Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 24th July, 2006 7.30 pm

PE 06/016 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
PE 06/017 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 27 February 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Members of the Board welcomed the new Chairman and recorded their appreciation of the work of the outgoing Chairman during her period of office.
PE 06/018 East Peckham Flood Alleviation Scheme
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation explained the effect on cost of various project management decisions which had been taken to achieve the successful delivery of the East Peckham Flood Alleviation Scheme. Whilst overall costs were within budget and had been approved for maximum grant by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rules the report gave details of the circumstances which had resulted in the final account for the contract exceeding the accepted tender sum by more than 5%.

RECOMMENDED: That the report be noted.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/019 Tonbridge Local Parking Plan
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation referred to the phased implementation of the new and revised permit parking zones approved through the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan. Details were given of responses generated by the advertisement of proposals for Zone K in the Dry Hill area. It was noted that in accordance with Kent County Council Traffic Regulation Order protocols, the Joint Transportation Board would consider how to advise the Cabinet in responding to the objections received. In order to inform that process Members were invited to review the proposals for Zone K in the light of the representations.

In a supplementary report circulated at the meeting an alternative solution was suggested as a means of fine tuning the parking management proposals to meet the competing needs of a number of separate groups parking within Zone K. The Board expressed appreciation of the further work undertaken by officers in discussion with local Members to devise a range of detailed measures capable of resolving the varied and difficult parking problems for the benefit of local residents and other road users. It was noted that the revised proposals would require further publication through a new Order.


(1) the advertised experimental order for Zone K be replaced with a new draft experimental order giving effect to the measures displayed on drawing DD 344/5 Rev1;

(2) parking patterns within Zone K be monitored and the scheme operation be reconsidered prior to endorsing permanent arrangements at the end of the experimental period; and

(3) the objectors be advised accordingly.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/020 Medway Valley Line - Community Rail Partnership
Decision Notice D060122MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation sought endorsement of the recommendation from the Public Transport Panel that the Borough Council should take part in the recently formed Medway Valley Line Community Rail Partnership. Consideration was also given to a request from Action with Communities in Rural Kent for funding of £2,000 each per year towards this initiative and the Rural Transport Partnership.


(1) the Public Transport Panel's recommendation to participate in the Medway Valley Line Community Rail Partnership be supported; and

(2) funding of £4,000 per year for each of the next three years be confirmed from the allocation for Community Partnerships Initiatives as the Borough Council's contribution towards the Community Rail Partnership and the Rural Transport Partnership, subject to the budget being confirmed for future years.
PE 06/021 Planning Delivery Grant and Development Control Matters
The Director of Planning and Transportation reported on the successful award of Planning Delivery Grant of £452,562 for 2006/07 which compared favourably with other district councils in the region and against the background of a national reduction in the total fund made available by the Government. Particular reference was made to the element of the award for continuing improvement in the Development Control service and the recognition of housing delivery in a high housing demand area.

In putting forward the expenditure profile for future investment, it was emphasised that a significant amount of resource was proposed for the continued funding of staff already in place. Other proposed key areas of expenditure included Tonbridge Town Centre, strategic flood risk assessment, open space strategy, conservation area appraisals, building control IT systems and support for the Council's Customer Relationship Management operation. In endorsing the proposals Members paid tribute to the staff in the Development Control service for their contribution to the Council's well respected planning system and achievement of high levels of Planning Delivery Grant.

RECOMMENDED: That the broad principles of the expenditure pattern set out in the report be endorsed.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/022 Kent Design Guide
The Director of Planning and Transportation presented the final published version of the new Kent Design Guide and recommended its adoption as a supplementary planning document in accordance with the Council's approved Local Development Scheme. He advised that the project team which had overseen the production of the Guide under the auspices of the Kent Planning Officers' Group would be running practical training programmes for local authority staff and private sector organisations. It was also intended to arrange events for Members later in the year to assist with the familiarity of the design guide and its application in the planning process. Members commended the quality of the document and made a number of detailed observations on its local application.

RECOMMENDED: That the Kent Design Guide be adopted by the Council as a Supplementary Planning Document pursuant to 'saved' policy 4/11 of the Tonbridge and Malling Local Plan, with suitable adaptation to local circumstances.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/023 Historic Buildings Grants - Exceptional Case
Decision Notice D060123MEM

Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Planning and Transportation concerning an application for grant assistance to 9 Hadlow Road, Tonbridge, a building not on the statutory list but situated within the Tonbridge Conservation Area, which had been deferred to allow Members the opportunity to view the building (Decision No D060055MEM).

RECOMMENDED: That an Historic Building Grant be offered for the repairs to the entrance porch and glazed lean-to at 9 Hadlow Road, Tonbridge subject to the Council's normal terms and conditions and to the specific requirements set out in the report.
PE 06/024 South East Plan
Decision Notice D060124MEM

The Director of Planning and Transportation reported that, following consultation during 2005, the South East Plan had been submitted to the Secretary of State and was available for comment prior to the Examination in Public commencing in November 2006. Whilst much of the content of the Plan could now be supported as a result of close involvement in preparation of the sub-regional work, attention was drawn to a number of remaining areas of concern upon which representations were considered. Members also raised concerns at the process and consultation arrangements in the preparation of the Plan by SEERA, and were keen to ensure that the Borough Council's position was safeguarded through the remaining part of the process.

In endorsing the issues set out in the report Members identified further omissions from the Investment Plan, namely the improvements to the A21 and the A25/M25/M26 junction improvements, and emphasised the need for infrastructure improvements to be implemented at the earliest opportunity.


(1) the Borough Council indicate its general support for the policies of the South East Plan with the exception of the specific points raised in paragraphs 1.2.6 and 1.2.7 of the report, supplemented by reference to the improvements to the A21, the AM25/M26 junction improvements and the need for infrastructure improvements to be implemented at the earliest opportunity; and

(2) the above be lodged as formal representations on the submitted document.
PE 06/025 West Malling Station - Progress on Masterplan
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation updated progress by the County Council in securing agreement to connect the new link road between West Malling Bypass and Station Approach. In addition reference was made to the associated initiatives in respect of station forecourt improvements and additional parking accessed from the link road. The Board was also advised of a forthcoming meeting with Network Rail to discuss the proposed creation of a new access to the northern side of the station.
PE 06/026 Post Implementation Review - Ightham Village Car Park
The Director of Planning and Transportation presented a capital scheme post implementation review of the Ightham Village Car Park scheme in accordance with the Capital Strategy.
PE 06/027 Responses to Consultations
The Director of Planning and Transportation reported on two consultations upon which the Council had been invited to comment. The first related to a Department for Transport document entitled "Consultation on Proposals for the Mayor of London's Powers Beyond the London Boundary". In endorsing the concern that the proposals would risk prejudicing the rail service and ticket prices for rail passengers living in the Borough, Members suggested that the response should also make reference to the importance of maintaining sporting and cultural links with the capital.

The second consultation related to options for the traffic management proposals in the vicinity of Castle Way, Leybourne and it was noted that an officer from Kent County Council would present options to the forthcoming meeting of the Joint Transportation Board.
PE 06/028 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2134 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman); Cllr Miss J R Browne (Vice-Chairman); Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr Mrs G S Bowden, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr D M Laverty and Cllr Miss J L Sergison.