Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Thursday, 14th June, 2007 7.30 pm

PE 07/001 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
PE 07/002 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 23 October 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 07/003 Kent County Council Small Improvement Programme 2007/08 - Partnership Arrangements
Decision Notice D070050MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation described how the Borough Council could ensure that schemes with high local priority and proven need could be confirmed in the County Council's final schedule of traffic and highway improvement schemes for implementation during 2007/08. Members commented on a number of the projects and it was noted that further information could be sought from the County Council at the forthcoming meeting of the Joint Transportation Board. The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure undertook to consult local Members on the location of the proposed zebra crossing in Hadlow Road.

RECOMMENDED: That the proposals for the Local Transport Plan Partnership Programme and the Community Partnership Initiatives, as shown in Annexes 2 and 3 to the report, be endorsed and the joint funding arrangements with the County Council for the 2007/08 programme of traffic and highway improvement schemes be approved.
PE 07/004 Borough Council Input on Highway Works 2006/07
Decision Notice D070051MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation updated the position on schemes within the Local Transport Plan which had been supported by contributions from the Borough Council's Capital Plan during the current financial year. Consideration was also given to the County Council's proposals for works in Castle Way, Leybourne and particular concerns were raised regarding the need for control of access and parking by lorries.

The Board discussed the take up of the Speedwatch initiative by Parish Councils and the need for successful schemes to be publicised. It was therefore suggested that a presentation be given to a future meeting of the Parish Partnership Panel by a Parish Council with experience of the Speedwatch Initiative.


(1) subject to local residents being content with the details of the traffic calming scheme and the County Council addressing soft landscaping issues, the proposals in respect of Castle Way shown on the drawings be supported by the Borough Council and the scheme be implemented as soon as possible; and

(2) the County Council be urged to bring forward measures to control HGV access and parking and appropriate action be taken in conjunction with the Borough Council if there is an urgent need to do so.
PE 07/005 Capital Plan Progress Report
Decision Notice D070052MEM

Consideration was given to the joint report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation which updated progress with the schemes contained in the Planning and Transport section of the Capital Plan. Details were given of a possible financial settlement for the Aylesford Traffic Management Scheme which could be met from the current budget allocation, resulting in an overall saving on the project. Members welcomed the progress on the schemes and commended the officers for their hard work. Updates were given on a number of projects in response to Members' questions and a number of concerns were highlighted in connection with the West Malling Station southern access.


(1) progress on Planning and Transport capital schemes be noted and efforts be made in conjunction with the County Council to prevent "rat running" between the bypass and West Malling and to secure additional noise attenuation measures in the area immediately to the north and south of the junction of the bypass with the station link road; and

(2) the commercial settlement for the contract for Aylesford Traffic Management Scheme be approved.
PE 07/006 Parking Management - Progress Report
The Board received the joint report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation which described the finishing phases of the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan and parking management works at Blue Bell Hill. Consideration was given to a proposal to adjust the pricing structure on Saturdays for the long stay car parks in Tonbridge in response to the parking needs of the local community. It was noted that the financial implications of introducing a range of charges identical to the short stay car parks on a Saturday only was likely to be broadly neutral.

The report outlined the next stages of the Parking Action Plan focusing on Hadlow, Borough Green and Snodland and referred to the commitment to review elements of the West Malling Local Parking Plan. Attention was drawn to a potential problem of over-utilisation of Borough Green car park and it was agreed that a comprehensive examination of the situation should take place before consideration of any changes to charges.

Members of the Board expressed their appreciation to the Chief Engineer and his team on the culmination of the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan.


(1) the changes to Saturday charging in the long stay car parks in Tonbridge be approved on the basis described in the report; and

(2) the programme of Parking Action Plan commitments and priorities set out in the report be noted and endorsed.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 07/007 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Survey and Strategy Review Implications
Decision Notice D070053MEM

The joint report of the Director of Health and Housing, Cabinet Member for Housing, Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation gave details of the results of a study into the needs of Gypsies and Travellers carried out by consultants on behalf of Tonbridge and Malling, Maidstone, Ashford and Tunbridge Wells Councils, and set this within the context of the review of the Housing Strategy, the Local Development Framework and Regional Spatial Strategy. Members had previously received a presentation from David Couttie Associates on the survey findings when the report was presented to the Strategic Housing Advisory Board on 20 February 2007.


