Meeting documents

Communities Advisory Board
Thursday, 28th March, 2013 7.30 pm

COM 12/019 Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
COM 12/020 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities Advisory Board held on 23 July 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
COM 12/021 Young Leaders in Cricket Initiative
Decision Notice D120161MEM

The report of the Chief Executive sought endorsement of the Borough Council's participation in the Young Leaders in Cricket initiative. The scheme aimed to increase engagement of young people aged 14-16 in cricket and associated skills of leadership, coaching, volunteering and more generic 'life skills'.

In addition, Members received a presentation by Mr Peter Robinson of the Tonbridge and Malling District Cricket Partnership who described the programme in more detail and gave an update on progress so far. The programme aimed to provide a range of training and volunteering opportunities including coaching, officiating, grounds work and first aid.

It was noted that increased youth engagement and the provision of positive youth activities and programmes in priority communities was a major part of community development work.

Members welcomed the initiative, particularly the initial focus on East Malling and Snodland, and were proud that Tonbridge and Malling was piloting the scheme. In addition, the initiative highlighted that sport could bring together all types of people from various backgrounds, discover talents and skills and encourage personal development and confidence.

RECOMMENDED: That the proposal for a Young Leaders in Cricket programme for Tonbridge and Malling be supported and progress achieved to date be noted.
COM 12/022 Troubled Families Programme - Update
Decision Notice D120162MEM

An update on the Troubled Families programme was provided in the report of the Chief Executive and the resource implications for the Borough Council were also set out.

Members were pleased to note that front line resources were now to be made available to each district to assist with the delivery of the programme. It was reported that there would be two family intervention workers provided for each district. In addition, the County Council was employing a Programme Manager for each district to oversee the programme and its wider governance. With these extra resources in place there was greater confidence at the district level in Kent that the Troubled Families programme could be delivered. Reference was made to the need to undertake common assessment frameworks to sign families up to the programme and it was noted that this could be a significant exercise.

Members expressed disappointment at the slow progress made in starting the programme but were encouraged by the progress being taken to address funding and resource concerns.

Finally, it was noted that this programme would now be known as the Family Focus Initiative.

RECOMMENDED: That the positive progress towards the development of a Troubled Families programme in Tonbridge and Malling be noted and a further update report be made to a future meeting of the Advisory Board.
COM 12/023 Climate Local Kent Commitment
Decision Notice D120163MEM

Details were given of Climate Local, a Local Government Association initiative to drive, inspire and support council action on a changing climate. The report of the Chief Executive outlined the purpose of the new initiative and introduced and explained the Climate Local Kent Commitment signed by the Kent Forum and what this meant for Tonbridge and Malling.

Members were advised that the Commitment was a broad framework within which locally owned and determined commitments and actions to reduce carbon emissions and to manage climate impacts could be set. There were eleven Climate Local Kent targets in the Commitment and responsibility for the delivery of these targets would fall to several different agencies including Kent County Council, the Environment Agency, water companies and local authorities.

RECOMMENDED: That the Climate Local Kent Commitment and the Climate Local Kent Targets, as set out in Annexes 1 and 2 to the report, be ratified.
COM 12/024 Consultation - Hadlow Rural Community School
Decision Notice D120164MEM

The report of the Chief Executive sought agreement of a response to a consultation from the Hadlow Rural Community School Trust on proposals to create a secondary Free School at the Hadlow College campus, as required by Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010.

The proposals were summarised in the report and as part of a formal consultation, partners were being asked to express a view on whether the proposed arrangements should be entered into. It was explained that, given the likely planning and transportation issues involved in the development of a new school building, it was not appropriate for the Borough Council to give an opinion on these issues as part of this consultation. Comments would therefore be limited to the specific question related to the principle of the creation of a new free school at Hadlow.

Members welcomed this proposal and its potential educational benefits, particularly the vocational opportunities available.

RECOMMENDED: That the Hadlow Rural Community Trust be informed that the Borough Council supports, in principle, proposals for the creation of a new secondary Free School at Hadlow but reserves its position regarding any formal planning matters related to the future construction of the building and its access arrangements.
COM 12/025 West Kent Business Support Initiatives
Decision Notice D120165MEM

The report of the Chief Executive outlined a proposed pilot programme of business seminars to take place in the period April 2013.

The ongoing challenging economic situation for local businesses had created a collective ambition for 2013/14 to pool the limited economic development resources available to all three West Kent districts and the West Kent Partnership to promote a single and clear support 'offer' for businesses in the area. This would require a review of what currently was provided individually and the development of a limited commissioning process to secure the business support services that were most effective and needed locally from the best provider or providers. This joint process would commence in early 2013.

It was noted that funding had recently been made available from Kent County Council to assist with the delivery of business support initiatives in West Kent for the remainder of the current financial year. It was anticipated that further funding might be available from the County Council in 2013/14.

RECOMMENDED: That the West Kent pilot business support programme be endorsed and a further report on outcomes be made to the next meeting of the Advisory Board.

COM 12/026 West Kent Leader Programme - Update
Decision Notice D120166MEM

Members were provided with an update on the future funding of the West Kent Leader programme, an initiative which directed European funding support to local projects that were judged to be of direct benefit to the rural economy.

Additional funding for the programme had been sought in writing and a copy of this letter was attached as Annex 1 to the report. A reply from
the Minister for Agriculture and Food, attached as Annex 2 to the report, indicated that the Department would be reviewing the performance of all Local Action Groups across the country and that some redistribution of funding might be considered as part of that process.

RECOMMENDED: That a further letter be sent to the new Minister of Agriculture and Food seeking an update on the issue of Leader Programme Funding. The letter to be copied to the Leaders of Sevenoaks District Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, the local Members of Parliament for West Kent and the local Member of the European Parliament.
COM 12/027 Minutes of the Local Strategic Partnership
The minutes of the Local Strategic Partnership held on 7 September 2012 were presented for Members' information.
COM 12/028 Exclusion of Press and Public
No items were considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2044 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Mrs E M Holland (Chairman), Cllr D J Cure (Vice-Chairman), Cllr A G Sayer, Cllr R Taylor and Cllr D J Trice.