Meeting documents

Tonbridge Forum
Monday, 26th November, 2007 7.30 pm

Riverside Lounge, Angel Centre, Tonbridge
TF 07/020 Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 3 September 2007 were received and agreed as a correct record of the proceedings.
TF 07/021 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes.
No matters were identified.
TF 07/022 Borough Council Announcements
The Chairman opened the meeting by informing the Forum of a busy week for the Borough Council in Tonbridge. A Freeman of the Borough Ceremony had taken place at the River Centre on Friday 23 November 2007 which had been a successful and enjoyable occasion. The Angel Centre would host a Joint Local Board meeting on Wednesday 28 November, the theme of which would be 'Sex' and an Area 1 Planning Committee on Thursday 29 November 2007. The Forum was advised that both these meetings were open to the public. The Tonbridge Christmas Lights Festival was scheduled for Sunday 2 December. The Chairman felt that all of these events emphasised the importance of Tonbridge town centre to the Borough Council.

The Vice-Chairman and Cabinet Member for Community Development provided an update on the latest position concerning post office closures within Tonbridge. At a recent meeting with post office representatives seventy concerned residents had raised their doubts and worries. As post office officals had been unable to explain the financial justification behind the decision to close local branches a Freedom of Information request had been submitted seeking the reasons behind this. Attention had also been drawn to the extremely short consultation period and an extension requested. It was stressed that the fight would continue as local services were important to local people.

The Cabinet Member for Enviromental Services reported that following recent problems with recycling banks overflowing a new emptying regime had been instigated. This increased provision appeared to be operating satisfactorily but Members were reminded to use the facilities sensibly and not leave recyclable items stacked in front of the bins if they were full.
TF 07/023 Kent County Council Services Update
The Kent County Council Liaison Manager, Loic Flory, provided an update which would be circulated with the minutes and invited questions from the Forum, none of which were forthcoming. The Forum Members were invited to request subjects to be included in future updates.

Kent County Councillor, Mr G Horne MBE, provided an update on the position relating to the future use of the Cottage Hospital. The frustations and complications of the consultation process were explained. A further public consultation was expected in January 2008 following a preferred selection for options process. Mr Horne reported that the support from the Borough Council was welcomed whilst the local MP, Sir John Stanley, was seeking to be actively involved as a stakeholder.

The Cabinet Member for Community Safety indicated that the although the Borough Council had every sympathy with the supporters of the Cottage Hospital, it was aware that it was not the only facility in the area. The Primary Care Trust had responsibility for 6 other cottage hospitals and for a large area of Maidstone which had no immediary care facility, therefore the Borough Council had to consider the totality of patient care in the borough. It was recognised that the Borough Council would continue to support the Cottage Hospital but it was a representative of all people across the borough.

A Councillor outlined a recent concern that had been brought to his attention concerning parking management and wheel clamping at the Adult Education Centre. Clarification on Kent County Council's policy related to wheel clamping was requested. Mr Flory advised that notification signs had been erected and in fact a parking policy had existed at the site for 3-4 years. New contractors had been employed recently who were apparently very assertive in their operation. Although the site belonged to Kent County Council it had been leased to the University of Kent and it seemed that the Adult Education Centre manager had introduced wheel clamping. It was confirmed that wheel clamping staff, and not the company, needed to be registered.

Members of the Forum expressed their concern that potential students could be deterred from attending evening classes if they were likely to face car parking penalities. It was confirmed that this was not a Borough Council policy and whilst the issue was not about legimate controls of limited parking spaces, it was about proper procotols and processes being implemented and notified.

Mr Flory promised to find out further information on this issue and report back to a future meeting of the Forum. In the meantime Forum Members were advised to consider alternative parking arrangements.
TF 07/024 Medway Valley Countryside Partnership
Members received a presentation from Caroline Drewett, Partnership Manager of the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership. Current initiatives to enhance the biodiversity and landscape of the Medway Valley were explained which it was hoped would increase the opportunities for people to explore and enjoy the outdoors. These initiatives included a practical volunteer programme, community schools and access projects, biodiversity projects, community wildlife and heritage events and wildlife surveys and site management. Members were advised that wildlife and landscape advice and grants were available. Advice could be given managing landscapes and accessing grant funding. Current projects in the local area were described. Details of the Free Tree Scheme, funded by Network Rail, were outlined and although funding for the next year was not guaranteed bid submissions from interested parties were invited.

Ms Drewett confirmed that the Partnership would support and offer assistance to the Borough Council in getting Haysden Country Park designated as a statutory nature reserve. The value of the Park to wildlife and local residents was recognised. Advice could also be given on how to manage the Himalayan balsam as currently there was no control programme in place.

The Chairman thanked Ms Drewett for an excellent presentation.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
TF 07/025 Canaries in a Coal Mine
Charlotte Lane of Tonbridge Grammar School explained about a community project set up to help raise awareness of global warming. It was hoped this project would galvanise local people into tackling climate change before it was too late. Teachers from Tonbridge Grammar School, Hillview School for Girls and Tonbridge School were leading the project which had the support of many other local schools, the Borough Council and community groups.

Details of a Festival of Change were shared which aimed to achieve national awareness of what a large town like Tonbridge could do to make a difference. The Festival was organised for two days in March 2008 and hoped to bring all local schools and the community together with a large scale event ranging from photography and poster exhibitions, recycling concerts, public debates, coffee morning and a candlelight parade and concert.

