Meeting documents

Strategic Housing Advisory Board
Monday, 16th July, 2012 7.30 pm

Record of Decision

Decision Taken By: CABINET MEMBER FOR Housing
Decision No: D120097MEM
Date: 16th July 2012

Decision(s) and Reason(s)

Reform of Homelessness Legislation


The report set out details of a provision in the Localism Act 2011 which would allow local authorities to offer accommodation in the private rented sector in order to discharge the duty to house homeless households. The report outlined the options available to discharge the duty to homeless households and proposed the introduction of a new private sector rehousing policy whereby, other than in exceptional circumstances, families accepted as homeless would be offered a private rented tenancy.

In addition, an update was given on the consultation procedure in respect of the associated Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2012, which would provide guidance on and protection against the use of unsuitable property in the private rented sector.

Following consideration by the Strategic Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Housing resolved that:

(1) the proposed policy change to discharge the housing duty owed to all accepted homeless households by way of an offer of suitable accommodation in the private rented sector, except in exceptional circumstances, be endorsed;

(2) prior to implementation, the proposed policy be subject to a full equalities impact assessment and incorporated into the updated housing allocation scheme which will be subject to public consultation prior to a further report to the Advisory Board in respect of the proposed adoption of that scheme; and

(3) concern be expressed to the appropriate Government Ministers that the proposed welfare benefit changes are at risk of undermining the Council's ability to meet its statutory duties to homeless households through the use of the private rented sector.

Reasons: As set out in the report submitted to the Strategic Housing Advisory Board of 16 July 2012.

Signed J Anderson (Cabinet Member for Housing)

Signed Leader: N Heslop

Signed Chief Executive: D Hughes

Date of Publication: 20 July 2012

This decision will come into force and may then be implemented on the expiry of 5 working days after publication unless it is called in.