Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 26th February, 2007 7.30 pm

PE 06/039 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
PE 06/040 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 24 July 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 06/041 Conservation Area Appraisals
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation set out a way for the Council to review its approach to the management of its conservation areas, working within the parameters of existing resources and in the light of the emerging Local Development Framework, the introduction of new Best Value Performance Indicators and increased development pressure in recent years.

In discussion Members accepted the need to tailor the Conservation Area Appraisal programme to the resources available and welcomed officers' assurances of consultation in all aspects of the intended work programme.


(1) Conservation Area Appraisals and management plans be prepared for Tonbridge and Aylesford as a priority using funding from the Planning Delivery Grant;

(2) the Conservation area appraisals for Ditton, East Malling Village, Ivy Hatch, Paddlesworth, Stansted, Snodland and West Malling be subject to consultation before being re-adopted;

(3) further investigation on the need to review Mill Street, East Malling Conservation Area Appraisal and the need to prepare a Conservation Area Appraisal for the Holborough Mill area be carried out;

(4) a programme for the preparation of Conservation Areas Appraisals for the remaining areas be prepared once the above priorities have been addressed; and

(5) a review of all Conservation Areas, appraisals and management plans be carried out on a five-year rolling programme.

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/042 Parking Action Plan - Tonbridge and Blue Bell Hill
Decision Notice D060214MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation described the current position on the Tonbridge Local Parking Plan and outlined proposals for the Blue Bell Hill area where commuter parking was leading to problems for residents.


(1) the addition of Mill Lane and Mill Crescent into Zone L as set out in the report be endorsed and the objectors advised accordingly;

(2) the implementation of Zone G as approved be endorsed and the objector advised accordingly; and

(3) the total number of season tickets be set at the current level of issue and commitment and be kept under regular review.
PE 06/043 Capital Plan Progress
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation updated the position on two schemes mentioned in the progress report to the July meeting of the Board. The section on Woodlands Parade detailed a welcome move forward towards implementing the scheme. The section on Station Road/Priory Grove Footway outlined the feasibility study which had been undertaken and recommended that no further action be taken to progress the scheme.


(1) no further action be taken to progress the scheme for the Station Road/ Priory Grove Footway in Ditton; and

(2) the Capital Plan provision for the scheme of £23,000 be deleted at the next review stage.

*Referred to Cabinet
PE 06/044 Kent Waste Development Framework - Response to Consultation
Decision Notice D060215MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation described KCC's public consultation on evidence gathering for the Development of Spatial Options and set out an officer level response to questions posed which had been submitted prior to the conclusion of the consultation period.

Members were very concerned about the lack of detail in Kent County Council's consultation paper and felt that, without any hard facts on future waste volumes or recognition of important planning considerations, it was not possible to judge properly the emerging position and the consultation was confusing for the general public. They observed that the paper took no account of the success of the Borough's waste collection and disposal policy which was due to drastically reduce the need for landfill by ensuring over 90% of the Borough's waste would be dealt with in a highly sustainable fashion. Moreover, Members were keen for the County Council to recognise that the Borough had already accommodated the increased local traffic flows and other environmental impacts associated with the facilities at Blaise Farm, Offham and the incinerator at Allington. It was noted that the consultation document did not set out any case for exporting London waste rather than providing processing plants in London.

Members wished to make their opposition to the proposals very clear from the outset to avoid any later misunderstanding and agreed that no case had been made for designating the Areas of Search and there was therefore no desire or support for further landfill sites in the borough.

RECOMMENDED: That a response be made to Kent County Council strongly opposing the proposals on the grounds that no case had been made for designating the Areas of Search and there was therefore no desire or support for further landfill sites in the Borough.
PE 06/045 Planning Delivery Grant 2007/8 and Planning & Housing Grant after 2007/8
Decision Notice D060216MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation summarised, commented upon and suggested responses to two Government consultation papers dealing with funding streams based on performance in the Planning Service. These were the Planning Delivery Grant draft settlement criteria for 2007/8 and draft proposals for a new Planning and Housing Delivery Grant to be introduced for an undefined period from 2008/9 (subject to the Government spending review). In both cases, as the closing date for comments had passed, a provisional response had been submitted, based on the content of the report.

In discussing the paper Members had concerns about its blurring of the separation between the Council's housing ambitions and planning role; the difficulty of remedying fairly the natural imbalances of housing development between authorities; and its encouragement of a bias towards housing rather than other types of development. Officers undertook to reflect Members' views in a further response to the Government.

RECOMMENDED: That the response to the consultation documents, in respect of general view and specific questions, be endorsed and the Director of Planning and Transportation make a further response conveying concerns raised at the meeting.
PE 06/046 Consultation on proposals to enhance facilities for disabled passengers at stations
Decision Notice D060217MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation outlined a suggested response to Southeastern Railways' request to a number of organisations, including Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council, for views on proposals for improvements to facilities for disabled passengers.

Members fully endorsed the point made in the response about the situation at West Malling Station northern access where, despite Parish Council and Borough Council support of a very worthwhile scheme, obtaining Network Rail's involvement had been difficult.

Members noted that some information points were a target for vandals and were not always correctly positioned. They supported the provision of more visual information at stations for hearing disabled passengers and employment of station staff to assist disabled people as part of their duties.

RECOMMENDED: That a response as outlined in the report and including the further issues raised at the meeting be submitted to Southeastern Railways.
PE 06/047 Planning Enforcement
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation described improvements being introduced in the Enforcement Team's systems and working methods following a review and outlined the considerations now taken into account when deciding the enforcement powers to be used in each investigation.

In discussion Members particularly welcomed the Annex to the report, summarising the powers available to deal with dilapidated buildings and neglected sites, that would be ciculated to parish councils.
PE 06/048 South East Plan
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation updated the position on the matters and arrangements for the Examination in Public into the Draft South East Plan.
PE 06/049 Exclusion of Press and Public
The Chairman moved, it was seconded and

RESOLVED: That as public discussion would disclose exempt information, the following matter be considered in private.
PE 06/050 Hadlow Tower Restoration - Update
(Reason: LGA 1972 - Sch 12A Paragraph 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular persons)

  • (Attachment: 20)Joint Report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Chief Solicitor
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Chief Solicitor updated the position on the serving of a Compulsory Purchase Order and the anticipated contributions of the fund-raising bodies involved.
The meeting ended at 2135 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr A K Sullivan (Chairman), Cllr Miss J R Browne (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr D A S Davis, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr D M Laverty, Cllr E A Munro, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr Miss J L Sergison and Cllr D Thornewell.