Meeting documents

Strategic Housing Advisory Board
Monday, 6th October, 2008 7.30 pm

SH 08/027 Declarations of interest.
No declarations of interest were made.
SH 08/028 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board held on 12 February 2008 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
SH 08/029 Glossary
The Director of Health and Housing submitted a glossary of terms used within reports to the Advisory Board.
SH 08/030 Home Improvement Agency
Decision Notice D080079MEM

The Director of Health and Housing updated Members on the review of the Home Improvement Agency and the negotiations with 'in touch'. It was recommended that the service should be outsourced to 'in touch' who would provide a much enhanced service at little or no extra cost to the Borough Council.

A recent Scrutiny review had recognised the hard work of the staff in the Agency but found that service delivery was limited by the small size and capacity of the in-house team.

Members recognised that the outsourcing of the Home Improvement Agency would offer a much improved service to local residents which represented value for money and a significant step forward. The dedication and enthusiasm of the Home Improvement Agency staff was acknowledged with Members expressing their thanks for their hard work and level of commitment.


(1) a retrospective exemption from the requirement to open the tenders in the presence of the relevant Cabinet Member (Contracts Procedure Rule No. 9) be agreed;

(2) the significant amount of hard work and dedication given to the Agency over the past years by all the staff including the Home Improvement Agency Manager, Lesley Wheal, the Technical Officer, Peter Bourne and the Home Improvement Agency Administration Assistant, Nicola Longhurst, be acknowledged;

(3)the Kent Supporting People team be approached to assign the contract with the Council's Home Improvement Agency to 'in touch';

(4)the Home Improvement Agency be outsourced to 'in touch' on the terms set out in the report and as soon as is practicably possible;

(5)as soon as a date of commencement for the transfer has been agreed this improved service be promoted to residents; and

(6) any associated support groups have Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council representation in the form of the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Chairman of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board, and/or the Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board, and a Member of the Opposition.
SH 08/031 Review of Preferred Partners
Decision Notice D080080MEM

Consideration was given to the performance of Registered Social Landlord preferred partners in the delivery of new affordable housing in the Borough. The report recommended extending and revising the list of partners for a further three years, the Registered Social Landlords being required to enter into a Partnership Agreement as a condition of acceptance on to the list. Recent meetings with the Housing Associations Liaison Panel were also outlined.

The implications of a declining housing market impacting upon deliverability of affordable homes was discussed, with concern expressed that performance targets might be difficult to achieve.

Members suggested that consideration be given to the addition of Housing 21 to the preferred RSL list given their contribution to affordable housing in the Borough, subject to their meeting the appropriate criteria. Officers agreed to keep the preferred partner list under annual review in order to monitor RSL development and performance.


(1) the continuation of the existing preferred partner arrangements for another three year period be agreed, and kept under annual review to monitor RSL performance, with the inclusion of Guinness Partnership as an additional preferred partner (subject to the conditions set out at paragraph 1.4.2 of the report);

(2)the production of a new Housing Partnership Agreement following the adoption of the Council's Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning documents be noted; and

(3)it be a requirement of any preferred Registered Social Landlord partner to endorse the new Housing Partnership Agreement as a condition of remaining a preferred partner.
SH 08/032 Kent Choice Based Lettings Partnership
Decision Notice D080081MEM

The joint report of the Director of Health and Housing and the Cabinet Member for Housing advised that all local housing authorities and social housing landlords were required by Government to introduce Choice-based lettings for the allocation of social rented housing by 2010. The report set out the background to the Kent CBL Partnership and sought approval to enter into a Deed of Agreement with other councils and Registered Social Landlords in Kent to develop and deliver a CBL scheme across the county.

Members discussed issues surrounding the banding and points allocation system, cross borough mobility and the need to review the allocations policy to reflect local needs ensuring that satisfactory controls were in place. Officers were encouraged to monitor mobility and transfer rights as Members were concerned that the needs of local people should be met by local housing provision. Members recognised that an effective system for the allocation of social housing was essential in helping to create balanced communities and to ensure that the Council met its duties towards those in housing need. The Board requested that the Council did not increase mobility across the county from the initial 10% proposed in the report and that the level of transfers between this authority and Medway Council be accounted for to protect residents' needs.


(1) the Director of Health and Housing be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Director of Finance, to sign the Kent Choice Based Lettings Deed of Agreement, subject to there being no significant change in the financial implications on this Authority from those stated in the report;

(2)the annual costs, if any, of providing a choice based lettings scheme be reflected in the Medium Term Financial Strategy;

(3)a fast track evaluation be completed to ensure the cost of procuring homelessness IT software is reflected in the Capital Plan at the anticipated cost set out in paragraph 3.6.3 of the report;

(4)the Director of Health and Housing, or his nominated representative, be endorsed as being the Council's representative on the Kent Choice Based Lettings Project Board; and

(5)a good working relationship be promoted with Medway Council to ensure harmonisation between the two Choice Based Lettings schemes within the Kent boundaries.
SH 08/033 Starter Tenancies
Decision Notice D080082MEM

Members were advised of Russet Homes' proposal to introduce Starter Tenancies for new lettings across its stock.

