Item | Description | Resolution |
PART 1 - PUBLIC | ||
PP 07/026 |
Update on any action identified in the last Minutes. |
No items were identified. |
PP 07/027 |
Minutes |
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 31 May 2007 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
PP 07/028 |
Police liaison. |
Inspector Chahal provided an overview of the achievements made in performance delivery, neighbourhood policing and proactive enforcement activity within the Borough. A 23% reduction in crime compared against 2006 was highlighted. Attention was drawn to the encouraging anti social behaviour figures which had seen a month on month decrease during 2007. Members noted that public confidence appeared to be increasing with the latest Kent Crime and Victimisation Survey results showing that 93% of residents 'felt very or fairly safe'. Inspector Chahal advised that the East Malling Neighbourhood Safety Office had been officially opened by the Chief Constable but that partnership arrangements still needed finalising before the office would open to residents. Local parish councillors expressed their frustration at the delay as this was viewed as an excellent opportunity for providing a real benefit to the community, especially as the current neighbourhood policing was achieving positive results by raising confidence in the village. Mereworth Parish Council asked about the problems associated with parking outside local schools and what action could be taken. The Panel was advised that effective working with partners, such as parking wardens and local neighbour police, could offer solutions with tickets being issued for obstruction. However, it was recognised that in these circumstances the local community were usually responsible for parking infringements. Local schools would be approached and their assistance sought in getting parents' co-operation on parking solutions before enforcement action was considered. The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure confirmed that schools where problems were known to occur were targeted on an occasional basis by parking attendants but that resource did not allow this to happen on a comprehensive basis. He offered to discuss this situation further with the Parking Manager and liaise with the police on most difficult and recurring locations. In reply to concerns raised over high speed response through villages Members were reminded that these were only undertaken by specially trained officers in specialist vehicles. This issue had been addressed with local response teams and the message for officers to be cautious through villages had been reinforced. Members thanked Inspector Chahal for his presentation and asked to hear more about the Domestic Abuse or Drugs Units at future meetings. The Chief Executive reported that a range of initiatives existed dealing with Domestic Abuse and recommended that the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership could arrange a presentation of work being undertaken. At the request of the Chairman a copy of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes. |
PP 07/029 |
Kent Highways Services |
David Aspinall, Head of Operations, at Kent Highway Services provided background to the role and responsibilities and structure and operations within West Kent. Members were informed of the service maintenance and inspection regimes for the Borough; pot hole filling, surface dressing and resurfacing of the highway network; service delivery; general maintenance and timescales for repairs. The Panel was advised that the Borough Council contributed to the partnership working by assisting in reporting faults and problems and carrying out work, under contract, on verge grass cutting. Budget streams were outlined and Members sought clarification as to whether these monies represented funding for the whole of West Kent or individual districts. Mr Aspinall confirmed that this total was for all of West Kent but that an increased figure had been allocated for this financial year. Barbara Hucker, Business and Communications Officer at Kent Highway Services, outlined the liaison and communication process emphasising the importance of meeting Parish Councils and focussing on their issues. Kent Highway Services were committed to maintaining and improving good communications and Members were advised that a dedicated Communications Officer working with Divisional Liaison Officers was in place to address problems and be the first point of contact for parish councils. Details of the pilot parish council spreadsheet scheme were shared with the process for updating information explained. It was anticipated that a smooth flow of communication between parishes and Kent Highway Services could be achieved but it was recognised that more work was necessary. It was hoped that through effective communication an educational process could be developed improving understanding of technical issues impacting on scheme implementation. It was hoped that a similar approach for areas of the Borough without parishes, such as Tonbridge, could be adopted. The Chairman invited Kent Highway Services to attend the Tonbridge Forum to explain the spreadsheet initiative. Members expressed frustration and concern at the level and reliability of communication and effective service delivery especially related to road closures; road adoptions; fly posting; road signage being obscured by foliage and obstructions of footways. Ms Hucker noted individual queries and offered to check on progress and advise accordingly. The Panel was assured that Kent Highway Services recognised the importance of customer satisfaction and improved delivery of service and communication was a top priority. The Chairman expressed his thanks for an interesting and informative discussion. |
PP 07/030 |
Roadside Drains - Frequency of Clearing |
Mr Aspinall explained that highway drainage cleansing was not undertaken annually but clearing every two years was the aim. The Panel was reminded that the drainage systems were over fifty years old and were not designed for the type of rainfall patterns experienced today, with short sharp showers causing localised flooding. Members were assured that flooding impacting on highway safety would be looked at as a priority. It was confirmed that Environment Agency approval was sought before any new building development was progressed. Kent Highway Services were in the process of making a map system available plotting the locations of drains but admitted that progress was slow due to data being misplaced during their office move. Members felt that drains should be cleared regularly, at least annually; arguing that if circumstances changed such as rainfall patterns, policies should be reviewed and adapted. Mr Aspinall advised that a Kent County Council Sub Committee was looking at the overall impact of weather in relation to drainage. Further advice and guidance should be forthcoming in the future. Kent County Councillor Mrs Hohler was confident that drainage measures would be addressed by the Drainage Committee who recognised that some gullies needed emptying more often. Liaison with local parking wardens would be recommended to prevent obstruction of access to drains. The Panel agreed that the data loss was frustrating and was pleased to learn that this Borough's information replacement was further advanced that other areas of the county. An offer of a visit to Kent Highway Services at Joyner House in Dartford was extended to Members to enable them to see the issues faced by staff. |
