Meeting documents

Area 2 Planning Committee
Wednesday, 26th October, 2011 7.30 pm

AP2 11/066 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made.
AP2 11/067 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of Area 2 Planning Committee held on 29 June 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP2 11/068 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Area 2 Planning Committee held on 12 July 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
AP2 11/069 Development Control
Decisions were taken on the following applications subject to the pre-requisites, informatives, conditions or reasons for refusal set out in the report
of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure, or in the variations indicated below. Any supplementary reports were tabled at the meeting.

Members of the public addressed the meeting where the required notice had been given and their comments were taken into account by the Committee when determining the application. Speakers are listed under the relevant planning application shown below.
AP2 11/070 TM/11/00868/FL - Fremlins Dell, Comp Lane, Offham
Convert existing bungalow into two storey building with basement. Rebuild garage with two storey side extension. Single storey rear extension with internal and external additions and demolitions at
Fremlins Dell, Comp Lane, Offham.

RESOLVED: That the application be

APPROVED, subject to:

(1) the Conditions set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure;

(2) Additional Condition:
9. The details to be submitted pursuant to Conditions 6 and 7 shall provide a means of enclosure between the application site and Maple Court, not lower than the existing height of the present means of enclosure and soft landscaping, as measured above the patio to Maple Court.

(3) Additional Informative:
1. The applicant is advised that it is their responsibility to ensure that the works carried out at the site, including alterations to the levels of the land, do not effect the stability of the land or existing structures under the ownership of neighbouring dwellings. Any such effect is a private matter to be resolved between the applicant and such neighbours.

[Speaker: Mr Garrod - applicant]
AP2 11/071 (A) TM/11/01255/OB106V & (B) TM/10/01627/FL - (A) Land to the rear of 1, 2 and 3 Orwell Spike, West Malling & (B) 3 Orwell Spike, West Malling
(A) Variation of S106 Agreement relating to TM/95/00176/FL, use of land for domestic purposes at Land to the rear of 1, 2 and 3 Orwell Spike, West Malling.

(B) Extending domestic curtilage (retrospective)at
3 Orwell Spike West Malling.

RESOLVED: That application

(A) be APPROVED as set out below:

(1) in accordance with the following submitted details:

- Location Plan dated 09.05.2011; and

(2) further investigations being carried out relating to further control over the land in relation to future development.

Reason: In the interests of openness and visual amenity.


(1) in accordance with the following submitted details:

- Site Plan 1 dated 23.07.2010
- Site Plan 2 dated 23.07.2010; and

(2) subject to the following Condition:
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order amending, revoking and re-enacting the that Order) no development shall be carried out within Class E,F of Part 1; Class A of Part 2 Schedule of that Order unless planning permission has been granted on an application relating thereto.

Reason: In the interests of openness and visual amenity.
AP2 11/072 Alleged Unauthorised Development - (A) 09/00279/LB & 08/00616/UNAWKS; (B) 08/00653/UNAWKS; (C) 08/00665/UNAWKS; (D) 08/00613/UNAWKS; (E) 08/00647/UNAUTU; (F) 08/00633/ADVERT; (G) 10/00212/UNAUTU
The Hop Farm Country Park, Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood

Alleged Unauthorised development at The Hop Farm Country Park, Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge as set out below:

(A) 09/00279/LB and 08/00616/UNAWKS

(B) 08/00653/UNAWKS
(C) 08/00665/UNAWKS
(D) 08/00613/UNAWKS
(E) 08/00647/UNAUTU
(F) 08/00633/ADVERT
(G) 10/00212/UNAUTU

Members welcomed the practical solutions proposed by the owners set out in both the report and supplementary report, tabled prior to the meeting, as they appeared to meet the aspirations of the Borough Council identified in the range of enforcement notices and the revised Planning Brief/Master Plan considered by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board on 27 July 2011. However, it was considered crucial that the Borough Council's intention to improve the appearance of the site, as witnessed by the service of enforcement notices was fully safeguarded. The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure reported the intention of securing the best possible improvements, in the shortest time possible, whilst ensuring that there was a fall-back ability to take enforcement action should the programme offered by the owner stall.


(1) the approach set out in paragraphs 3.1 - 3.5 in the report and supplementary report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure be adopted;

(2) the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure be granted delegated powers to waive, vary, withdraw or a make a substitute Notice, subject to the concurrence of the Chairman of Area 2 Planning Committee, the Chief Solicitor and in consultation with local Members; and

(3) progress on these matters be reported back to the Area 2 Planning Committee in six months and at six monthly intervals thereafter, if required.
AP2 11/073 Development Control
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure submitted a list of applications determined since the date of the last meeting.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP2 11/074 Planning Appeal Decisions
The report of the Chief Solicitor and Monitoring Officer advised of planning appeal decisions since the meeting held on 29 June 2011.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP2 11/075 Forthcoming Planning Inquiries and Hearings
The report of the Chief Solicitor and Monitoring Officer advised of forthcoming planning inquiries and hearings.

RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.
AP2 11/076 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2022 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs F A Kemp (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S M Murray (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr F R D Chartres, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr S R J Jessel, Cllr Mrs S L Luck, Cllr B J Luker, Cllr H S Rogers, Cllr A G Sayer, Cllr Miss J L Sergison and Cllr M S Worrall.