Meeting documents

Tuesday, 1st November, 2011 7.30 pm

TN 11/002 Member Training Plan 2011-12
The report of the Central Services Director made recommendations regarding topics to be addressed by the 2011/12 Member Training Plan. These ranged from identifying any outstanding skill gaps following evaluation of the induction training for new Members, through training on the chairing of meetings, equality and diversity issues, media interview training and the Council's regulatory framework to possible future training needs arising from the proposed National Planning Policy Framework and responsibilities flowing from the Localism Bill. Details were given of an in-house programme of training on Licensing issues and Treasury Management, the latter being the subject of a separate report (Minute TN 11/003 refers).

The Committee acknowledged the need for a considerable amount of information to be imparted to new Members at the induction sessions and the benefits of a 'refresher' course later in their Council service. Reference was made to the importance of an awareness of the scope of Freedom of Information requests and the need for caution in expressing informal opinions to be built into all training programmes. Proposed amendments to the regulatory framework for planning matters were discussed together with future arrangements for training for both Borough Council Members and parish councils once there was clarity on the precise nature of the changes.

RECOMMENDED: That the topics to be addressed in the training plan set out in section 1.1 of the report be endorsed.
*Referred to Council
The meeting ended at 2033 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Miss J L Sergison (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J M Bellamy, Cllr P F Bolt and Cllr M Parry-Waller

Action by Director of Finance -