Meeting documents

Tuesday, 13th July, 2010 7.30 pm

CB 10/056 Petition Scheme
The Central Services Director reported on the requirement under the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 for every local authority to adopt a Petition Scheme and to have an on-line petition facility in place by 15 December 2010. Consideration was given to a draft scheme based upon the model produced by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Concern was expressed that the model scheme could prove more restrictive than the Council's current practice and clarification was sought on how decisions would be taken regarding acceptance of valid petitions and any action arising from them. The Central Services Director outlined the investigations being undertaken in respect of procurement of an online petition facility and possible costs. Members considered that the petition scheme should be adopted on an interim basis to meet statutory requirements but the position be reviewed and updated at the next meeting with the benefit of comparative information from other authorities.


(1) the draft Petition Scheme set out at the annex to the report be approved on an interim basis (by the Cabinet in respect of executive functions and the Council in respect of non-executive functions) and a further report be presented to the next meeting with comparative information on the schemes, including thresholds, adopted by other Kent authorities together with clarification of the process for dealing with petitions and making decisions arising from them;

(2) the Central Services Director be designated as the Petitions Officer and requested to report annually to the Council on the operation of the scheme;

(3) the Central Services Director, as Monitoring Officer, be requested to incorporate the Petition Scheme in the Council's Constitution and make consequential amendments; and

(4) the Central Services Director and Information Technology Manager be requested to undertake the procurement of an on-line petition facility in accordance with the Council's Financial Regulations.
*Referred to Council
The meeting ended at 2058 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr D J Aikman, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr O C Baldock, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr M A Coffin and Cllr N J Heslop

Action by Director of Finance -

Action by Director of Finance -