(1) the draft survey findings be noted and endorsed for the purposes of consultation including the planned event with the Gypsy and Traveller community; and

(2) a further report on the study findings, including the outcome of the consultation exercise together with options for addressing the shortfall in pitch provision, be presented to future meetings of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board and Planning and Transportation Advisory Board.
PE 07/008 Planning Gain Supplement - Consultation by Department for Communities and Local Government
Decision Notice D070054MEM

The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure referred to the previously expressed opposition to the concept of Planning Gain Supplement (PGS) (Decision Number D060085CAB). Details were given of a further consultation from the Department for Communities and Local Government on a proposed approach to the relationship between PGS and the planning system, together with a suggested response to the questions posed. Members were updated at the meeting on comments received from the Director of Health and Housing on the need for a correct mechanism to ensure affordability of housing across the Borough. Members reiterated their opposition to the principle of Planning Gain Supplement but endorsed a response on the basis set out in the report with a reinforcement of the concerns about affordable housing.

RECOMMENDED: That the Borough Council's strong opposition to the proposed Planning Gain Supplement, as previously stated, be reiterated and the detailed responses to the current consultation as set out in the report be endorsed, with particular emphasis on the need for unimpeded provision of affordable housing.
PE 07/009 Proposed Planning Policy Statement: Planning and Climate Change
Decision Notice D070055MEM

The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure reported on a Government consultation on a draft supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS1) entitled "Planning and Climate Change". The report summarised the main issues identified in the draft PPS and the key implications and sought endorsement of a draft response to the questions posed in the consultation. Whilst welcoming the content of the PPS in principle, the Board expressed concern about the uncertainties regarding the practicality of some of the measures and the lack of coherence in relation to other Government initiatives.

RECOMMENDED: That the Council

(1) welcomes the content of the Planning Policy Statement in principle;

(2) expresses disappointment that the Practice Guidance was not published alongside the draft PPS because understanding the practicality of some of the measures is dependent upon the detail which is not yet available;

(3) endorses the detailed response to consultation set out in Annex A to the report; and

(4) makes the overriding point that it is vital for the success of the proposals in the PPS and the confidence of the public in them that they be clearly coordinated and coherent in relation to other Government initiatives.
PE 07/010 Local Nature Reserves
The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided information about two potential sites for Local Nature Reserves in the Borough. It was noted that Ditton Parish Council wished to designate part of Ditton Court Quarry and the Borough Council was investigating the possibility of declaring Haysden Country Park as a Local Nature Reserve.


(1) Ditton Parish Council be supported in its proposals to progress with the declaration of a Local Nature Reserve at Ditton Court Quarry; and

(2) the proposals regarding the potential Local Nature Reserve designation for Haysden Country Park be noted.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 07/011 Consultation on Water Efficiency in New Buildings
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure reported on a Government consultation on proposals to set minimum standards for water efficiency in new buildings and business premises in England and Wales by means of extending the scope of the current Building Regulations. The report gave details of the two options put forward involving a whole building performance standard (Option A) or a component based approach with minimum standards for key fittings (Option B). Consideration was given to a proposed response to the questions posed in the consultation. Members supported the "light touch" approach to the proposals based on Option A as the preferred approach.

RECOMMENDED: That the approach set out in the report based on a preference for Option A be approved as the basis of the response to the consultation.

[In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No 8.5 Councillor Evans requested that it be recorded that he had voted against the recommendation.)
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 07/012 Development Control - Planning Applications and Appeals Performance
The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided a commentary on performance in dealing with planning applications and appeals. Whilst there had been improvements during the current financial year in terms of determination of planning applications and defending the decisions at appeal, the report highlighted a need to continue to review the business process, systems and procedures in development control in order to improve performance. Members recorded their congratulations to the Chief Planner (Development Control) and his staff for the results achieved.
PE 07/013 Exclusion of Press and Public
The Chairman moved, it was seconded and

RESOLVED: That as public discussion would disclose exempt information the following matter be considered in private.
PE 07/014 CCTV Fibre Optic Transmission Systems Contract
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Decision Notice D070056MEM

  • (Attachment: 17)Report of Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure
Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure which sought an exemption from Contracts Procedure Rules for the extension of the existing transmission contract provided by NTL: Telewest.


(1) an exemption be granted from tendering in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rule 3.1 (i); and

(2) authority be given to enter into a five year maintenance contract with NTL: Telewest for the CCTV cable network in Tonbridge.
The meeting ended at 2200 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman); Cllr Miss J R Browne (Vice-Chairman); Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley and Cllr Miss J L Sergison.