Meeting documents

Parish Partnership Panel
Thursday, 8th March, 2007 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
PP 07/001 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes.
No items were identified.
PP 07/002 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 9 November 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PP 07/003 Police liaison.
Chief Inspector Very provided an overview of the achievements made in performance delivery, partnership working, neighbourhood management and strategic operations.

Crime and disorder statistics comparing figures from 2006 and 2007 were also highlighted. These compared well to other districts in Kent showing a significant crime reduction in Tonbridge and Malling. Chief Inspector Very emphasised his commitment to crime reduction especially as Kent Police were accountable to residents.

Members recognised the excellent neighbourhood policing and welcomed the positive benefits to communities. Chief Inspector Very confirmed that a police office in East Malling would open shortly. He also confirmed that funding for PSCOs was guaranteed until 2008. It was unlikely that this service would be withdrawn after this date although no definite funding had been announced.

It was confirmed, in response to a question raised by the Panel, that community service was still undertaken by offenders and included graffiti removal and litter picking. Parishes could nominate projects for community service via the Probation Service who would undertake a risk assessment before progressing further.

Members acknowledged that the establishment of dedicated neighbourhood policing had impacted significantly on local problems and expressed their gratitude to Chief Inspector Very. Parish councils were also thanked for their involvement.
PP 07/004 Maintenance of Traffic/Street Name Signs
In response to a question from Hadlow Parish Council, the Panel was advised that road and speed restriction signs were the responsibility of Kent County Council and their Highways Team should be contacted with any issues.

It was confirmed that street name signs were the Borough Council's responsibility. If parishes noticed any obscured signs they were asked to advise Mike McCulloch in Transportation Services.

Hadlow Parish Council advised Members that their parish clerk acted as a liaison between the County and Borough Councils which had proved effective.
PP 07/005 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 - Dog Control Orders
The report of the Director of Health and Housing described the new powers available to the Borough and parish councils relating to dog control. A way forward for considering the need for additional controls on dogs was also outlined.

Parishes were invited to consult Barry Olding in Environmental Health Services for appropriate advice and assistance if they were considering making a Dog Control Order in relation to land owned or managed by the parish council.

Clarification on the role of the County Council and the applicability of Dog Control Orders to school grounds would be circulated to parishes after the meeting.

Members were advised that staff of parish councils, Police Community Support Officers, dog or litter wardens could enforce Dog Control Orders. In respect of fixed penalty notices it was confirmed that revenue remained with the parish council in respect of parish dog control orders.
PP 07/006 Play Strategy
The Chief Leisure Officer advised of the development of a local play strategy which accessed funding from the Big Lottery Fund Play Initiative. Members heard that a significant amount of grant had been allocated and a draft strategy would be circulated for consultation shortly.

Parish Councils were invited to recommend bid suggestions for inclusion in the strategy. It was hoped that effective partnership working would be improved whilst developing the strategy.

The Chief Leisure Officer took the opportunity to update parishes on the Tour de France arrangements confirming that route details were now known. Letters would be circulated to parish councils advising route and estimated time details. A further report would be presented at the next Parish Partnership Panel meeting.

PP 07/007 Local Development Framework Update
Members were advised that the first tranche of development plan documents including the Core Strategy, the Development Land Allocations and the Tonbridge Central Area Action Plan had been submitted to the Secretary of State on 1 September 2006. This was followed by a six week consultation period ending on 13 October 2006 with comments received from individuals and organisations either supporting or questioning the documents. Site-specific representations were published and placed on public view for a further six weeks and by the closing date 38 comments had been received with the majority supporting the Council.

The Panel was advised that the Public Examination had been arranged and an Inspector, Laura Graham, appointed by the Secretary of State. The Council had appointed Lynette Benton as a Programme Officer to work directly with the Inspector. It was the Inspector's intention to consider and report on the Core Strategy first before considering the other two documents. This was in line with nationally accepted practice.

Members were advised that the Public Examination would start on 9 May 2007 at East Malling Research Station Conference Centre. A Pre-examination meeting had been held to discuss procedural and programming matters. The Inspector's report was anticipated by September giving Officers two weeks to check its accuracy before making it public. It was predicted that the Public Examination into the Tonbridge Central Area Action Plan would be held in October with the Development Land Allocation DPD the following month. It was hoped that the Core Strategy could be adopted by the Council by December.

