Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15th May, 2007 7.30 pm

C 07/018 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made in respect of items recommended to the Council.
C 07/019 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 22nd February 2007 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
C 07/020 Mayor's Announcements.
The Mayor advised that he had undertaken forty-three engagements in the past couple of months and he thanked the Deputy Mayor for attending a further ten engagements on his behalf.

Amongst his recent programme of events he particularly mentioned the 'Call My Bluff' Quiz held on 23 March at Poult Wood Golf Centre, his attendance at a reception for officers of HMS Chatham, a visit to the National Maritime Museum as a guest of the Mayor of Greenwich and judging an Easter Bonnet Competition at High Hilden Residential Home.

He thanked everyone who had supported his Charity Cycle Ride on Sunday 15 April as this had raised between two and three thousand pounds for his charities.

Finally, the Mayor referred to those Councillors, including himself, who would not be seeking re-election on 3 May 2007. At his invitation Councillors Worrall, Thornewell and Hickmott paid tribute to their valuable contributions to the Authority and the Chief Executive thanked all Members for their support over the last four years.
C 07/021 Questions from the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6.
No questions were received from the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6.
C 07/022 Questions from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5.
No questions were received from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5.
C 07/023 Leader's Announcements.
The Leader provided an update on the response received from the Government to the letter regarding this Council's Local Government Financial Settlement.

He referred to recent coverage in the national press of the refuse and green waste collection services and to articles in the local press regarding the review of sheltered scheme services.

Finally, he commented on the Council's Constitution and gave a commitment that if he led the next administration he would remain committed to an 'inclusive' approach where all Members were able to participate in the decision making processes.
C 07/024 Government Proposals for "Localisation" of the Ethical Framework
Item ST 07/009 referred from Standards Committee minutes of 7th March, 2007

RESOLVED: That the recommendation at Minute ST 07/009 be adopted.
C 07/025 Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001: Licensing of Motor Salvage Operators
Item LA 07/007 referred from Licensing and Appeals Committee minutes of 2nd April, 2007

RESOLVED: That the recommendation at Minute LA 07/007 be adopted.
C 07/026 2007/08 Draft Corporate Performance Plan
Item CB 07/044 referred from Cabinet minutes of 4th April, 2007

RESOLVED: That the recommendation at Minute CB 07/044 be adopted.
C 07/027 Gender Equality Scheme
Item CB 07/045 referred from Cabinet minutes of 4th April, 2007

RESOLVED: That the recommendation at Minute CB 07/045 be adopted.
C 07/028 Asset Management Plan
Item CB 07/046 referred from Cabinet minutes of 4th April, 2007

RESOLVED: That the recommendation at Minute CB 07/046 be adopted.
C 07/029 Updates to the Constitution
The Monitoring Officer presented details of amendments required to the Constitution arising from recent changes in Part 1 of the Annex to Article 4 regarding the Council's Policy Framework; further amendment of the Central Services Director's delegation regarding agreement of detailed changes to the Kent Countywide Concessionary Travel Scheme documents; amendments to the membership of the Standards Committee and improvements to the structure and organisation of the Council (Cabinet Decision Notice D070088CAB refers). The Monitoring Officer drew attention to three corrections to the annexes to the report.


(1) the alterations to the Council's Constitution referred to in the report, as amended at the meeting, be adopted; and

(2) the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any necessary consequential amendments.
C 07/030 Programme of Meetings 2007/08
The Chief Executive submitted a proposed programme of meetings for the remainder of this year and to December 2008. He advised members that the meeting of the Community Development Advisory Board scheduled for 17 May 2007 had been deleted from the programme.

RESOLVED: That the programme of meetings for 2007/08 be approved and submitted to Annual Council on 15 May 2007 for final confirmation.
C 07/031 Scrutiny Committee - Annual Report
The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee presented the annual report on the work undertaken by the committee over the past year as required by the Council's Constitution. He paid tribute to the thorough approach adopted by members of the committee, thanked his Vice-Chairman for his support and referred to the achievements of the late Mrs Geraldine Bowden as the previous Vice-Chairman.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted and Councillors Hickmott and Allison be commended for the work they had undertaken as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee during the past municipal year.
C 07/032 Policy and Best Value Committee - Annual Report
The Chairman of the Policy and Best Value Committee presented the annual report on the work undertaken by the committee over the past year, as required by the Council's Constitution. He paid tribute to the thorough approach adopted by members of the committee.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted and Councillors Bolt and Thornewell be commended for the work they had undertaken as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Policy and Best Value Committee during the past municipal year.
C 07/033 Sealing of Documents
RESOLVED: That authority be given for the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any instrument to give effect to a decision of the Council incorporated in the Minutes and proceedings.
The meeting ended at 2040 hours

Attendance Details

His Worship the Mayor (Cllr R A Dorling), the Deputy Mayor (Cllr Mrs F A Kemp), Cllr D J Aikman, Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr O C Baldock, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr R C Brown, Cllr Miss J R Browne, Cllr G R W Chapman, Cllr F R D Chartres, Cllr J R H Clements, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr G Court, Cllr D J Cure, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr M P Diment, Cllr M J Dobson, Cllr P J Drury, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr Mrs J M Harrison, Cllr J Hayes, Cllr N J Heslop, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr G A Horne MBE, Cllr D M Laverty, Cllr D Lettington, Cllr Mrs S L Luck, Cllr B J Luker, Cllr B Miners, Cllr E A Munro, Cllr Mrs S M Murray, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr M J Porter, Cllr M R Rhodes, Cllr Mrs C M Ridsdill-Smith, Cllr T J Robins, Cllr H S Rogers, Cllr G Rowe, Cllr Miss J L Sergison, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr C P Smith, Cllr D G Still, Cllr A K Sullivan, Cllr D Thornewell, Cllr Mrs C J Woodger and Cllr M S Worrall.