Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Tuesday, 26th July, 2011 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
COM 11/009 Declarations of interest.
Councillor Coffin declared a personal interest in the item regarding the West Kent Leader Programme on the grounds that his company had received a grant under the scheme.
COM 11/010 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities Advisory Board held on 8 June 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
COM 11/011 Economic Update - Federation of Small Businesses
The Advisory Board received a presentation from Andrew Aves, Kent Development Manager for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), who provided an update on the work of the Federation and key issues faced by small business. In particular he outlined the results of the most recent FSB 'Business Barometer', a six month survey of FSB members that monitored trends and performance of small businesses in the county.

Mr Aves answered Members' questions and discussed representation on the new Local Enterprise Partnership, ways in which the Council could support small businesses in the current challenging economic circumstances and suggestions for publicising local businesses accredited by the Kent Traders Scheme.

The Chairman thanked Mr Aves for his contribution to the meeting.
COM 11/012 West Kent Leader Programme Update
Caroline Lingham, Programme Manager for the West Kent Leader Programme, attended the meeting to update the Advisory Board on progress of the Leader Programme. It was noted that funding for the Programme came from EU sources under the auspices of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) and that with the abolition of SEEDA, RDPE responsibilities were being transferred to DEFRA. Ms Lingham made particular reference to the overall volume of bids and investment made by the programme to date, local projects supported by the programme, transitional issues and the role of DEFRA and the likely future funding of the programme.

Members commended the success of the programme in pump priming investment and creating new jobs. The Advisory Board requested that a letter of support be sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and copied to the appropriate Minister at DEFRA and local Members of Parliament, drawing attention to the value of the West Kent Leader Programme in enabling growth, creating employment and addressing rural deprivation.

The Chairman thanked Ms Lingham for her interesting presentation and contribution to the meeting.
COM 11/013 Digital Switchover
The report of the Chief Executive provided an update on the switchover to digital TV in 2012 and implications for local residents. A presentation was given by Kathy Caton of Digital UK who described the switchover process, the Help Scheme for eligible residents and the role of local authorities in raising awareness.

It was suggested that information be provided to residents via Here and Now and assistance sought via the Parish Partnership Panel, Tonbridge Forum and Tonbridge and Malling Seniors' Forum. It was also considered that the matter should be referred to the Community Safety Partnership and Trading Standards to ensure that members of the public were not victims of fraud perpetrated by rogue traders during the switchover period.
COM 11/014 Vision for Kent - Formal Consultation
Decision Notice D110109MEM

Further to Decision No D110044MEM, details were given of comments submitted in relation to an earlier draft of the revised Vision for Kent (V4K). The report of the Chief Executive assessed the extent to which the Borough Council's concerns had been addressed in the document now subject to a period of formal consultation until 22 August 2011.

Whilst welcoming the changes which had been made to the document, a number of outstanding concerns were highlighted including continued absence of reference to the diversity of local approaches being developed to take forward the document's ambitions. It was considered important to take an active role in the Ambition Boards to ensure that West Kent did not lose out in the fair allocation of resources. Members also expressed concern about the splitting of certain local voluntary organisations as a result of the County Council's funding decisions and the potential impact of removal of their focus from Tonbridge and Malling.

RECOMMENDED: That the comments set out in the report, together with the concerns expressed at the meeting, form the basis of the Borough Council's formal response to the draft Vision for Kent and the final letter be agreed in consultation with the Leader and Chairman of the Advisory Board.
COM 11/015 Consultation on Proposed Changes to KCC Charges for Adult Social Care
Decision Notice D110110MEM

The report of the Chief Executive outlined proposals within a Kent County Council consultation on changes to its non-residential charging policy. A copy of the consultation questionnaire was annexed to the report together with details of responses invited from local groups in order to inform the Borough Council's response.

Particular attention was drawn to the impact of the proposals on service users with mental health needs and the need to ensure that the charging policy for day care was applied equitably for people over 65 years. The comments contained in the response from East Peckham Parish Council were endorsed and Members expressed concern about the extent of the increase in available income to be taken into account (from 85 to 100 per cent) without any transitional arrangements. It was also suggested that other organisations such as Spadework be asked to provide examples of how their clients might be affected.

RECOMMENDED: that the comments set out within the report and expressed at the meeting be included in the Borough Council's response to the consultation along with any additional concerns raised by local groups.
COM 11/016 Promoting Local Apprenticeships - West Kent's 100 in 100 Campaign
Decision Notice D110111MEM

Consideration was given to participation in the West Kent Partnership's 100 in 100 Campaign, which was part of a national initiative to encourage the greater take-up of apprenticeships. An update was given on the formal launch of the campaign on 22 July 2011 and reference made to the Borough Council's active role in offering its own apprenticeships over the past few years.

RECOMMENDED: That the Borough Council's support and participation in the West Kent 100 in 100 Campaign be endorsed.
COM 11/017 Local Strategic Partnership - Meeting 7 June 2011
The Chief Executive presented the Minutes of the meeting of the Local Strategic Partnership held on 7 June 2011 which had focussed on proposals to delay work on a review of the Community Strategy pending new legislation, discussions on the County Council's proposed Locality Boards, restructuring of local police teams, adoption of a new annual action plan by the Community Safety Partnership and an update on the Children's Trust for the Borough.
COM 11/018 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2144 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E M Holland (Chairman), Cllr D J Cure (Vice-Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr J A L Balcombe, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr A G Sayer, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr A K Sullivan, Cllr R Taylor and Cllr D J Trice.
In attendance:
Councillors Mrs Anderson, Ms Atkinson, Baldock, Coffin, Mrs Murray, Rhodes and Worrall were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Gale, Lancaster and Miss Moloney.