The approach and timetable of the second tranche of LDF documents would be reviewed and Parish Councils would be advised following consideration at the Local Development Framework Steering Panel in March. Parishes were advised that the Play Strategy would be part of the Open Spaces DPD and responses would be invited.

The Parish Partnership Panel would receive further progress reports when appropriate.
PP 07/008 Borough Council's Budget Position
The Chief Executive outlined the current budget position, explaining why a Council Tax increase had been necessary.
Members were advised that expenditure and initiatives were funded by a range of options including level of council tax raised, revenue support grant and any fees and charges levied. The Borough Council budget was under pressure due to new statutory responsibilities on concessionary fares and elections and a low level of grant allocation which was unevenly distributed to other regions for a variety of reasons. The commercial pressures were highlighted including the importance of retaining staff and maintaining parity when revising fees and charges.

Members acknowledged the professionalism and dedication of staff in delivering efficiency savings whilst trying to maintain a high standard of service with fewer resources.

The Chief Executive advised that all three party leaders had written to the Local Government Minister and Secretary of State highlighting the inherent unfairness of the revenue support grant allocation.

Members agreed that reform of local government finance was necessary.
PP 07/009 Kent Commitment
The Chief Executive advised that following the publication of the Local Government White Paper on two tier and partnership working the Kent authorities had agreed that no bid for unitary or pathfinder status would be submitted. Kent Leaders had agreed to commit to a Statement of Intent a copy of which would be circulated with the minutes.

The guiding principles behind Tonbridge and Malling's involvement in the action plan, included in the Statement, were explained. Members were advised that new initiatives arising from the action plan would only be progressed for the benefit of communities. Better ways of working utilising efficient and effective partnerships would be encouraged with emphasis being given to local communities rather than Kent wide schemes.

The Panel acknowledged that two tier and partnership working could have benefits for the community in relation to health and education but felt it important to separate delivery of services and strategic plans.
PP 07/010 New Key Priorities
The Panel was advised of the Borough Council's updated key priorities for 2007 following public consultation and reflecting significant changes at both national and local levels.

Members noted the addition of two new priorities dealing with climate change and the White Paper emphasising the Council's commitment to maintaining a high service delivery for residents.

It was believed that the following approved set of key priorities would encourage appropriate corporate and service-level improvements during the next year:

(1) Add to the supply of affordable housing and reduce the incidence of homelessness

(2) Enhance the vitality of Tonbridge town centre

(3) Give priority to involving and meeting the needs of young people

(4) Achieve a cleaner, smarter and better maintained ‘Street Scene' and open space environment

(5) Promote, encourage and provide opportunities for healthy living

(6) Reduce:
- Anti-social behaviour
- Criminal damage
- Offences against the person
- Substance misuse
- Environmental crime

(7) Make a positive local contribution to tackling the causes and effects of climate change

(8) Identify the opportunities and achieve the benefits for Tonbridge & Malling flowing from the Strong and Prosperous Communities White Paper (2006)

PP 07/011 Local Elections
The presentation of the Principal Administrator provided an overview of new legislation affecting Parish Council elections on 3 May 2007, providing advice on candidate information and guidance as well as details relating to polling, counting and uncontested elections. The presentation concluded with advice on the publication and posting of notices; election expenses and the storage of documents.

Parishes were advised that if insufficient candidates were elected co-opting of members should be attempted. The deadline for co-opting was 22 June 2007.

The Chairman thanked Roger Shapter for an excellent presentation and advised parishes to contact the Elections team if further assistance was required.
PP 07/012 Kent County Council Services Update
The Kent County Council Liaison Manager, Loic Flory, provided an update which would be circulated with the minutes and invited questions from the Panel, none of which were forthcoming.

The Chairman wished all parish council and borough council members well in the upcoming elections. Thanks were extended to members who were not standing for election.
The meeting ended at 2140 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr D J Aikman (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr G R W Chapman, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr B Miners, Cllr Miss J L Sergison, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson and Cllr D Thornewell.
In attendance:
Councillors Baldock, Mrs Murray and Smith were also in attendance.

Together with representatives of Addington, Aylesford, Borough Green, Hadlow, Kings Hill, Mereworth, Platt, Trottiscliffe and Wateringbury Parish Councils.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Coffin, County Councillors Mrs Dagger and Rowe and Ightham Parish Council.