Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Thursday, 28th March, 2013 7.30 pm

Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
COM 13/001 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
COM 13/002 Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities Advisory Board held on 4 December 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
COM 13/003 Regional Growth Fund Round 4 - Bid
Decision Notice D130032MEM

The report of the Chief Executive set out details of a bid for the West Kent/East Sussex area to the Government's Regional Growth Fund.

Details of the bid proposal, named 'ESCALATE' , which had recently been submitted were set out at paragraph 1.2 to the report. It was reported that the overall purpose of the programme would be to support as many local firms as possible which had ambitions to expand but were currently unable to do so due to lack of funding. A copy of the final bid submitted was circulated separately prior to and tabled at the meeting. It was noted that the research and development element had been removed from the final bid.

Members welcomed content and submission of this bid given its potential to generate additional investment into the Borough. If successful it was noted that the bid would involve a contribution from the Borough Council towards the costs of administering the scheme. However, the Board was reassured that such costs had been kept to a minimum and were significantly lower than those of similar schemes operating elsewhere in Kent.

RECOMMENDED: That the bid to the Regional Growth Fund, as set out in the report, be endorsed.
COM 13/004 West Kent Business Support Initiatives
Decision Notice D130033MEM

The Chief Executive provided an update on the development of additional jointly commissioned business support services for West Kent to be implemented in 2013/14.

It was reported that a bid to the County Council's Regeneration Fund for 2013/14 had been prepared and would be partly match funded by the three West Kent Districts and the West Kent Partnership. The bid would enable additional and enhanced business support initiatives to be implemented and these were outlined in the report.

Members welcomed and supported the initiatives but reiterated their concerns regarding the withdrawal of such business support traditionally offered by local banks. They were also mindful of the challenges and needs facing small and medium sized businesses and recognised the importance of providing high quality services and support. It was noted that specialist advice would be signposted as appropriate.

RECOMMENDED: That the West Kent business support programme be endorsed and further reports on the commissioning of providers and the take up of these initiatives be made to future meetings of the Advisory Board.
COM 13/005 Local Broadband Initiatives
Decision Notice D130034MEM

Members considered the report of the Chief Executive which provided an update on local initiatives aimed at enhancing broadband services in some rural parts of the borough.

The report advised Members of the aims and timescale of the proposed bid to transform broadband infrastructure and highlighted anything further to facilitate the process to ensure the best possible outcome for residents. Since the report had been published BT had been awarded the Kent County Council contract for Broadband Delivery UK.

It was noted that the County Council had implemented a 'Make Kent Quicker' campaign and residents, businesses and parishes would be encouraged to participate to highlight the demand in the area to identify and influence where services required improvement.

Further details on the roll out of services would be available from Kent County Council once the initial survey work had been undertaken.

Officers noted details of another independent local initiative ‘Call Flow' undertaken by residents of West Peckham.


(1) further local promotion of the 'Make Kent Quicker' campaign be undertaken, via website and existing forums;

(2) further investigation be undertaken into the viability of having the 'BT Mobile fibre broadband showcase' brought to the borough to provide greater awareness of the technologies available and information on the street side cabinets; and

(3) further investigation into the DEFRA Rural Community Broadband Fund be undertaken to establish eligibility and likely benefits for areas of the borough.
COM 13/006 West Kent Leader Programme - Update
Decision Notice D130035MEM

The report of the Chief Executive provided an update on the need for additional grant funding for the West Kent Leader Programme and funding to enable the Leader team to remain in operation to prepare a bid for the next round of Rural Development Programme England funding from 2015.

It was reported that there was a possibility of some transitional funding being made available to enable Leader teams to continue to operate and prepare for the new Leader round of bidding potentially available, subject to the EU agreeing its overall budgets by 2015.

Members commented that West Kent appeared to be penalised for being successful and expressed disappointment that the underspend across Leader programmes would be retained centrally and not shared.

RECOMMENDED: That proposals to apply for Leader transitional funding be supported and a further report on progress with developing a new Leader Programme from 2015 be made to a future meeting of the Advisory Board.
COM 13/007 Kent Savers Credit Union
Decision Notice D130036MEM

The overall purpose of the Credit Union and how this might be more fully promoted within the borough was outlined in the report of the Chief Executive.

It was explained that the Kent Savers Credit Union was run on a not for profit basis and aimed to promote saving and provide members with loans at reasonable rates, enabling people to control their own money.

Consideration was given to raising awareness of Kent Savers within the borough to help reduce the use of less reputable money lending sources, as well as providing an opportunity to encourage savings.

Members welcomed and supported this type of scheme, particularly given the mounting problems surrounding debt during the current economic climate, and encouraged a pro-active approach to raising awareness, assisting vulnerable residents and those most at risk of getting into financial difficulties due to irresponsible lending.


(1) a campaign of raised awareness of Kent Savers be undertaken, via the website, with partner organisations and existing forums;

(2) the possibility of Kent Savers providing training sessions for Gateway and other relevant staff be investigated;

(3) the research findings currently being developed by Tonbridge and Malling Citizens Advice Bureau regarding payday loans be brought to a future Advisory Board meeting for further analysis of the situation locally with regard to debt and loans for those most in need.
COM 13/008 Community Partnerships - Action Plans
Decision Notice D130037MEM

The report of the Chief Executive set out actions to guide community activities of the three development partnerships operating in the wards of East Malling,Trench and Snodland for the coming financial year.

In response to Members' comments regarding the need to promote the success of the Beat Project more, it was reported that it was the intention to publicise good news stories locally to raise the perception of the areas involved.

Members welcomed the external funding secured to enable the Beat Project to continue for the coming financial year but noted that this could not be guaranteed for 2014/15.

RECOMMENDED: That the action plan for East Malling and Trench, and the initial community priorities for Snodland, as set out in the report, be endorsed.

COM 13/009 Family Focus Programme - Update
Members were updated on the troubled families programme and its resource implications for the Borough Council.

It was noted that a District Programme Manager for Tonbridge and Malling had been appointed by the County Council to take forward the local management of the programme within the borough.
COM 13/010 Minutes of the Meeting of the Local Strategic Partnership and a Summary of the West Kent Partnership Conference
The minutes of the meeting of Local Strategic Partnership held on 14 December 2012, together with a summary of the West Kent Partnership Conference held on 18 January 2013 were presented for Members' information.

The serious concerns surrounding potential rent arrears affecting Russet Homes arising from welfare reform were noted.
COM 13/011 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2055 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E M Holland (Chairman), Cllr D J Cure (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J A L Balcombe, Cllr T Bishop, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr A G Sayer, Cllr Miss J L Sergison, Cllr R Taylor and Cllr D J Trice.
In attendance:
Councillors Baldock, Miss Elks, N Heslop and Luker were also present pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 15.21.

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Miss Shrubsole.