Meeting documents

Tuesday, 25th April, 2006 7.30 pm

CB 06/020 Setting the Budget for 2006/07
Consideration was given to the joint report of the Director of Finance and Chief Executive updating the Cabinet on issues relating to the setting of the revenue budget for 2006/07, the Capital Plan and the level of Council Tax for 2006/07. Reference was made to the outcome of examination of the draft estimates and the Capital Plan review process undertaken by the Finance and Property Advisory Board and the Policy and Best Value Committee.

A more detailed supplementary report prepared in liaison with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Resources and Capital Projects was circulated in advance of the meeting. This updated the position on issues relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and a number of changes which had become necessary since the preparation of the estimates booklet and the Capital Plan. Details were given of the final grant settlement from Central Government which was £20,000 less than the provisional settlement announced in December with a headline allocation for 2007/08 some £97,000 less than the provisional announcement. Members expressed concern about the way in which the Government's grant settlement process was conducted which resulted in uncertainty and difficulty in planning. However, having regard to the overall funding package it was noted that all the recommended List B schemes could be transferred to List A of the Capital Plan.

The report then referred to the remaining procedures to be followed in setting the budget for 2006/07 and calculating the level of Council Tax. Reference was made to consultation with non-domestic ratepayers, payments made to Parish Councils under the scheme of financial arrangements together with details of parish precepts notified, and the setting of prudential indicators. Consideration was given to the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2006/07 to 2011/12 having regard to the budget, the Government's stance on capping and the lowest level of Council Tax increase which was consistent with the objectives of the Strategy.


(1) the Capital Plan be updated as follows and adopted accordingly:

(i) the position of the existing Capital Plan (List A) as presented to the Finance and Property Advisory Board on 4 January 2006, together with the two amendments set out below be approved:

The deletion of a provision of £10,000 in 2011/12 for Countryside Partnership Initiatives in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty; and

The change in the provision in 2005/06 for Gibson East Building Comfort Cooling from £198,000 to £43,000;

(ii) the new List C schemes shown in Annex 3 to the supplementary report be approved

(iii) approval be given to the deletion from List C of the schemes shown in Annex 4 to the supplementary report;

(iv) approval be given to the selection for evaluation of those List C schemes listed in Annex 5 to the supplementary report, with those schemes so indicated being selected for fast-track evaluation;

(v) a corporate capital plan provision of £750,000 in 2006/07 be approved to cover the implementation of those schemes selected for fast-track evaluation;

(vii) approval be given to the transfer of the following List B schemes to List A:

Car Parking - Eccles, Residents Car Parking (Provision £150,000 in 2007/08)
Car Parking: Parking Action Plan - Phase 5 (Provision £20,000 in 2006/07)
Car Parking: Parking Action Plan - Hadlow (Provision £20,000 in 2006/07)
Car Parking: Parking Action Plan - Borough Green (Provision £35,000 in 2006/07)
Car Parking: Car Park Enhancement Programme (Provision £69,000 in 2006/07)
Traffic Management: Local Transport Plan Partnership Programme 2006/07 (Provision £50,000 in 2006/07)
Traffic Management: New Hythe Lane to Chaucer Way, Larkfield - Footpath/Cycle Track Improvements (Provision £40,000 in 2006/07)
Snodland Partnership - Contribution for 2006/07 (Provision £25,000 in 2006/07)
Medway Gap Countryside Management Initiative - 2006/07 to 2008/09 (Provision £75,000 over the three years)
Green Waste Scheme Phases 5 & 6 (Provision £220,000 in 2006/07)
Larkfield Leisure Centre: Car Park Improvements (Provision £100,000 in 2006/07)
Larkfield Leisure Centre: Health and Fitness including Improvements to Changing Accommodation (Provision £435,000 in 2006/07)
Tonbridge Swimming Pool: Lifestyles Health Suite Upgrade (Provision £50,000 in 2006/07)
Poult Wood Golf Centre: Car Park Improvements (Provision £12,000 in 2006/07)
Poult Wood Golf Centre: Practice Ground Improvements (Provision £70,000 in 2006/07)
Tonbridge Farm Sportsground - Improvements for Young People (Provision £205,000 in 2006/07)
Open Spaces: Haysden Country Park - Alternative Sewage System (Provision £43,000 in 2006/07)

(viii) approval be given to the retention on List B of the following 'parked' schemes:

Tonbridge Riverside Path Enhancement
Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground - Ball Court
Leisure Facilities: Upgrade of CCTV - Phase 2

(viii) approval be given to the inclusion in the revised revenue estimates for 2005/06 of a sum of £13,200 to cover the engagement of consultants to enable the evaluation of the Tonbridge Castle East Curtain Wall project to be completed;

(2) for the financial year 2006/07 the prudential indicators listed in paragraphs 1.6.5 and 1.6.9 of the supplementary report be adopted;

(3) the adjustments to the draft estimates outlined in paragraph 1.7.2 of the supplementary report be endorsed;

(4) the Medium Term Financial Strategy be updated in accordance with paragraph 1.7.6 of the supplementary report;

(5) the Statement provided by the Director of Finance as to the Robustness of the Estimates and Adequacy of the Reserves be noted and endorsed; and

(6) thanks be recorded to the Director of Finance and her staff for their work in preparation of the budget.

Setting the Council Tax for 2006/07

The supplementary report set out the requirements under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for a billing authority to set an amount of Council Tax for each category of dwelling in its area. Members were advised that the Kent County Council, the Kent Police Authority and the Kent and Medway Towns Fire Authority had not yet met to determine their respective precepts for 2006/07. The report explained the figures which had to be calculated and the process to be undertaken in arriving at the levels of Council Tax to be set for each part of the Borough. Consideration was given to a draft resolution in respect of the Borough Council's level of Council Tax and it was noted that information regarding the precepts of the other authorities would be reported to the full Council on 20 February 2006.

RECOMMENDED: That subject to incorporation of the precepts issued by Kent County Council, Kent Police Authority and Kent and Medway Towns Fire Authority when notified, the draft resolution (annexed to these Minutes) as it relates to the Borough Council's level of Council Tax be commended to the Council.

*Referred to Council
The meeting ended at 2115 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr D J Aikman, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr M J Dobson, Cllr N J Heslop and Cllr Mrs S M Murray.