Meeting documents

Tuesday, 16th April, 2013 7.30 pm

C 13/006 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
C 13/007 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 21 November 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
C 13/008 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the proceedings of the special meeting of the Council held on 21 November 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
C 13/009 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the proceedings of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 16 January 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
C 13/010 Mayor's Announcements.
The Mayor began by welcoming Julie Beilby as the Council's new Chief Executive, offering congratulations and looking forward to working with her in that capacity over the coming years. He then reported on activities and events attended during the very busy period up to Christmas and the quieter one since then and thanked the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress for their support.

The Mayor described the range of Christmas events attended including school nativity plays, carol concerts and Christmas fairs with particular reference to the event at East Malling where young people took part in a wide variety of activities. He also highlighted a Christmas party to celebrate 50 years of the Six-in-One Club in Trench ward, Tonbridge, and the major events surrounding the switching on of Christmas lights in Snodland and Tonbridge. Further events of note were the Royal visit by the Duke of Kent to East Malling Research Station and a moving World Aids Day Service at Rochester Cathedral.

Attention was drawn to four events of special note during the New Year: the Greek Orthodox Blessing of the Seas ceremony in Margate; visits to Demelza House in Sittingbourne and to the Kenwood Trust with the Mayor of Maidstone; and finally the posthumous award of the Freedom of the Borough to Mark Worrall for which he expressed gratitude to everyone who had made the event a success.

The Mayor mentioned a range of events with young people in the Borough including the Tonbridge School concert, the award ceremonies of 2520 Squadron Tonbridge Air Cadets and 17th Tonbridge Scout and Guide Band and a further visit to make awards to youngsters with Challenger Troop. The Mayor updated the Council on a number of fund-raising events including the successful cake stall before Christmas and the production of Cider With Rosie at the Oast Theatre. He indicated that his charity fund now stood at over £3,100. He drew attention to some forthcoming events including the Quiz Night on 23 February, his Charity Dinner Evening at The Friars, Aylesford, on 23 March and a Pudding Evening at Ightham Mote on 19 April. The Mayor encouraged Members to support these events.
C 13/011 Questions from the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6.
No questions were received from members of the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6.
C 13/012 Questions from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5.
No questions were received from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5.
C 13/013 Leader's Announcements.
The Leader acknowledged that this was the first Council meeting attended by Julie Beilby in her new capacity of Chief Executive and Adrian Stanfield as Director of Central Services and Monitoring Officer. On behalf of the Council, he wished them well and looked forward to working with them in their new roles in which they were well supported by excellent colleagues on the Management Team. The Leader paid tribute to the professionalism, dedication and determination of the staff of the Authority. Particular reference was made to the significant challenge for those preparing the Budget and appreciation of the efforts of the Director of Finance and Transformation and her team was recorded.

The Leader commented on the bout of severe weather in mid January which had brought its own challenges for the staff, particularly the Head of Waste and Street Scene Services and his team working with Veolia. Disruption to the refuse and recycling services had been kept to a minimum with the release of timely updates to the public. He indicated that when it was not practical for the crews to undertake their rounds they were deployed to assist the County Council with the gritting of untreated footpaths.

The Council was reminded of the challenging times facing Housing Services and the Council's registered social housing partners. The Leader indicated that the Housing Associations Liaison Panel, under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Member for Housing, had recently met each of them and a report on the main findings would be submitted to the next meeting of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board. He referred to the importance of making face to face advice available to those residents concerned about the impact of welfare reform and highlighted the new walk-in service available at Borough Green Library. Work was taking place with the Citizens Advice Bureau on this initiative and the Council now provided local surgeries at Snodland, Larkfield and Borough Green where residents could access services and support.

The Leader advised the Council that the Secretary of State had that day announced to Parliament that he was revoking the Regional Strategy for South East England. This would mean that development plans across the former South East government office region would comprise local plans and, where they existed, neighbourhood plans, creating both an opportunity and a challenge in making strategic development decisions at a local level.

