Meeting documents

Area 3 Planning Committee
Thursday, 19th April, 2012 7.30 pm

AP3 12/009 Declarations of interest.
Councillor Mrs Bellamy declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application TM/11/03000/FL on the grounds of being a close neighbour.

Councillor Homewood declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the same application on the grounds of being a personal friend of the applicant.

Both Councillors withdrew from the meeting during discussion of this application.
AP3 12/010 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Area 3 Planning Committee held on 26 January 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP3 12/011 Development Control
Decisions were taken on the following applications subject to the pre-requisites, informatives, conditions or reasons for refusal set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure, or in the variations indicated below. Any supplementary reports were tabled at the meeting.

Members of the public addressed the meeting where the required notice had been given and their comments were taken into account by the Committee when determining the application. Speakers are listed under the relevant planning application shown below.
AP3 12/012 TM/11/02586/FL - 22 Willow Road, Larkfield
Part single/part double storey extension with new single garage at 22 Willow Road, Larkfield.

RESOLVED: That the application be

DEFERRED for a Members' Site Inspection.
AP3 12/013 (A) TM/11/03000/FL and (B) TM/11/02581/FL - 431 London Road, Ditton
(A) Replacement of part forecourt "shingle finish" to "concrete finish" at 431 London Road, Ditton.


Application (A) be APPROVED in accordance with the submitted details as set out at paragraph 7.1 of the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure.

(B) Externally clad walls of existing shop entrance porch at
431 London Road, Ditton.

AP3 12/014 TM/11/01844/FL - Land part of East Malling Research Station, Off Kiln Barn Road, East Malling
Redevelopment of former Ditton Laboratories with 35 dwellings and space provided for allotments at
land part of East Malling Research Station, off Kiln Barn Road, East Malling.

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED in accordance with the submitted details set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure; subject to

(1) The conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure;

(2) Amend Condition 3 as follows:

3. The use shall not be commenced, nor the premises occupied, until the area shown on the approved plan as vehicle parking space, loading and off-loading and vehicle turning space has been surfaced and drained. Thereafter the areas shall be kept available for such use and no permanent development, whether or not permitted by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order amending, revoking or re-enacting that Order) shall be carried out on that area of land or in such a position as to preclude its approved use.

Reason: Development without provision of adequate accommodation for the parking, loading, off-loading and turning of vehicles is likely to lead to hazardous conditions in the public highway.

(3) Delete Condition 4 and renumber remaining conditions.

(4) Add Conditions:

12. No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of building recording in accordance with a written specification and timetable which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that historic building features are properly examined and recorded.

13. No development shall be carried out until a long term heritage management strategy including interpretation of archaeological finds and heritage elements of the site has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Upon approval, works shall be implemented as approved plan.

Reason: To facilitate understanding, awareness and enjoyment of the heritage of the site through interpretation and selective preservation.

14. Within one month of the commencement of works on site pursuant to this planning permission, a scheme for the provision, allocation and ongoing management of the allotments shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The scheme shall include arrangements for the allotments to be available for use prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved and for them to be retained at all times thereafter. It shall also specify details of the partnership with East Malling Research regarding assistance and guidance to be provided to allotment holders. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

Reason: To reflect the terms of the application and in the interests of sustainability.

AP3 12/015 Planning Appeal Decisions
The report of the Chief Solicitor advised of planning appeal decisions since the meeting held on 26 January 2012.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 12/016 Forthcoming Planning Inquiries and Hearings
The report of the Chief Solicitor advised of forthcoming planning inquiries and hearings.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP3 12/017 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2030 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman), Cllr Miss A Moloney (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J Atkins, Cllr Mrs J M Bellamy, Cllr T Bishop, Cllr Mrs B A Brown, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr Mrs C M Gale, Cllr P J Homewood, Cllr D Keeley, Cllr S M King, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr M Parry-Waller, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson and Cllr R Taylor.