Meeting documents

Leisure and Arts Advisory Board
Monday, 17th March, 2008 7.30 pm

Record of Decision

Decision Taken By: CABINET MEMBER FOR Leisure, Youth and Arts
Decision No: D080054MEM
Date: 17th March 2008

Decision(s) and Reason(s)

Sports and Arts Revenue Grants 2007/08


The report outlined the approach and criteria for considering Sports and Arts revenue grants, detailed the applications received in the current financial year and requested determination of the amount of grant aid to be awarded in each case. Consideration was also given to four applications made by twinning groups for funding from the Council's twinning budget.

Following consideration by the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts resolved that:
1) grants be awarded on the basis set out in Annex 1 to the report; and
2) the applications from twinning groups for funding from the Council's twinning budget be approved.

Reasons: As set out in the report submitted to the Leisure and Arts Advisory Board of 17 March 2008.
(Councillor Worrall declared a personal interest in the applications relating to community festivals in that he was an official of Town Malling Cricket Club.)

Signed S Murray (Cabinet Member for Leisure, Youth and Arts)

Signed Leader: M Worrall

Signed Chief Executive: D Hughes

Date of Publication: 20 March 2008

This decision will come into force and may then be implemented on the expiry of 5 working days after publication unless it is called in.