Meeting documents

Parish Partnership Panel
Thursday, 14th September, 2006 7.30 pm

PP 06/010 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Panel held on 9 March 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PP 06/011 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes.
Further to Minute PP 05/032 (Rural Shops) of 1 September 2005 Kings Hill Parish Council advised that Action with Rural Communities in Kent supported the request for a post office at Kings Hill, which was seen as being a reasonable and economically viable prospect. A decision was awaited from the parish council on how to proceed and subject to a suitable location being found.

PP 06/012 Presentation by the Mayor
The Chairman introduced the new Mayor, Councillor Russell Dorling, who expressed great admiration for parish councils. He talked about his plans and ambitions for his year in office and confirmed that his charities for the year would be Macmillian Nurses Kent Group and Demelza House Hospice for Sick Children. He hoped that parish councils would support these charities and welcomed any suggestions for fundraising.

He reported that since his installation as Mayor on 17 May he had attended 17 engagements.

The Chairman wished him a successful year.

PP 06/013 Water Shortage
Members received a detailed presentation from Mr Paul Seeley of Mid Kent Water Limited, which updated on the current position concerning supply to customers during this period of drought.

Members were advised that 15% of the local water supply came from Bewl Water with 85% received from underground aquifers. As a result of the dry winter and low rainfall the total volume filtered through into aquifers this year had dropped to between 25-51%. Several dry winters had created a cumulative effect which had resulted in severe water shortage and non essential drought orders being considered. The implementation of tighter restrictions would create a further saving of 5% and be a valuable water saving exercise. It was confirmed that restrictions would be enforced late June or early July, but the need for standpipes was not envisaged this summer. However, this could not be guaranteed for next year if the situation did not improve.

The abstraction of water from the River Medway meant that Bewl Water was 91% full at the end of May. Members were assured that no environmental damage had occurred as forced pumping was subject to strict licence control and regulations managed by the Environment Agency.

Emphasis was given to actions and initatives being taken by water authorities to enable continued supply, including improvements in reducing leaks and wastage, emergency desalination and piping water in from outside the area. Mid Kent Water would review whether to install water meters in the future as savings of 10% on household consumption could be achieved, although this would not provide an outright solution.

Discussion followed on new housing development and the obligation of the water boards to provide an adequate supply and service to residents. It was felt that developers should be encouraged to employ water efficiency measures for new build properties and existing housing stock issues addressed through further education of residents.

The Chairman thanked Mr Seeley for his informative presentation and confirmed that the Council would support Mid Kent Water in their endeavours.

PP 06/014 Police liaison.
The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Chief Inspector Martin Very, the new district inspector for the borough. Members were pleased to hear that he shared the parish councils' hopes and aspirations for the area and was keen to see a reduction in crime and disorder.

Concerns were expressed about the 'yob culture' in rural areas and the Panel was assured that this would receive particular attention through visible and effective police presence. Criminal damage and anti social behaviour would also be a top priority with resources being devoted to tackle these issues. Currently officers from Maidstone dealt with incidents in the borough but this resource would transfer to Tonbridge in the future. However, the Chief Inspector hoped to retain ownership of the neighbourhood teams as he wanted to leave local police officers in local areas. Members welcomed this approach.

The Panel was advised that the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership would meet monthly to look at crime within the borough and members were invited to contact Chief Inspector Very to raise any concerns or issues they had 07980 683639.

PP 06/015 Community Transport Initiatives in Kent and Medway 2006
Mr Nigel Whitburn, the Community Rail and Transport Officer, gave a presentation describing his work for Action with Communities in Rural Kent. He outlined the role of Rural Transport Partnerships and gave examples of Kent initiatives funded by small grants from delegated funds. A copy of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes at the request of the Chairman.

The Panel heard about current schemes in operation including Wheels to Work, Ride on and Rural Streetrunner which provided community transport in rural areas.