Referring to the recent domination of the national news agenda by the production of food, the Leader drew attention to a good news story from part of the Borough namely the success of the Tonbridge Allotment Association in the Kent Allotment Competition where the top awards had been won for the third year running. He advised that Sandra Poth of the Ridgeway site had won both the President's Cup and the Ladies' Rose Bowl for the best individual allotment plot in Kent, and Tonbridge had won the prestigious Medway Trophy as their entries filled six of the top seven places. Finally, the Leader drew attention to the significant agenda items to follow which looked to the future and needed to be the focus of the Council's attention.
C 13/014 Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS)
Item AU 13/003 referred from Audit Committee minutes of 28th January, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute AU 13/003 be adopted.
C 13/015 Localism Act - Pay Policy
Item GP 13/004 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 4th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute GP 13/004 be adopted.
C 13/016 Legal Services - Establishment
Item GP 13/005 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 4th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute GP 13/005 be adopted.
C 13/017 Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy for 2013/14
Item CB 13/015 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/015 be adopted.
C 13/018 Setting the Budget 2013/14
Item CB 13/016 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendation at Minute CB 13/017 be approved and the Council Tax Resolution 2013/14, as set out as an Annex to these Minutes, be adopted.
C 13/019 Setting the Council Tax 2013/14
Item CB 13/017 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/016 be adopted.
C 13/020 Leisure Facilities Review of Management Options
Item CB 13/018 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/018 be adopted.
C 13/021 Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
Item OS 13/009 referred from Overview and Scrutiny Committee minutes of 29th January, 2013
Item CB 13/019 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

And as Item CB 13/019 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/019 be adopted.
C 13/022 Housing and Council Tax Benefits Anti-Fraud Policy
Item OS 13/008 referred from Overview and Scrutiny Committee minutes of 29th January, 2013
Item CB 13/020 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

And as Item CB 13/020 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/020 be adopted.
C 13/023 Proposed Changes to the Kent Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy
Item OS 13/005 referred from Overview and Scrutiny Committee minutes of 29th January, 2013
Item CB 13/021 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

And as Item CB 13/021 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/021 be adopted.
C 13/024 Food and Safety Team Service Plan 2012-2016
Item OS 13/006 referred from Overview and Scrutiny Committee minutes of 29th January, 2013
Item CB 13/022 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

And as Item CB 13/022 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 13/022 be adopted.
C 13/025 Sealing of Documents
RESOLVED: That authority be given for the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any instrument to give effect to a decision of the Council incorporated into these Minutes and proceedings.
C 13/026 Exclusion of Press and Public
The Mayor moved, it was seconded and

RESOLVED: That as public discussion would disclose exempt information, the following matters be considered in private.
C 13/027 Tonbridge Town Centre
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Item FP 13/023 referred from Finance and Property Advisory Board minutes of 30th January, 2013
Item CB 13/032 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

  • (Attachment: 66)Supplementary report of Management Team
  • (Attachment: 67)Supplementary Annex 1
  • (Attachment: 68)Supplementary Annex 2
  • (Attachment: 69)Report of Management Team
  • (Attachment: 70)Annex 1
  • (Attachment: 71)Annex 2
  • (Attachment: 72)Annex 3
  • (Attachment: 73)Annex 4
And as Item CB 13/032 referred from Cabinet minutes of 12th February, 2013

RESOLVED: That the proposed action set out at paragraph 1.9 of the report of the Management Team be approved as follows:

(1) the proposed Heads of Terms at Annex 1 to the report be approved;

(2) subject to receipt of a legally binding indemnity, the Council acquire the parcels of land owned by Kent County Council within the development site at the agreed price;

(3) officers progress discussions with other third party land owners for acquisition of their respective land interests within the development site; and

(4) officers progress the procurement in preparation for the construction of a new community/leisure facility and further reports be made on the specification and progress for this element of the overall project.
The meeting ended at 2059 hours

Attendance Details

His Worship the Mayor (Cllr D A S Davis), the Deputy Mayor (Cllr H S Rogers), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr J Atkins, Cllr Ms J A Atkinson, Cllr J A L Balcombe, Cllr O C Baldock, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr T Bishop, Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr Ms V M C Branson, Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr C Brown, Cllr F R D Chartres, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr D J Cure, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr M O Davis, Cllr T Edmondston-Low, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr Mrs M F Heslop, Cllr N J Heslop, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr S M King, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Mrs S L Luck, Cllr B J Luker, Cllr Miss A Moloney, Cllr Mrs S M Murray, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr M Parry-Waller, Cllr M R Rhodes, Cllr A G Sayer, Cllr Miss J L Sergison, Cllr Miss S O Shrubsole, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson, Cllr C P Smith, Cllr Ms S V Spence, Cllr A K Sullivan, Cllr R Taylor and Cllr D J Trice.