Meeting documents

Monday, 20th February, 2006 7.30 pm

GP 06/009 Corporate Establishment Changes
(Reason: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Para 1 - Employee Information)

  • (Attachment: 1)Report of Management Team
  • (Attachment: 2)Annex 1
  • (Attachment: 3) Annex 2
  • (Attachment: 4)Annex 3
  • (Attachment: 5)Annex 4
  • (Attachment: 6)Annex 5
  • (Attachment: 7)Annex 6
  • (Attachment: 8)Annex 7
  • (Attachment: 9)Annex 8
  • (Attachment: 10)Annex 9
The Committee received a comprehensive report by the Management Team setting out an innovative package of measures which supported the strategic direction the Council had mapped out for improving customer services. The report addressed establishment changes emanating from the Best Value Review of Council Tax, Business Rates and Housing Benefits together with other staffing issues relating to the establishment of a Customer Services Team.

The report outlined the timescales for implementation of the proposals which, it was noted, could be delivered at no net additional cost to the Council. Details were given of the process of consulting staff affected by the proposals. It was noted that no adverse comments had been received from Unison and the Branch Secretary attended the meeting and confirmed to the Committee that, in his view, the process had been well handled.


(1) the retirement of the Chief Cashier under the "85 year" rule be endorsed on the condition that there is no net additional cost to the Council, as set out in the report;

(2) the following posts be deleted from the Council's establishment with effect from 1 April 2006:-

Post DF 0519 Receptionist (Martin Square) (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DF 0705 Cashier, scale 2/3

Post DF 0704 Cashier (Tonbridge), scale 2/3

Post DF 0706 Counter Clerk (Tonbridge) (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DG 0303 Senior Tourist Information Assistant (part-time), scale 2/3/4

Post DG 0304 Senior Tourist Information Assistant (part-time), scale 2/3/4

Post DG 0305 Senior TIC Assistant (part-time), scale 1/2/3

Post DG 0306 Receptionist Tonbridge Castle (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DG 0307 Receptionist Tonbridge Castle (part-time) scale 1/2

Post DG 0311 Planning Clerk (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DG 0313 Decriminalised Parking Clerical Assistant (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DA 0601 Senior Telephonist/Receptionist, scale 2/3

Post DA 0602 Telephonist/Receptionist (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DA 0603 Receptionist (part-time), scale 1/2

Post DE 0510 Technical Officer scale 1/2/3/4

(3) the following posts be deleted from the Council's establishment with effect from 1 October 2006:-

Post DF 0701 Chief Cashier, scale 5/6

Post DF 0510 Benefits Assistant, scale 2/3/4

Post DF 1003 Verification Officer (part-time), scale 2/3

Post DF 0520 Clerical Assistant (part-time), scale 1

(4) the following posts be established with effect from 1 March 2006:-

Customer Services Supervisor (Kings Hill) scale 4/5

Customer Services Supervisor (Tonbridge Castle) scale 4/5

Senior Customer Services Advisor (Kings Hill) scale 2/3/4

(5) the following posts be established with effect from 1 April 2006:-

Exchequer Assistant (bank and on-site income), scale 2/3

Exchequer Clerk (bank and on-site income), scale 1/2 (18.5 hours)

Senior Customer Service Advisor (Kings Hill) scale 2/3/4

2 x Customer Service Advisors (Kings Hill) scale 2/3

2 x Senior Customer Service Advisors (Tonbridge Castle) scale 2/3/4

3 x Customer Service Advisors (Tonbridge Castle) scale 2/3

(6) the following posts, together with associated temporary staff and overtime provisions, be transferred from Leisure Services to Executive Services, under the management of the Customer Services Manager, with effect from 1 March 2006:-

Post DG 0315 Clerk/Typist (part-time) scale 1/2

Post DG 0312 Caretaker/Patrolman (part-time) scale 1

Post DG 0309 Caretaker/Patrolman scale 1

(7) the following posts be regraded with effect from 1 September 2006 and re-titled 'Senior Exchequer Assistant':-

Post DF 0402 Exchequer Assistant from scale 3/4 to scale 4/5

Post DF 0407 Exchequer Assistant from scale 3/4 to scale 4/5

(8) the hours of the following posts be adjusted with effect from 1 April 2006:-

Reduce by 18.5 hours (from 37 to 18.5) the established hours of Post DF 0409 Exchequer Clerk; and

Increase by 7.5 hours (from 29.5 to 37) the established hours of Post DF 0407 Exchequer Assistant.

(9) Posts DF 0509 and DF 0503 be re-titled 'Senior Benefits Officer';

(10) Post DF 0916 be confirmed on the establishment at scale 1/2 and re-titled 'Revenue Clerk';

(11) the temporary staff and overtime budgets be reduced in the 2006/07 estimates, and thereafter, as follows:

Financial Services by £9,000;

Administrative and Property Services by £3,600; and

Leisure Services by £10,000

(12) the Customer Services Manager be given delegated authority to appoint on a flexible basis to the Customer Services Team provided it is within existing budgets, as set out in paragraph 1.7.3 of the report; and

(13) the financial implications of these changes be confirmed within the Estimates for 2006/07 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

*Referred to Council
The meeting ended at 2112 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M R Rhodes (Chairman); Cllr G Court (Vice-Chairman); Cllr A W Allison, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr J Hayes, Cllr B Miners, Cllr E A Munro, Cllr H S Rogers, Cllr Miss J L Sergison and Cllr M S Worrall.