Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Wednesday, 8th June, 2011 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
COM 11/001 Declarations of interest.
Councillor Cure declared a personal interest in the item on the Tonbridge and Malling Seniors (TAMS) Forum in that he was the Chairman of the Tonbridge Volunteer Bureau mentioned in the Forum's minutes.

Councillor Ms Atkinson declared a personal interest in the item on Community Development Work, in that she served on the Board of Governors of the Tonbridge Federation.
COM 11/002 Valley of Visions
The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure updated Members on progress with the Heritage Lottery Funded ‘Valley of Visions' project.

Members welcomed Mr Rick Bayne, Project Manager for the Valley of Visions Landscape Partnership Scheme, who gave a brief presentation on the work that had been carried out. He also advised that the project was hosting a conference in July, which was already oversubscribed, to share best practice with other areas for dealing with illegal access, off-roaders and fly-tipping following their successful work in partnership with the Police.

The Advisory Board was pleased to note the success of getting communities involved, the work with schools and welcomed the 'Rail Trails' which helped with tourism in the area. Members also congratulated the Partnership, along with the Police, on their success dealing with illegal access, off-road and fly-tipping problems.

It was requested that officers look into organising a tour of the areas under discussion, along with the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership discussed later on the agenda, and for all Members to have the opportunity to attend.

The Board thanked Mr Bayne for attending.
COM 11/003 Consultation - Best Value: New Draft Statutory Guidance
Decision Notice D110077MEM

The Chief Executive's report considered the content of draft Government guidance relating to duties on public involvement and the preparation of community strategies, together with implications of these changes for the future review of the Tonbridge and Malling Community Strategy.

Members were advised that since the report the Local Strategic Partnership had already met, were happy with the idea of a more flexible action plan, saw many benefits to continuing the partnership and wished to continue and look at engaging the County Council more.


(1) Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council express support for the proposed policy changes in the new draft statutory guidance for Best Value, as set out at Annex A to the report;

(2) it be confirmed that work on updating the Community Strategy for the Borough be deferred and consideration be given to the preparation of an annual action plan should the duty to prepare a formal strategy be withdrawn; and

(3) the Local Strategic Partnership be continued and enhanced and arrangements be made to ensure adequate liaison with regard to local delivery of Vision for Kent actions.
COM 11/004 Community Development Work - Update on Progress
Decision Notice D110078MEM

The Chief Executive's report provided an update on community development work taking place in the Borough's three priority communities.

Members welcomed the report and thanked Mark Raymond for all his work over the years.

Members requested that further reports be brought to the Board on community development work being carried out in other parts of the Borough, including new communities, in addition to that undertaken within the three priority communities. It was also suggested that the Citizens Advice Bureau and/or other similar agencies be invited to attend future meetings to update the Board on any trends they were noticing within the Borough.


(1) the progress being made on community development work within the Borough's priority communities be noted; and

(2) the Beat Project Community Development Workers be invited to present to a future meeting of the Advisory Board.
COM 11/005 Tonbridge and Malling Seniors (TAMS) Forum - Update
The report of the Chief Executive provided an update on recent meetings held by the TAMS Forum.

Members were concerned with two particular issues arising from the minutes: difficulties with public transport services particularly Pembury Hospital; and current changes proposed for Kent County Council (KCC) funding of key voluntary sector bodies.

RECOMMENDED: That the Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Members for Communities and Community Safety be requested to pursue all available avenues to seek an urgent review of KCC funding arrangements for key voluntary sector bodies with a view to a reinstatement of direct funding arrangements with each agency in place of KCC funding being made to bodies outside the Borough, thus requiring local bodies to work jointly with them.
*Referred to Cabinet
COM 11/006 Medway Valley Countryside Partnership
The report of the Chief Leisure Officer provided an introduction to the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership and progress on work undertaken in 2010/11.

The Board welcomed Caroline Drewett and Mark Pritchard who gave brief presentations on the work carried out. Caroline Drewett advised that work had started on achieving a more environmental focus within the Kent Forum and that they were working on a group on which the Leader had agreed to sit but that it was all still in its infancy.
COM 11/007 Local Strategic Partnership - Meeting 16 March 2011
The report set out the minutes of a recent meeting of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), held at the Kenward Trust on 16 March 2011 to ensure all Members were aware of the work being undertaken by the LSP and to allow comment on key issues raised.
COM 11/008 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2126 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E M Holland (Chairman), Cllr D J Cure (Vice-Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr J A L Balcombe, Cllr Mrs C M Gale, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr A K Sullivan, Cllr R Taylor and Cllr D J Trice.
In attendance:
Councillors Ms Atkinson, Baldock, Balfour, Evans, Jessel, Rhodes and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Homewood, Sayer and Mrs Simpson.