Meeting documents

Thursday, 19th February, 2009 7.30 pm

PO 09/007 Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan Document: Pre-Submission Publication
Members were advised that following public consultation on the Issues and Options report in the spring of last year, a draft version of the Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan Document (MDE DPD) was brought forward for consideration. Subject to adoption by the Council at its meeting on 19 February the DPD would be published to allow representations to be made before its submission to the Secretary of State.

The supplementary report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure presented a revised copy of the Green Infrastructure Network Diagram for Members' consideration. Further amendments suggested by the Local Development Framework Steering Panel at its meeting of 22 January 2009 were outlined.

Members welcomed this document recognising its value in dealing with a range of planning issues directly related to day to day decisions on development proposals and investment.

The Chief Planner and his team were thanked for their professionalism and dedication in ensuring that the Borough Council had a robust planning policy context for development control in its Local Development Framework.


(1) the Managing Development and the Environment DPD be adopted for the purposes of Pre-Submission Publication and subsequent submission to the Secretary of State and as a material consideration for Development Control;

(2) authority be delegated to the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure to respond to representations received in response to Pre-Submission Publication and to put forward to the Inspector any changes that respond to those representations provided such changes raise no fundamental issues of policy, in which case a report back to Members would be necessary;

(3) the revised Green Infrastructure Network Diagram be recommended for approval for inclusion in the Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan Document;

(4) the additional wording, set out in the supplementary report, relating to disused agricultural buildings be included in Chapter 7 of the DPD; and

(5) the amendments listed under Annex A of the supplementary report be included in the Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan Document.
*Referred to Cabinet
The meeting ended at 2020 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr D W P Evans (Chairman), Cllr M O Davis (Vice-Chairman),Cllr R Dalton, Cllr Mrs M F Heslop, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr D Lettington, Cllr Mrs S M Murray, Cllr H S Rogers and Councillor D Thornewell.