Meeting documents

Parish Partnership Panel
Thursday, 6th March, 2008 7.30 pm

PP 07/036 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2007 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
PP 07/037 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes.
No items were identified.
PP 07/038 Police liaison.
Chief Inspector Thomas provided an overview of the achievements made in performance, the neighbourhood policing agenda and an update on the position with PCSO recruitment. The latest Kent Crime and Victimisation survey results showed that 63.5% of residents in Tonbridge and Malling felt that West Kent Police were doing a good or excellent job.

Members were assured that proactive enforcement initiatives dealing with Safer Streets and Safer Autumn, including measures to tackle anti social behaviour and problems surrounding Halloween and Bonfire Night, would be progressed when appropriate. East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council queried the lack of police presence at their upcoming Bonfire Night Event given the large attendance of previous years. Chief Inspector Thomas promised to follow this up after the meeting but surmised that police presence was not felt to be necessary due to the lack of trouble in preceding years.

Members were pleased to note that total crime was 41% lower compared to the same period in 2006. The important contribution of partnership working in reducing crime was recognised and it was hoped that effective co-operation would continue.

Borough Councillor Dalton thanked Kent Police, and Chief Inspector Thomas in particular, for their assistance in helping residents in Eccles with a recent issue. The members of the Panel were urged to encourage residents to report incidents to enable effective policing and ongoing communication with the local community.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes. Information and contact details for the neighbourhood policing teams would be circulated at the request of Kent Police.
PP 07/039 Presentation on Domestic Abuse Initiatives by Women's Support Services
Kim West provided a background and introduction to Women's Support Services and the initiatives in place to assist families experiencing domestic abuse. The principles of the service were explained and the effects of domestic abuse on children and women highlighted.

Help and support for women affected by partners and ex-partners who used frightening and abusive behaviour could be provided on helpline number: 01622 761 146

The impact of domestic abuse issues on homelessness was acknowledged and the importance of finding appropriate measures and initiatives to deal with this was recognised. Many housing associations were exploring the option of a 'reciprocal exchange programme' to assist victims.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
PP 07/040 Presentation by Medway Valley Countryside Partnership
Members received a presentation from Caroline Drewett, Partnership Manager of the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership. Current initiatives to enhance the biodiversity and landscape of the Medway Valley were explained which it was hoped would increase the opportunities for people to explore and enjoy the outdoors. These initiatives included a practical volunteer programme, community schools and access projects, biodiversity projects, community wildlife and heritage events and wildlife surveys and site management. Members were advised that wildlife and landscape advice and grants were available. Advice could be given to parish councils on how to manage land in their ownership and access grant funding. Current projects in the local area were described.

Concern was expressed surrounding the invasive nature of Giant Hogweed and this was acknowledged as a long term problem. This issue was the responsibility of land owners to control so the Countryside Partnership powers were limited, although they were willing to offer support and assistance where necessary. West Peckham Parish Council raised concerns about Ragwort which would be referred to Kent County Council, via County's Community Liaison Manager, for their input.

The Panel suggested that for the next Free Trees Scheme consideration be given to longer timescales as the tight deadline prevented some parishes from participating. Members were advised that it might be possible to submit bids now for consideration for the next scheme, subject to its operation being confirmed.

The Chairman thanked Ms Drewett for an excellent presentation. He confirmed that the Borough Council was pleased to support this Partnership and hoped that its participation had helped the organisation access grant funding.

Members were reminded that the next meeting of the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership Panel was scheduled for Wednesday 12 December 2007.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
PP 07/041 Parking on Pavements
At the request of Aylesford Parish Council Kent Police explained the difficulties associated with issuing fixed penalty notices for car parking on pavements. This was a particular problem on the Greenacres estate in Aylesford with residents or visitors parking their vehicles on pavements causing an obstruction to pedestrians. The Panel was advised that actual parking laws had been decriminalised preventing police officers issuing fixed penalty notices. However, local police officers would liaise with the Borough Council and parking attendants to tackle this ongoing problem.
PP 07/042 Improving Footpaths and Bridleways
In response to an enquiry by Offham Parish Council the Community Liaison Manager for Kent County Council, Mr L Flory, advised parishes that funding schemes were available to support local voluntary and community groups from government, lottery and trust funding sources. Further information on the type of funding available could be obtained from the External Funding Unit at Kent County Council, details of which would be circulated with the Minutes.