PP 07/031 |
Destination of Recycling Material |
The Waste Management Officer gave a presentation on recycling services available in the Borough. Members were reminded that when the Allington Waste Facility was fully operational 90% of the Borough's waste would be reused, recycled or used for generating electricity. The opportunity was taken to advise Members and parish councils of a technical problem at the Allington facility. This was causing severe delays impacting on refuse collection as all waste had to be transferred to North Farm for the foreseeable future. The Borough Council was working with County on contingency planning for the future and with the contractor to ensure a satisfactory service was maintained. Parish councils were asked to share this information with residents explaining the reasons behind the operational difficulties. Members noted that plastics recycling was extremely popular with residents and that it was sold on the world market including China. The Waste Management Officer confirmed that glass collection vehicles contained separate compartments to ensure colour separation. Different rates of income were received from green and mixed glass and the separate brown and white glass due to the smaller demand for green bottle manufacturing. Any income received was used to offset costs of the services. Members asked for further information on battery recycling and were advised that many stores, including Currys and Dixons, offered battery recycling instore with postal schemes available from Sainsbury. The Waste Management Officer reported that the Waste and Resources Action Programme were funding a number of trial services by local authorities across the country looking at legal and operational issues surrounding battery recycling. Members were assured that following the outcomes of this trial, best practice would be explored with a report presented to the Local Environmental Management Advisory Board. The Chairman recognised the excellent partnership between Kent County Council and Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and the willingness, co-operation and initiative of County which had contributed to the Borough's success. This provided a good example of sharing working. At the request of the Chairman a copy of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes. |
PP 07/032 |
Recycling Guide |
The Waste Management Officer explained what information on recycling was available to residents and that this was kept as simple and clear as possible. The development of web based schemes and initiatives were being considered especially as the recycling link on the Council's website received 4,000 hits per month. The advantage of having information placed on the website meant that it was easy to update, kept current and comprehensive and could be printed off as part of an information pack to residents. County Councillor Mrs Hohler congratulated the Borough Council for being a good example of recycling. |
PP 07/033 |
Planning White Paper |
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure provided background to the recent Planning White Paper consultation concentrating on implications at a local level. The specific reforms outlined in the consultation paper included proposed changes to planning fees; changes to permitted development rights for householders; new ways to manage large scale major planning applications; improvements to the appeal process; proposals to reform Town and Country planning systems and to strengthen the role of local authorities in making the planning system more effective. The primary aim of these recommendations was to improve the speed, responsiveness and efficiency of the planning process. Members were advised that training seminars and guidance would be given at an appropriate point in the future, once the final details were known. The Council's consultation response was available to view on the website and could be made available to parish councils if necessary. |
PP 07/034 |
Local Development Framework Examiners Report |
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure advised Members that the inspectors report into the Public Examination of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy had been received with the Strategy being approved as sound. This was excellent news for the Borough and was supportive of the planning strategy that the Council had carefully prepared and reviewed. The approach to affordable housing, and the 40% target, was supported in recognition of a robust housing needs assessment. The Panel was reminded that the Development Land Allocations DPD and the Tonbridge Town Centre Action Plan would be examined in October and November 2007. The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure reported briefly on the Panel's report on the SE Plan which raised the housing provision levels within the region as a whole. The figures for Tonbridge and Malling were at a level that could be accommodated within the likely land supply for the Borough. The Panel was advised that at the recent Joint Transportation Board Members had agreed to go out for public consultation on the Sustrans Cycling Strategy and the view of Parish Councils would be welcomed. The Chairman expressed his appreciation to the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure and Planning Services, congratulating officers on a significant achievement. The Borough Council was the first local authority in Kent, and only the third in the South East, to have a Core Strategy found as sound. The contribution of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation was also recognised and tribute paid to his outstanding work and dedication in supporting and progressing planning and transportation strategies. |
PP 07/035 |
Kent County Council Services Update |
An update on Kent County Council Services had been provided by Loic Flory, who was unable to attend the meeting, and would be circulated with the minutes. Kent County Councillor Mrs Dagger advised the Panel that County were preparing to undergo their Audit Commission Inspection. The Chairman wished them success. |