Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Thursday, 28th March, 2013 7.30 pm

Record of Decision

Decision Taken By: CABINET MEMBER FOR Communities
Decision No: D130035MEM
Date: 28th March 2013

Decision(s) and Reason(s)

West Kent Leader Programme - Update


The report provided an update on the need for additional grant funding for the West Kent Leader Programme and funding to enable the Leader team to remain in operation to prepare a bid for the next round of Rural Development Programme England funding from 2015.

Following consideration by the Communities Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Communities resolved that:
Proposals to apply for Leader transitional funding be supported and a further report on progress with developing a new Leader Programme from 2015 be made to a future meeting of the Advisory Board.

Reasons: As set out in the report submitted to the Communities Advisory Board of 28 March 2013.

Signed B Luker (Cabinet Member for Communities)

Signed Leader: N Heslop

Signed Chief Executive: J Beilby

Date of Publication: 05 April 2013

This decision will come into force and may then be implemented on the expiry of 5 working days after publication unless it is called in.