Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 24th July, 2006 7.30 pm

Record of Decision

Decision Taken By: CABINET MEMBER FOR Efficiency and Innovation
Decision No: D060123MEM
Date: 22nd May 2006

Decision(s) and Reason(s)

Historic Buildings Grants - Exceptional Case


Consideration was given to an application for grant assistance to 9 Hadlow Road, Tonbridge, a building not on the statutory list but situated within the Tonbridge Conservation Area, which had been deferred to allow Members the opportunity to view the building (Decision No D060055MEM).

Following consideration by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Efficiency and Innovation resolved that an Historic Building Grant be offered for the repairs to the entrance porch and glazed lean-to at 9 Hadlow Road, Tonbridge, subject to the Council's normal terms and conditions and to the specific requirements set out in the report.

Reasons: As set out in the report submitted to the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board of 22 May 2006.

Signed O Baldock (Cabinet Member for Efficiency and Innovation)

Signed Leader: M Worrall

Signed Chief Executive: D Hughes

Date of Publication: 26 May 2006

This decision will come into force and may then be implemented on the expiry of 5 working days after publication unless it is called in.

In accordance with Paragraph 2, Annex 1 of the Executive Procedure Rules, the Leader nominated the Cabinet Member for Efficiency and Innovation to take this decision in the absence of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation.