Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 24th October, 2005 7.30 pm

PE 05/014 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
PE 05/015 Notes of the meeting of the Board held on 28 February 2005
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Engineering Advisory Board held on 28 February 2005 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 05/016 Tonbridge Local Parking Plan
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation described the work overseen by a Steering Group made up of County and Borough Members aimed at developing a detailed Local Parking Plan for Tonbridge town centre and the adjacent neighbourhoods. The report invited the Board to consider a draft version of the Plan approved by the Steering Group and recommend it to the Cabinet for approval and implementation.
Members noted that while the Plan addressed the small local lorry and coach parking needs, Kent County Council would take plans forward for the area as a whole. Members expressed concern about the design of on-street parking meters and the effect introduction of on-street charging might have on the town, though noting that on-street charging could be viewed as a logical extension of short-stay car parks and lead to more efficient use of central on-street parking.

(1) the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan at Annex 1 of the report be approved and implemented, subject to endorsement by the Joint Transportation Board;

(2) the Car Parking Advisory Board be asked to consider the level of charges to be made for Residents Preferential Parking permits together with the options for pricing structure in moving to a simplified ‘banding' system as described in the report;

(3) the Traffic Regulation Orders needed to implement this project be progressed within this financial year from current Capital Plan List A allocations;

(4) the Steering Group be invited to monitor the implementation of the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan and to review it annually; and

(5) a vote of thanks be recorded to those involved with producing the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan, especially Karole Reynolds for her extensive consultations with local communities.

[In accordance with paragraph 8.5 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules, Councillor Horne MBE asked that his vote against the recommendation at (1) above, insofar as it related to the introduction of short-stay, on-street charging, be recorded.]

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 05/017 East Peckham Flood Alleviation Scheme
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation provided an update on progress towards the implementation of the East Peckham Flood Alleviation Scheme including the outcome of the tender process, land compensation negotiations and the construction programme.
RECOMMENDED: That the progress on the project programme, in particular the outcome of the tender process, land compensation negotiations and the summary financial appraisal for the project be noted and endorsed.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 05/018 Planning Delivery Grant and Allied Development Control Matters
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation, and the Cabinet Members for Planning and Transportation and Efficiency and Innovation, informed Members of the level of Planning Delivery Grant award achieved for 2005/06 and made proposals for expenditure against the grant including the establishment of three new posts in Development Control. Members welcomed the increased resources to be devoted to enforcement, urban design and information technology. The Leader announced a programme of workshops to take place over the summer at which Members and planning officers would discuss the effect on planning application debate and decision of rulings by the Courts and the Ombudsman.

(1) the broad principles of the spend pattern set out in the report be endorsed;

(2) the General Purposes Committee be requested to consider and recommend the establishment of three new posts as set out in paragraphs 1.1.7 and 1.1.9 of the report; and

(3) the Development Control Section be congratulated on their achievement.

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 05/019 Capital Plan Progress Report
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation advised Members of progress with the schemes contained in the Planning and Transportation Capital Plan.
PE 05/020 The South East Plan
The joint report provided an update on progress with the South East Plan and in particular outlined the arrangements for further work currently under way on the sub-regions, including district level housing provisions.
PE 05/021 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2057 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Miss J R Browne (Chairman), Cllr A K Sullivan (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr Mrs G S Bowden, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr G A Horne MBE, Cllr D M Laverty, Cllr E A Munro and Cllr Miss J L Sergison.