Meeting documents

Thursday, 18th February, 2010 7.30 pm

LEM 09/082 Animal Welfare Act 2006
The report of the Director of Health and Housing gave details of a new animal welfare function for the Council which provided a range of enforcement powers aimed at protecting animals. The Board was advised that the Animal Welfare Act 2006 introduced a number of new offences in respect of animals and provided discretionary enforcement powers to district and county councils. It was anticipated that responsibility for enforcing the Act would be split between the county council and districts and details were given of changes necessary to the Council's Constitution including delegation of the function to the Director of Health and Housing.

Members expressed concern that the new legislation would raise public expectations while no additional funding had been allocated to local authorities by the Government to undertake the task. Officers were therefore invited to make representations to the appropriate Government department on this matter.


(1) the new function and associated powers relating to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 be noted and the use of the discretionary powers as indicated in the report be endorsed;

(2) the Director of Health and Housing be requested to work with the Kent districts and Kent County Council to provide a Memorandum of Understanding in respect of the enforcement of the legislation;

(3) the Council be recommended to amend the Constitution to deal with the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act 2006; and

(4) representations be made to the appropriate Government department expressing concern at the lack of funding provision in respect of meeting public expectations for enforcement of the legislation.
*Referred to Cabinet
The meeting ended at 2105 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr C Brown (Chairman), Cllr M O Davis (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs S J Boakes, Cllr J R H Clements, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr Ms S V Spence and Cllr B D Stone.