holder.

The representative of Aylesford Parish Council asked about premises licences for outdoor entertainment held in public open spaces. It was suggested that Parish Councils could apply for such licences.

The Chairman referred to suggestions previously made about an event in July/August, possibly to be held in Ditton, to advise voluntary organisations about the Licensing Act. However, due to the Government's late issuing of regulations, and the approaching 6 August deadline, this might not be possible. Parish Councils were requested to pass any information on voluntary organisations that might require licences to the Licensing Manager so that follow up action could be taken.

For further advice and assistance regarding the new Licensing Act Parish Councils were invited to contact Melvyn Wood at Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council.
PP 05/020 Kent Design Guide
The Director of Planning and Transportation gave an overview of the review of the Kent Design Guide the draft of which was about to be launched. The new guide was out for public consultation and Parish Councils were encouraged to contribute and participate in the consultation process and should have received literature inviting them to do so.

The Kent Design Initiative was being co-ordinated centrally by Kent County Council and the Director of Planning and Transportation introduced Julia Wallace of the project team who explained the approach adopted towards the new guide. The guide sought to encourage design quality and sustainability and focused attention on rethinking the approach to highways, water supply, flooding, and health impact assessments.

The representative for Hildenborough Parish Council commended the work undertaken and was fully supportive of the initiative, but wondered how it might influence the priorities of outside bodies. The Director of Planning and Transportation responded that several of these organisations such as the Environment Agency and the Government Office for the South East, were represented on a steering group whilst other agencies were part of the design initiative.

The Borough Green representative asked if the Kent Design Guide would be sent to every developer in and around Kent to make them aware of the design issues. It was confirmed that the House Builders Federation were involved in the process and were aware of the issues and that the circulation of the draft guide had been extensive and involved all of those bodies who had a role to play of any sort in the development process.

The Kent Design Guide was available on their website which could be accessed via a link from the Tonbridge and Malling site.
PP 05/021 Heritage Open Days
The Panel noted the report on Heritage Open Days 2005 from the Director of Leisure, which indicated that Tonbridge and Malling had gained a higher level of contributors for this scheme than other West Kent authorities.

In response to a question it was confirmed that Bradbourne House had been approached to participate and a response would be pursued. Parish Councils were invited to contact Leisure Services if there were any properties in their areas which could be included within the scheme.
PP 05/022 Kent County Council Services Update
The County Member for Malling Rural North East provided an update on the following matters:

Local Boards

The first meeting of the new cycle was due to be held shortly with £70K available for local grants due to the election of an additional county councillor for the Tonbridge and Malling area. £20K had been allocated for small Capital Project grants, but since there was currently no link officer for this board an approach needed to be made to the appropriate local county councillor for application forms.

It was noted that the Youth Advisory Committee and Local Board would in future be held concurrently on the same evening.

The representative for Hadlow Parish Council suggested that the list of local board dates be circulated, as they were not well promoted and were inadequately attended.

Neighbourhood Issues

Advance notice was given of a September launch of a neighbourhood initiative.

Public Rights of Way

The Public Rights of Way Officer for West Kent had advised that there were vacancies in the team. He had offered to attend future meetings of the Parish Partnership Panel or individual Parish Council meetings to talk about reintroducing partnership working on clearance issues.
PP 05/023 Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 1 September 2005
The meeting ended at 2150 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr G R W Chapman, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr B Miners and Cllr Miss J L Sergison.
In attendance:
Councillors Baldock and Heslop were also in attendance.

Together with County Councillor Rowe (Malling Rural North East) and representatives of Addington, Aylesford, Borough Green, Hadlow, Hildenborough, Kings Hill, Offham, Platt, Trottiscliffe, Wateringbury and West Peckham Parish Councils.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Aikman, Balfour, Coffin, Dalton and Thornewell, County Councillors Mrs Dagger, Mrs Dean and Mrs Hohler, and East Peckham and West Malling Parish Councils.