Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 23rd October, 2006 7.30 pm

PE 06/029 Declarations of interest.
Councillor Horne MBE declared a personal interest in the item on Tonbridge Local Parking Plan in that he was Chair of Governors of Hillview School which had submitted objections to the Plan.
PE 06/030 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 22 May 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 06/031 Parking Action Plan - Progress Report
Decision Notice D060164MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation reviewed progress on implementing the Council's Parking Action Plan and invited the Board to endorse the priority of the remaining schemes in the Plan.

RECOMMENDED: That the schedule of works for the Parking Action Plan described in the report be endorsed.
PE 06/032 Tonbridge Local Parking Plan
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation invited the Board to review the proposals for Parking Zones P and L in the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan, assess the objections and consider a number of requests for amendments. He recommended a mechanism for endorsing the adjusted schemes for implementation, following consideration of the objections by the Joint Transportation Board on 11 September 2006 after the Cabinet meeting.

In discussing the report Members supported the flexibility of approach which had allowed for changes to be made to suit local needs and would give an opportunity after 18 months to examine and remedy any problems that may have arisen.


(1) implementation of the proposals for Zones L and P of the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan, with the inclusion of the amendments to the draft Orders described in the report be approved;

(2) any additional recommended amendments arising from the Joint Transportation Board be agreed in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning & Transportation and local Members; and

(3) objectors be advised accordingly.

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/033 Capital Plan Progress Report
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation advised Members of progress with the schemes contained in the Planning and Transportation section of the Capital Plan.

Members commended the scale and range of the programme and thanked the officers involved for their work. They recognised the achievement in finally gaining a level of co-operation from Network Rail in respect of the West Malling Station Northern Access project and supported any similar robust action required to complete the project.

In discussing the Woodlands Shopping Parade Enhancement Project, Members agreed that, following many years of unsuccessful persuasion, officers should investigate and report back on more direct action to bring about this much needed and desired improvement.

Members asked that thanks be conveyed to the surveyors from the Royal School of Military Engineering who had surveyed part of the Town Lock Area as part of their programme of professional training activities.


(1) progress on Planning and Transportation capital plan schemes be noted;

(2) a matched contribution towards traffic modelling work for the transportation strategy in Tonbridge be endorsed; and

(3) the proposal not to progress further the scheme for Byrneside to Leigh Road Footpath be approved.

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/034 Building Control - Part L
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation drew Members' attention to a new part of the Building Regulations introduced on 6 April 2006 covering energy efficiency, and the constraints on the Council as a Building Control Authority in implementing them fully in the short term.

Members were concerned about the effects of Government delays that had hindered the implementation of the Regulations but were reassured that measures to train staff and inform members of the building trade were in place.

RECOMMENDED: That the report be received and noted and the line of action taken be endorsed.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/035 The South East Plan
Decision Notice D060165MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation updated the position on some important emerging matters in relation to the South East Plan process.

Members were extremely concerned about the procedural implications and propriety in the submission of alternative housing growth scenarios by consultants appointed by Government. They fully endorsed the Council's continuing efforts to exert influence on the South East Plan and agreed that the Council should muster all possible support and work with fellow councils and Members of Parliament to obtain approval for the agreed Plan.


(1) the update given in the report be noted;

(2) officers undertake further technical assessment of the work carried out on behalf of the government in partnership with other local authorities in the County with a view to making robust submissions to the public examination of the South East Plan; and

(3) the Council collaborate with fellow Kent Councils and local Members of Parliament in questioning the propriety and the legal and procedural basis for the action taken by the Government in advancing alternative scenarios for development at this stage in the process and support be given to the South East England Regional Assembly in action it may choose to take in this regard.
PE 06/036 Parking in Blue Bell Hill
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation updated Members on the progress made to relieve problems with commuter cars parked on the street for long periods of time, experienced by residents in the vicinity of the Blue Bell Hill car park.
PE 06/037 Response to Consultation
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation set out the officer-level response to Kent County Council's consultation on preferred options for the Kent Minerals Development Framework.

Members put forward additional matters concerning the importance of securing the recycling facility at Blaise Farm and the apparent lack of local consultation on the Development Framework which officers undertook to include in a further response to Kent County Council.
PE 06/038 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2115 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman), Cllr Miss J R Browne (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr G A Horne MBE, Cllr D M Laverty, Cllr E A Munro, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley and Cllr D Thornewell.