PP 06/016 Medway Valley Railway Line Partnership
The work of the Community Rail Partnership was also explained by Mr Whitburn and the benefits of this type of working highlighted.

Members noted that a partnership had been created for the Medway Valley Line and was aiming to improve the access to, and appearance of, stations such as Snodland, New Hythe and Aylesford. The station adoption initiative was described and members heard that the new franchise holder, Govia, had expressed their committment to this scheme.

Members were pleased to learn that usage at Snodland station was almost at a level to justify employment of station staff. It was agreed that if the number of uncollected fares was included Snodland, and possibly other stations, might qualify for staffing. Improvements to fare collection was discussed with the potential for tickets to be sold through other venues and facilities, such as the internet, considered.

Members supported further involvement with Community Rail Partnerships and hoped to work together to improve transport issues. The Chairman thanked Mr Whitburn for his extremely valuable presentation.
PP 06/017 Recycling and Disposal of Waste Plastic
The Director of Health and Housing provided background information on the recycling service in general and the Panel was advised that outturn had risen from 16 per cent to 25 per cent over the last year and was expected to approach 40 per cent by the end of 2007/08. This meant the recycling rate would more than double over 3 years and make the Council one of the highest recycling authorities in the country, which represented good value.

Members noted that recycling of waste plastic presented a number of challenges related to cost, contamination and the large volumes / low weight of material likely to be collected. Environmental Health Services intended to thoroughly research and evaulate the feasibility of plastics recycling before implementing a new initiative. It was important that a new scheme was substainable in terms of cost and service provision. A report giving further information would be presented to the Environmental Health, Refuse and Recycling Advisory Board in July.

Parishes were assured that once a way to implement plastics recycling effectively and efficiently was found it would be undertaken. It was acknowledged that the disposal of waste plastic was not easy and should be approached in a measured way to ensure that the system would be substainable and affordable.
PP 06/018 Local Development Framework
Members received a detailed presentation from the Director of Planning and Transportation on the Local Development Framework. Following public consultation on the Preferred Options Report in the autumn of last year draft versions of the three Development Plan Documents were produced. These documents comprised the first tranche of the LDF and were being considered by Members at various committee meetings over the coming month. The Parish Partnership Panel was the first formal body in the process and was provided with an opportunity to express views. The three documents would be submitted to the Secretary of State in September subject to adoption by the Council in July. It was explained that these documents would become a material consideration for development control from the date of the Council meeting. The Panel received a brief overview of the contents of the Development Plan and main areas of concern and change were highlighted.

The Chairman expressed his gratitude for an excellent presentation.

PP 06/019 Tour De France 2007
The Director of Leisure provided a presentation on the Tour De France 2007, copies of which would be circulated with the Minutes. This advised members of the impact upon Tonbridge and Malling and action and progress taken to co-ordinate the event.

This was followed by a DVD presentation which captured the "spirit of the race". Members were enthusiastic about this event and felt it provided a good opportunity to show off the borough. It was hoped that parish councils would become involved and an invitation was extended for parishes to discuss their proposals with the Leisure Services Officer, Lyndsey Bennett .

PP 06/020 Kent County Council Services Update
The County Member for Malling West provided the Kent County Council Services update. She reported that the Education Authority was aiming to reduce surplus school places countywide, especially in primary schools, which would result in the amalgamation of some schools and closure of others.

A briefing on the new highways arrangement was provided and the Panel learned that the County Council wanted to encourage communication and establish partnership working with parishes. A Liaison Officer would visit parish councils and discuss their particular needs. A meeting would be scheduled at the end of June when parish representatives would be invited to the divisional offices.

Members heard that following recent discussions profits from second home income would be divided between district and parish councils. However, the Panel was advised that the Borough Council had returned its allocation to the County as a contribution to funding of the Tour De France 2007.
The meeting ended at 2245 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr D J Aikman (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr Mrs E M Holland, Cllr B Miners, Cllr Miss J L Sergison, Cllr Mrs E A Simpson and Cllr D Thornewell.