Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Monday, 23rd July, 2012 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
COM 12/009 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
COM 12/010 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities Advisory Board held on 7 March 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
COM 12/011 Presentation - Job Centre Plus
The Advisory Board received a presentation by Colm Cronin, Partnership Manager for Job Centre Plus, on the role of the organisation in tackling local unemployment. It was noted that two new managers had recently been appointed, Mr Cronin covering the Tonbridge area and Ailsa Whitmarsh the Malling area. Mr Cronin outlined the unemployment figures for the Borough which were currently relatively low in comparison with the national and South East averages. However there were higher concentrations of unemployment in specific wards such as Trench, East Malling and Snodland East and particularly among people in the 18 to 24 age group.

Members were advised of the priorities and planned activities of the local Job Centre Plus offices including the establishment of links with the Beat Project and with Russet Homes to create a number of independent work clubs. Mr Cronin indicated that funding was available for two projects focusing on the more deprived wards in the Borough, one with the YMCA for ex-offenders and the second in conjunction with Charlton Athletic Football Club, providing young people with sports coaching training. Reference was also made to the establishment of service level agreements with children's centres to support parents' return to work and initiatives promoting self - employment mentoring.

Mr Cronin answered questions from Members on a range of matters including contact with local Chambers of Commerce, efforts to improve young people's skills to make them ready for the workplace and liaison with employers which had vacancies to be filled. The need for age specific support was raised to accommodate the significant number of jobseekers in the 50 plus age range and problems associated with the urban/rural split in the Borough.

Members highlighted instances where unemployed people had received a negative experience and inadequate support and guidance at Job Centres, particularly referring to Maidstone Job Centre. Mr Cronin explained the efforts being made to enhance the way in which customers were treated and issued an invitation to Members to visit one of the local offices. The Chairman then thanked Mr Cronin for his attendance and contribution to the meeting.
COM 12/012 Presentation - Federation of Small Businesses
A presentation was given by Andrew Aves, Development Manager at the Kent and Medway branch of the Federation of Small Businesses. Mr Aves explained the Kent and Medway Business Barometer, a survey of business performance and confidence carried out in Spring 2012 which showed improved sales and profit performance, an increase in the proportion of businesses taking on staff and a greater level of confidence than was demonstrated in the results for November 2011. The Advisory Board also received a copy of a national report from the Federation of Small Businesses focusing on measures to revitalise the rural economy the main features and recommendations of which were highlighted by Mr Aves.

Members commented on the two documents but considered that some of the problems identified in the national report were not applicable in Tonbridge and Malling such as the need for farm diversification. Reference was made to the Council's efforts to support local business by means of rate relief, the implications of the localisation of business rates and plans by the West Kent Partnership to hold a conference to discuss the concerns of the business community. The Chairman then thanked Mr Aves for his contribution to the meeting.
COM 12/013 Community Development Update
Decision Notice D120106MEM

The report of the Chief Executive gave details of recent activities undertaken by the three community development workers covering the communities of Trench, East Malling and Snodland. An outline was given of funding issues relating to the costs of the posts and of options being explored with the Beat Project's Director to rectify the funding gap of £25,000 in 2012/13.

RECOMMENDED: That the extent and positive impact of community development work in the Borough be noted and a further report on funding options be made to the next meeting of the Advisory Board.
COM 12/014 Troubled Families Programme - Update
Decision Notice D120107MEM

Further to Decision No D120036MEM, the report of the Chief Executive provided an update on the 'Progress' project and outlined proposals for a second 'Troubled Families' programme launched by the Department for Communities and Local Government to be led locally by Kent County Council.

Concern was expressed regarding the lack of devolved funding and an update given on discussions at a recent Kent Forum meeting when plans to pilot the scheme in several districts were revealed. It was therefore considered that clarification should be sought on the operation of the programme in Kent and its impact on Tonbridge and Malling.

RECOMMENDED: That the Chief Executive be invited to seek clarification from Kent County Council on the operation of the Troubled Families Programme and to express concern regarding funding, in particular the lack of devolved funding, and copies of the letter be sent to the local Members of Parliament.
COM 12/015 West Kent Leader Programme - Update
Decision Notice D120108MEM

An update was given on the successful West Kent Leader Programme and attention drawn to the need to lobby for additional funding from Government to enable the programme to be continued into the final year of the five year programme.

RECOMMENDED: That the Borough Council indicate its support for the West Kent Partnership in lobbying for additional resources to be made available to the West Kent Leader Programme for 2014/15 by DEFRA.
COM 12/016 Tonbridge and Malling Seniors' Forum (TAMS) - Update
Decision Notice D120109MEM

The report of the Chief Executive provided an update on the work undertaken by the TAMS Forum since its launch in September 2010. It was noted that the Forum was well established in Tonbridge, was operating effectively and had a sound financial status. The question of activity in the Malling area was being kept under review.

RECOMMENDED: That the Borough Council continue to support the Tonbridge and Malling Seniors' Forum in the ways set out in the report.
COM 12/017 West Kent Partnership and Local Strategic Partnership Update
The report of the Chief Executive presented the minutes of the meetings of the West Kent Partnership held on 27 April 2012 and of the Local Strategic Partnership of 29 June 2012. The former included an update on issues currently being addressed by the South East Local Economic Partnership (LEP), the recent success of the West Kent 100 in 100 apprenticeship scheme together with local transport issues.

The Local Strategic Partnership had focused on Kent County Council's review of library provision and proposals for the transformation of Adult Social Services. It was noted that the meeting had been held at the RBLI, Aylesford where the Armed Forces Community Covenant had been signed.
COM 12/018 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2127 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E M Holland (Chairman), Cllr D J Cure (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J A L Balcombe, Cllr T Bishop, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr Miss J L Sergison, Cllr Miss S O Shrubsole and Cllr R Taylor.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Atkins, Balfour, Coffin, Heslop, Luker, Mrs Murray, Rhodes and D Smith were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Allison, Mrs Gale, Lancaster, Sayer and Trice.