Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 26th February, 2007 7.30 pm

Record of Decision

Decision Taken By: CABINET MEMBER FOR Housing
Decision No: D070053MEM
Date: 26th February 2007

Decision(s) and Reason(s)

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Survey and Strategy Review Implications


The report gave details of the results of a study into the needs of Gypsies and Travellers, carried out by consultants on behalf of Tonbridge and Malling, Maidstone, Ashford and Tunbridge Wells councils, and set this within the context of the review of the Housing Strategy, the Local Development Framework and Regional Spatial Strategy. A presentation was received from David Couttie Associates on the survey findings.

Following consideration by both the Strategic Housing Advisory Board and the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Housing, with the agreement of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation, resolved that:
1) the draft survey findings be noted and endorsed for the purposes of consultation including the planned event with the Gypsy and Traveller community; and
2) a further report on the study findings, including the outcome of the consultation exercise together with options for addressing the shortfall in pitch provision, be presented to future meetings of the Strategic Housing Advisory Board and Planning and Transportation Advisory Board.

Reasons: As set out in the report submitted to the Strategic Housing Advisory Board of 20 February and to the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board of 26 February 2007.

Signed N Heslop (Cabinet Member for Housing)

Signed Leader: M Worrall

Signed Chief Executive: D Hughes

Date of Publication: 02 March 2007

This decision will come into force and may then be implemented on the expiry of 5 working days after publication unless it is called in.