The Festival would be based in Tonbridge but use all areas within the town including the Castle, the High Street, local recycling centres, schools and community areas.

The Cabinet Member for Community Safety thanked Ms Lane for a fascinating presentation welcoming the fact that schools would be working together and was pleased that the initiative had been promoted in the recent Here and Now. The Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youths and Art confirmed that the Borough Council was actively involved and supporting this project.

Chief Inspector Thomas of Kent Police offered assistance with policing of the High Street and Tonbridge Castle. Ms Lane appreciated all offers of support received.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation and an information pack would be circulated with the Minutes.
TF 07/026 Draft Climate Change Strategy
The presentation of the Community Projects Officer outlined the contents of the Draft Climate Change Strategy as well as an implementation plan to reduce carbon emissions within the local community. The Strategy set out what the Borough Council intended to do to assist with addressing climate change issues.

The Forum was reminded that one of the Borough Council's key priorities was to 'make a positive local contribution to tackling the causes and effect of climate change.'

Organisations were invited to take part in the consultation exercise with comments welcomed until 11 January 2008.

The representative of the Tonbridge and Malling Green Party welcomed the draft Strategy but expressed concern at the suggested timescale of 2010, feeling that a longer time period should be adopted to prevent revision of the Strategy in the short term. The Community Projects Officer advised that the Borough Council was trying to set realistic and achieveable targets and that the Kent Energy Centre had recommended a shorter time frame to enable new policy changes to be reflected. It was confirmed that the Strategy was intended to be an ongoing evolving document and would continue after the initial time frame had elapsed.

Discussion followed on the practicality and difficulties of considering sustainability issues in building regulations and planning conditions.

The Chairman confirmed that the Borough Council would not only aim to reduce the carbon footprint of its own operations as well as in the local community but also take a leadership role which would include lobbying other associated parties.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
TF 07/027 Community Policing Update
Chief Inspector Thomas of Kent Police provided an update on personnel and neighbourhood policing, Tonbridge initiatives and performance.

Police Community Support Officers had been welcomed into the community and were effectively dealing with local issues and problems.

Forum Members were pleased to note a 18% reduction in crime compared to the same period during 2006. This was an encouraging result but Members were assured that Kent Police would not become complacent. The importance of reducing crime and working in partnership was recognised as well as effective communications with partners and neighbourhood policing.

The Cabinet Member for Community Development thanked the Chief Inspector for his excellent and informative presentation acknowledging the tremendous work undertaken by the neighbourhood police teams. The serious challenges ahead surrounding Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships, Strategic Assessments and new funding priorities was recognised. Councillor Heslop advised the Forum that he would be participating in the upcoming Bridge Trust 'Sleep Out' as it highlighted the reality of homelessness in the Borough.

Guidance was sought on when it was appropriate to use the 999 emergency number. Chief Inspector Thomas advised that if witnessing a crime in process 999 should be dialled and the force control room would decide on the appropriate type of response. If the issue did not require immediate attendance and was a way of sharing information it could be brought to the attention of the PCSOs.

The local Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator asked whether local evidence suggested that the existance of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes had a direct impact on crime reduction. Unfortunately a direct correlation was not possible to prove but the excellence of the Scheme was acknowledged with the Chairman asking for regular updates on how many Schemes were operating and where they were located.

The Chairman thanked Chief Inspector Thomas for a very worthwhile presentation stressing that the Borough Council took its partnership with Kent Police seriously.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
TF 07/028 Tonbridge Rotary Scarecrow Trail Update
Councillor D Aikman, in his capacity as a member of Tonbridge Rotary Club, provided a progress report on the Tonbridge Rotary Scarecrow Trail. The inaugural run of this event was scheduled for 3-5 May 2008, May Bank Holiday, and it was hoped a good party atmosphere would be provided. Support had been received from local schools, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and Slade Residents with potential sponsorship from Waitrose Supermarket.

A theme of Heroes had been decided on and a provisional route through Tonbridge and finishing at the Castle had been arranged. The final route for the Scarecrow Trail would be finalised and confirmed in January. Monies raised would go to charitable causes and it was hoped that the whole community would participate.

The meeting ended at 2125 hours.

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr N J Heslop (Vice-Chairman), Cllr D J Aikman, Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr Ms J A Atkinson, Cllr B Baldock, Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr M J Dobson and Cllr Ms S V Spence.
In attendance:
Councillors Balfour, Ms Branson, Court and Mrs Murray were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 15.21.

Members of the Forum:

Kent County Councillor Mr G Horne MBE together with representatives from The Skinners Company, Society of Friends, West Kent Primary Care Trust, Tonbridge Allotments and Gardens Association, Tonbridge Art Group, Tonbridge Christian Leaders, Tonbridge Civic Society, Tonbridge Historical Society, Tonbridge Lions Club,Tonbridge Sports Association, Tonbridge Townswomen's Guild and the Women's Institute.

Other Organisations:

Representatives of the Tonbridge and Malling Green Party were also in attendance.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor C Smith and from representatives of Age Concern (Tonbridge), Tonbridge District Scout Council, Tonbridge Philharmonic Society and Tonbridge Theatre and Arts Club.