Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th May, 2007 7.30 pm

ST 07/009 Government Proposals for "Localisation" of the Ethical Framework
The Monitoring Officer reported on the Government's proposals for localisation of the ethical framework as contained in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill. The report highlighted the potential changes and potential implications for the workload and membership of the Committee and its Panels.


(1) the proposals for changes in the way the ethical framework is proposed to be operated be noted;

(2) the membership of the Standards Committee be reviewed at the Annual Meeting in May 2007 as follows:

(i) the membership of the Standards Committee consist of twelve members of the Council (of whom not more than one may be a member of the executive and may not be the leader) and four independent members;

(ii) subject to their being willing to continue to serve, the two existing independent members be invited to continue in office until after the elections in May 2011; and

(iii) the Monitoring Officer be authorised to advertise in a local newspaper for expressions of interest from persons interested in becoming independent members and a panel of five members be established to interview the candidates and report to the Council on future appointments; and

(3) the membership of the Town and Parish Councils Standards Sub-Committee be reviewed at the Annual Meeting in May 2007 as follows:

(i) the membership of the Sub-Committee consist of twelve members appointed to represent the town and parish councils in the Borough and four independent members;

(ii) subject to their being willing to continue to serve, the five existing town and parish council members of the sub-committee be invited to continue in office until after the elections in May 2011; and

(iii) the Monitoring Officer be authorised to invite nominations from the town and parish councils in the Borough to fill any vacancies in the sub-committee and, in the event that the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, the Monitoring Officer arrange a poll by the town and parish councils to select the appropriate number of members.
*Referred to Council
The meeting ended at 2040 hours

Attendance Details

Mr M Rowe MBE JP (Chairman), Cllr G Court (Vice-Chairman), Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr B Miners, Mrs N Samels, Cllr Miss J L Sergison and Cllr Mrs E A Simpson and the following representatives of parish councils: Mr J Day (Ditton), Mr M Stonnard (Hadlow) and Mr R Whiteside (East Peckham).