Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Wednesday, 7th March, 2012 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
COM 12/001 Declarations of interest.
Councillors Cure, Mrs Gale and Worrall declared personal and prejudicial interests in the item regarding Key Voluntary Bodies - Revised Service Level Agreements on the grounds of being respectively the Council's representatives on Age UK Tonbridge and Sevenoaks and Maidstone Mediation Scheme, and the Director of Trustees of Age Concern Malling. They withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this item.

Councillor Mrs Anderson declared a personal interest in the same item as one of the Council's representatives on Tonbridge and Malling Citizens Advice Bureau.

Councillor N Heslop declared a personal interest in the item regarding Business Support as a Board member of K College.

Councillor Worrall declared a personal interest in the item on the minutes of the West Kent Partnership and Local Strategic Partnership in relation to the bus services to the Pembury Hospital on the grounds of being a Non-Executive Director of the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.
COM 12/002 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities Advisory Board held on 13 December 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
COM 12/003 Key Voluntary Sector Bodies - Revised Service Level Agreements
Decision Notice D120033MEM

The report of the Chief Executive set out revised service level agreements for Age Concern Malling, Age UK Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, and Maidstone and West Kent Mediation Schemes. It also provided an update in respect of agreements for the Citizens Advice Bureau and local volunteering services.

Members considered that the agreements should ensure an appropriate level of service provision in the Borough.


(1) the draft Service Level Agreements for Age Concern Malling, Age UK Tonbridge and Sevenoaks, Maidstone/West Kent Mediation and Voluntary Action Within Kent, as set out at Annexes A and B to the report, be approved subject to the substitution of the words "the Borough" for "Tonbridge locality" in the agreement for Age UK Tonbridge and Sevenoaks;

(2) grant support be offered to the following organisations for 2012/13:
Age Concern Malling - £10,000
Age UK Tonbridge and Sevenoaks - £10,000
Maidstone/West Kent Mediation - £6,000
Voluntary Action Within Kent - £5,000; and

(3) further reports be made to the next meeting of the Communities Advisory Board regarding grant support for volunteering services for the Malling area and for the Tonbridge and Malling Citizens' Advice Bureau.
COM 12/004 Armed Forces Community Covenant
Decision Notice D120034MEM

Further to Decision No D110165MEM, the report of the Chief Executive invited endorsement of the Armed Forces Community Covenant Pledge between Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and the Armed Forces Community at the Royal British Legion Industries Village, Aylesford. It was suggested that a visit be arranged to RBLI, possibly in association with the signing of the pledge.

RECOMMENDED: That the Community Covenant Pledge between Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and The Armed Forces Community at the Royal British Legion Industries Village, Aylesford, as set out at Annex 1 to the report, be signed to pledge support for service personnel in the Borough.
COM 12/005 Business Support - Update
Decision Notice D120035MEM

The report of the Chief Executive provided an update on the business support services currently funded by the Borough Council and considered what further initiatives could be supported to assist local business growth and the wider economy. Members requested a report for a future meeting on take-up of the apprenticeship scheme by local businesses and options for reducing the transport constraints facing apprentices in rural areas.


(1) subject to the support of both Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells Councils, an initial funding offer of £2,000 be made to help establish the Centre for Micro Business for an initial six month period; and

(2) additional funding of £2,000 for the project be subject to the submission of a further report to the Communities Advisory Board setting out progress achieved after the first six months of operation.
COM 12/006 Progress Project
Decision Notice D120036MEM

Details were given of a new project funded by the European Social Fund which was being introduced locally by TBG Learning to address the needs of families with multiple problems. The project sought to reduce worklessness within such families and it was noted that referrals to the programme would be made by a range of local partners including the Borough Council.

Concern was expressed about some aspects of the eligibility criteria and it was suggested that representations be made to the local MEPs to extend the support to family members in low level paid employment to help them remain in work.

RECOMMENDED: That the Progress Project be supported and the Borough Council engage with local partners to help promote the assistance available to eligible families.
COM 12/007 Minutes of Recent Meetings of West Kent Partnership and Local Strategic Partnership
The Chief Executive's report presented the minutes of the meetings of the West Kent Partnership held on 26 January 2012 and of the Local Strategic Partnership of 3 December 2011. An update was given on the outcome of discussions regarding the use of volunteer driver schemes with funding from the NHS Trust to supplement bus services to Pembury Hospital. Members welcomed the news that the additional level of service was anticipated in April.
COM 12/008 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2040 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E M Holland (Chairman), Cllr D J Cure (Vice-Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr J A L Balcombe, Cllr Mrs C M Gale, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr A G Sayer, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr A K Sullivan and Cllr R Taylor.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Atkins, Baldock, Coffin, Mrs Heslop, Heslop, Mrs Murray, Rhodes, Rogers and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lancaster and Trice.