Meeting documents

Strategic Housing Advisory Board
Monday, 9th November, 2009 7.30 pm

SH 09/044 Declarations of interest.
Councillor Heslop declared a personal interest in the presentation by John Handley in that he was a trustee of the Bridge Trust.
SH 09/045 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board held on 18 May 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
SH 09/046 Glossary
The Director of Health and Housing submitted a glossary of terms used within the reports to the Advisory Board.
SH 09/047 Presentation by the Bridge Trust
Members received a presentation from John Handley of the Bridge Trust which summarised the role and activities undertaken by the trust to provide counselling and assistance to vulnerable homeless adults. Members thanked Mr Handley for the informative video presentation which had highlighted the needs of 'rough sleepers' and the particular problems encountered by this transient population.
SH 09/048 Housing Strategy 2009-2012: Draft Action Plan
Decision Notice D090108MEM

The joint report of the Director of Health and Housing and the Cabinet Member for Housing set out the draft Housing Strategy Action Plan for 2009-2012 and highlighted that the objectives within the action plan had been developed to ensure that it met the Council's five key priorities regarding the provision of affordable housing, tackling homelessness, private sector renewal and energy efficiency, assisting vulnerable households and addressing crime reduction.

RECOMMENDED: That the draft Housing Strategy Action Plan 2009-2012 be endorsed for the purpose of consultation as set out in paragraph 1.2.1 of the report.
SH 09/049 West Kent Homelessness Strategy Progress Update
Decision Notice D090109MEM

The joint report of the Director of Health and Housing and the Cabinet Member for Housing summarised progress made towards achieving the objectives set out in the West Kent Homelessness Strategy Action Plan. Details of the proposed timetable for the review of the joint strategy and action plan were set out in section 1.2 of the report.


(1) the progress made in respect of the West Kent Homelessness Strategy Action Plan 2007-10, as set out in section 1.1 of the report, be noted; and

(2) the timetable for the review of the West Kent Homelessness Strategy and action plan set out in section 1.2 of the report be approved.
SH 09/050 Delivery of Energy Efficiency Programme Across North and West Kent PSR Partnership 2009-11
Decision Notice D090110MEM

The report sought delegated authority for the Director of Health and Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Chief Solicitor, to sign the Energy Efficiency/Fuel Poverty contract to enable the Council to deliver its energy efficiency programme across the Borough as part of the West Kent Private Sector Renewal Partnership. The Director of Health and Housing advised that funding had been confirmed for the first year only with indicative financial arrangements for subsequent years. Assurance was sought from the Director of Health and Housing that future reports would monitor the outcome of the range of initiatives incorporated in the programme.

RECOMMENDED: That the Director of Health and Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Chief Solicitor, be given delegated authority to resolve the matter outlined at paragraph 1.2.1 of the report and to enter into a contract with Creative Environmental Network (CEN) that formally commits the Council to funding CEN to administer and deliver energy related works for home owners in the Tonbridge and Malling borough and that such delegated authority not be exercised beyond the limits of the Council's Budget and Policy Framework.
SH 09/051 Housing Needs Update
Decision Notice D090111MEM

The joint report of the Director of Health and Housing and the Cabinet Member for Housing provided an update on the performance and activity of the housing options, homelessness and housing register services. Attention was drawn to the award of a one-off grant of £38,000 by Communities and Local Government to establish a specific fund to prevent repossessions and to the county-wide rough sleeper count to be undertaken in the autumn.


(1) the intention to participate in the countywide rough sleeper count in the autumn be noted; and

(2) the proposed approach for making best use of the additional Communities and Local Government funding be endorsed.
SH 09/052 The Rugg Review of the Private Rented Sector
Decision Notice D090112MEM

The joint report of the Director of Health and Housing and the Cabinet Member for Housing set out details of a proposed response to the Government's consultation in respect of issues identified in the 'Rugg Review' regarding support of the private rented sector. In response to concern expressed about the apparent lack of parity in design and size standards of properties in the private and public sectors the Director of Health and Housing offered to raise this concern in the response to the consultation.

RECOMMENDED: That the comments in Annex 1 to the report be endorsed and form the basis of the Council's response to the consultation.
SH 09/053 Disabled Facilities Grant
The report of the Director of Health and Housing provided an update on the current spend against the Disabled Facilities Grant budget with particular reference to ongoing discussions with Russet Homes. Details of grant applications involving children and young persons were also provided.
SH 09/054 Home Improvement Agency Advisory Board Minutes and Management Report
The Director of Health and Housing presented the minutes of the last meeting of the Tonbridge and Malling Home Improvement Agency Advisory Group and his report set out details of future arrangements under the new in touch Mid and West Kent Home Improvement Agency.
SH 09/055 Housing Strategy for Kent
The report of the Director of Health and Housing provided an update on the development of a Kent and Medway Housing Strategy by the Housing Sub Group of the Kent Economic Board.
SH 09/056 Development Report
The report of the Director of Health and Housing updated Members on the progress being made by the Council's Registered Social Landlord partners in providing new affordable housing in the Borough and summarised the programmes for 2009/10 and to 2011/12. Members raised concerns at the lack of sufficient funding of the Mychoice Homebuy scheme which had proved extremely popular with first time buyers but was not currently available. Examples were highlighted of other Government initiatives which had significant funding available but which had yet to make any appreciable impact on the housing market.
SH 09/057 The Single Conversation
The report provided details of the Homes and Communities Agency's proposal to introduce "the single conversation" as the new way in which it intended to communicate its funding intentions to local authorities and partner agencies.
SH 09/058 Service of Statutory Notices
Members noted the statutory notices served since the last meeting of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board.
SH 09/059 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2127 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr D J Cure (Chairman), Cllr Ms J A Atkinson (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr D W Smith and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.