Meeting documents

Tuesday, 10th July, 2007 7.30 pm

CB 07/085 Tonbridge Town Centre
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)

Consideration was given to the recommendations of the Tonbridge Town Centre Panel made at its meeting held earlier that evening following examination of the reports of the Management Team and BPS Chartered Surveyors. Details were given of the outcome of a comprehensive assessment of the options available to the Council as landowner in progressing the potential development of the Botany Area in accordance with the planning parameters set out in the Local Development Framework. The Tonbridge Town Centre Panel had concluded that, having had due regard to the various options identified in the BPS report and having taken account of the material matters raised therein, the proposed way forward involving the selection of Sainsburys as preferred developer should be recommended to the Cabinet and Council. Consideration was also given to recommendations regarding the key safeguards and development principles that the Council should adopt in entering such a partnership.


(1) the recommendations within the BPS report be adopted on the basis recommended by the Tonbridge Town Centre Panel as follows and the project be taken forward accordingly:

(i) the Council confirms its commitment to progressing the comprehensive development of the Botany Area;

(ii) the Council selects and confirms its preferred option for progressing the development through a development partnership;

(iii) Sainsburys be selected as the Council's preferred developer with the safeguards set out in the report underpinning subsequent negotiations; and

(2) a sum of £300,000 be set aside from the Revenue Reserve for Capital Schemes as a contingency provision in the event that the Council's feasibility costs are abortive.

*Referred to Council
The meeting ended at 2042 hours having commenced at 2037 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr D J Aikman, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr O C Baldock, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr G Court, Cllr N J Heslop and Cllr Mrs S M Murray.

Ms V Conway and Mr A Jones - BPS Chartered Surveyors