The issues surrounding anti-social behaviour and the means of tackling the problem via Starter Tenancies was explained. It was anticipated that with the right level of support tenancies would be viable in the longer term with the initiative contributing to the creation of sustainable communities. Members welcomed this initiative recognising the benefits of providing new tenants with appropriate support and assistance during a probationary period.

RECOMMENDED: That Russet Homes' proposal to introduce starter tenancies across its stock be supported, subject to Russet agreeing to contact the Council's housing advice team in cases where possession is being sought following the service of a Section 21 notice.
SH 08/034 Housing Enforcement Policy
Decision Notice D080083MEM

The report of the Director of Health and Housing advised that local authorities were encouraged to adopt a clear housing enforcement policy to ensure a fair and consistent approach to enforcement of standards. The report presented the proposed policy and detailed how it linked into the wider Environmental Health and Housing enforcement policy.

Members were reminded that, due to the success of informal action, formal enforcement action within Tonbridge and Malling was rare but it was important to have an appropriate policy in place.

the Environmental Health and Housing and Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policies, as set out in the annexes to the report, be adopted.
SH 08/035 Disabled Facilities Grants
The report of the Director of Health and Housing updated Members on the changes to the Disabled Facilities Grants from 22 May 2008. The impact the changes would have, particularly on the DFG funding, and the need for re-profiling of the budget to meet future need for major adaptations for people with disabilities were outlined.

Members welcomed the changes to the DFG programme particularly if it helped to reduce the inequalities in the process. The Chairman reminded the Advisory Board that these were mandatory grants and the changes scheduled from 22 May 2008 would not change this mandatory duty.


(1) the changes to the Disabled Facilities Grant programme proposed for May 2008 and in the future be noted;

(2) the placing of a charge on owner-occupied properties where the cost of the DFG exceeds £5,000, up to a maximum of £10,000, for a period of 10 years be endorsed; and

(3) the Capital Plan be amended to reflect the increased allocation of Government grant in 2008/09 as explained in paragraph 1.4 of the report.
*Referred to Cabinet
SH 08/036 Return of Services Update
Decision Notice D080084MEM

The Board was provided with an update following the return in-house on 17 March 2008 of the homelessness and housing register services (previously provided under contract by Russet Homes.)

The difficulties associated with the returned register were outlined with Members being advised of action taken to address the problems. To improve the quality of the data, and ensure that housing needs were correctly identified a thorough review of the housing register had commenced.

In response to a question related to temporary accommodation and tenants with rent arrears, Members were advised that a dedicated Accommodation Officer was available to offer advice and assistance. Practical ways of resolving these problems were discussed with tenants and included the creation of a rent timetable or programme.

Members acknowledged the early progress made by the new housing services team recognising their dedication, hard work and commitment in tackling a challenging agenda.

RECOMMENDED: That the Director of Health and Housing be authorised to exercise discretion to determine exceptional cases as set out at paragraph 1.9 of the report.

SH 08/037 Homebuy
Decision Notice D080085MEM

Details of changes to the Homebuy scheme that had taken place on 1 April 2008 were outlined. Endorsement was sought of the procedure for prioritising applicants for local low cost home ownership opportunities.


(1) the launch of the new low cost home ownership products be noted; and

(2)the Homebuy Allocation Procedure be endorsed.
SH 08/038 Housing Strategy Update
The Director of Health and Housing set out the timetable for the production of a new Housing Strategy covering the period 2009-2012, which coincided with the review of the Council's Sustainable Community Strategy this year.

Members were pleased to learn that the Government Office of the South East had recently confirmed that the approach being taken was 'at the leading edge of current thinking on this issue'. The importance of maintaining a leading edge position in strategy development and service delivery terms was recognised by Members, especially from a reputational point of view.
SH 08/039 Regional Housing Strategy
Members were informed of the publication of the Regional Housing Strategy 2008-11 and were provided with a brief overview of its contents.

Members discussed emerging regional policy changes and suggested it would be prudent to await the impact of these before investing too much time on responding to the latest regional strategy document.
SH 08/040 Housing Assistance - Regional Housing Board Funding
The report on Housing Assistance - Regional Housing Board Funding was noted by Members.
SH 08/041 Development Report
The report of the Director of Health and Housing updated Members on progress being made in providing new affordable housing in the Borough and summarised the development programme for 2007/08.
SH 08/042 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2050 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr D J Cure (Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Ms J A Atkinson, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr D Smith, Cllr Ms S Spence, Cllr L A Withey and Cllr Mrs C Woodger.