Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Monday, 27th February, 2006 7.30 pm

PE 05/022 Declarations of interest.
Councillor Miss Browne declared a personal interest in the item relating to The Town Lock Area of Tonbridge as a Tonbridge Town Warden appointed by the Council and remained in the meeting.
PE 05/023 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 23 May 2005 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PE 05/024 Development Control
Decision Notice D050115MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation provided an update on applications decision performance, User Satisfaction Survey, Planning Delivery Grant (PDG), the End-to-End Uniform e-planning system, staffing matters funded by PDG and future data scanning work.

Members welcomed the excellent performance achieved following changes introduced following the Best Value Review. It was also recognised that a wider satisfaction survey might be useful after current service improvements had been well established.

Officers undertook to consider whether the practice in respect of Members' responses to applications received (List B) should be reviewed and advise whether changes were necessary.

RECOMMENDED: That the report be noted and the arrangements for procurement of a scanning contract be endorsed.
PE 05/025 Development Control - Public Speaking
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Chief Solicitor sought endorsement for revised arrangements governing public speaking on planning applications.

Members noted the success of public speaking in bringing forward issues for consideration, with multiple speakers on an application co-operating in a commonsense way to cover the points of their case.

Members noted that the principles of fairness and balance should always govern practice, and agreed that the arrangements should be the subject of ongoing review if necessary in the light of experience gained.

RECOMMENDED: That Cabinet be advised to

(1) reaffirm that there be no limit to the number of speakers on any report;

(2) allow each speaker up to 3 minutes to speak;

(3) apply a 3 minute limit in respect of each item with a separate application number; and

(4) allow the right to register to speak until 1915 hours on the night of the meeting.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 05/026 Town Lock Area, Tonbridge - Enhancement Proposals
Decision Notice D050116MEM

The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation described proposals for the Town Lock Area of Tonbridge and sought endorsement of the partnership in which the Council was taking part to develop the project and approval of outline proposals for public consultation.

Members welcomed the scheme as providing potential for significant improvement to the area.


(1) the work undertaken to develop proposals for the Town Lock area and to assemble a portfolio of funding for them be noted;

(2) the partnership between the Council, the Environment Agency and others for this purpose be endorsed; and

(3) the outline proposals set out in the report be endorsed for public consultation.
PE 05/027 A227 Starvecrow Corner - Small Improvement Scheme
Decision Notice D050117MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation described Kent County Council's inclusion of a scheme aimed at addressing traffic problems at Starvecrow Corner in its small improvement programme subject to a funding contribution from the Borough Council. The project had been commended by the Joint Transportation Board on 12 September 2005 and consideration was given to making a contribution to the proposal from the existing Local Transport Plan Partnership Programme in the Capital Plan.

Members welcomed the introduction of safety features to reduce the accident rate at the corner.

RECOMMENDED: That a contribution of £20,000 be made from the existing Capital Plan allocation, the Local Transport Plan Partnership Programme, towards the County Council's proposed small improvement scheme at Starvecrow Corner.
PE 05/028 South East Plan
Decision Notice D050118MEM

The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation provided an update on progress during the consultation period on Part 2 of the South East Plan and sought endorsement for further submissions to be made.

Members noted the leading role of Tonbridge as a transport hub and the investment this role might attract in future.


(1) the emerging position of other authorities in the Rest of Kent Area be noted as far as housing provision is concerned and the previous qualifications identified by the Cabinet in respect of the Maidstone position be confirmed. Kent County Council and Maidstone Borough Council be requested to provide more information on the potential strategic location of development in and around Maidstone in meeting Option 2 in the consultation document and, in particular, the County Council be asked to strengthen the need to retain the strategic gap between Maidstone and the Medway Gap in submitting its advice to SEERA;

(2) the emerging policy for the Rest of Kent Area be supported subject to final editing and drafting; and

(3) support be given to the role of Tonbridge/Tunbridge Wells being identified as a Regional Hub on the basis identified in the report, while recognising the infrastructure of strong public transport links between Tonbridge and Maidstone Hospital.
PE 05/029 Kent Design Guide
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation updated the Board on the progress towards the publication of the new Kent Design Guide and sought authority to enable a revision to the Council's Local Development Scheme in order to enable the adoption of the Design Guide as a Supplementary Planning Document in due course.

RECOMMENDED: that the progress towards the publication of the new Kent Design Guide be noted and the Council's Local Development Scheme be revised to include the preparation of the Kent Design Guide as a Supplementary Planning Document within its Local Development Framework.
*Referred to Cabinet
PE 05/030 Capital Plan Progress Report
The joint report of the Director of Planning and Transportation and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation advised Members of progress with schemes within the Planning and Transportation Capital Plan.

Members noted that the lighting planned for St Peter's and St Paul's Churchyard would be retained within the programme.

Members considered progress on the Speedwatch initiative for parish councils, where no applications for the Special Works Grants authorised by Cabinet on 7 September 2005 had been possible because the police were still considering the equipment specification. With a 24 October 2005 deadline for applications, an alternative funding arrangement would be needed if the initiative were not to be delayed by a year or more.

RECOMMENDED: that, to give effect to Cabinet decision D050086CAB of 7 September 2005, consideration be given to the use of funds to support the provision of Speedwatch equipment for Parish Councils from the existing Capital Plan allocations for Community Partnership Initiatives.
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation presented the results of a capital scheme post implementation review in accordance with the Capital Strategy.
PE 05/032 West Malling Station - update
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation updated Members on progress since the adoption of the Planning Brief.
PE 05/033 Parking Attendants' Accommodation
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation advised the Board of changes to the accommodation for the Parking Attendants in Tonbridge Town Centre.
PE 05/034 Response to Consultations
The report of the Director of Planning and Transportation provided Members with copies of responses to significant external consultations since 28 February 2005.
PE 05/035 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2145 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Miss J R Browne (Chairman), Cllr A K Sullivan (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr Mrs G S Bowden, Cllr M A Coffin, Cllr D W P Evans, Cllr P M Hickmott, Cllr D M Laverty, Cllr E A Munro, Cllr Mrs A S Oakley, Cllr Miss J L Sergison and Cllr D Thornewell