Kent Highway Services as the authority responsible for maintaining the highway network, including footpaths and bridleways, could be approached for advice and assistance.

Parish councils were reminded that county councillors could be contacted to discuss potential funding from the Joint Local Board budget. Although the deadline for applications for this financial year had now passed it was possible that individual county members could have some budget available.

Following further investigation prior to the meeting Mr Flory outlined two additional funding streams that could be accessed. The first was the Community Paths Project which enabled parishes to bid for specific projects either wholly or part funded, with the parish doing the work themselves. Further information on this scheme was available from Ben Collins via e-mail

The second option was to approach the Public Rights of Way team direct. It was possible that the team could supply materials, such as signposts or gates, for the parishes to install themselves. Parish councils could also try and influence the team's priorities by discussing their particular issues or offering some form of match funding. Further information on any of these initiatives was available from Kent County Council.
PP 07/043 Draft Climate Change Strategy
The presentation of the Community Projects Officer outlined the contents of the Draft Climate Change Strategy as well as an implementation plan to reduce carbon emissions within the local community. The Strategy set out what the Borough Council intended to do to assist with addressing climate change issues.

Members were reminded that one of the Borough Council's key priorities was to 'make a positive local contribution to tackling the causes and effect of climate change.'

Parish councils were invited to take part in the consultation exercise with comments welcomed until 11 January 2008.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
PP 07/044 Update on Concessionary Travel Scheme
The Customer Services Manager updated the position on the concessionary travel scheme highlighting the changes affecting a significant number of residents.

The Panel was reminded that this was a national scheme, funded by Government and the Local Authority, providing free off-peak local bus travel throughout England for the over 60s and people with certain disabilities.

Currently all bus passes were issued by the Borough Council but in order to meet new legislation to provide a smartcard pass this was moving to a centralised operation, to be carried out by a contractor. Subject to Member approval at Cabinet it was being recommended that the issuing of an annual pass be replaced by a five year smart card.

The intention was to contact current holders after Christmas explaining the changes and advising them that they need take no further action unless their personal circumstances had changed or they were moving to a rail voucher scheme.

Members expressed concern at the potential increase in demand and applications and were advised of the measures in place to cope with any additional enquiries. These included the issuing of temporary passes pending the delivery of smart cards. The Panel was assured that the Borough Council was acting proactively with the contractor to minimise the risk.
PP 07/045 Summer Playscheme Feedback
The Panel received a presentation on the Summer Playscheme from the Youth and Play Development Officer which provided feedback on the schemes organised during the summer of 2007.

Members were pleased to note that 96% of parents rated the scheme as very good or good, with parents feeling that there was a sufficient selection of workshops available.

Improvements to the programme for 2008 were being explored and included the development of an online payment system, improved efficiency of transport arrangements and a re-examination of the format and content of the Summer Playscheme brochure.

The Cabinet Member for Leisure Youth and Arts congratulated and thanked the Youth and Play Development Officers for their hard work in providing an excellent scheme.

Concern was expressed that the Kent Children's funding would cease during 2008 and it was important to consider how to continue to support these initiatives. This issue had been raised with the Children Consortia, and other associated bodies, to see if alternative sources of funding were available.

Parish councils were thanked for their support and co-operation as they were vital to running the schemes. The Borough Council looked forward to their continued support for the next year.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
PP 07/046 Polytunnels
The Chief Planner (Development Control) summarised the response to the recent Surrey case decision concerning the planning status of polytunnels. The purpose of the presentation was to clarify the understanding of the situation and to provide advice on enforcement action and determining applications.

The necessary steps to consider when determining an issue were outlined but the main message was that each case must be judged on its own merits and that enforcement action did not necessarily follow even where an unauthorised building is found after investigation.

Members were grateful for the excellent and informative presentation which emphasised the difficulties associated with polytunnels.

The Chairman took the opportunity to advise the Panel that a West Kent Partnership conference focussing on the rural economy was organised for Tuesday 27 November 2007 at the East Malling Research Station. This would provide a valuable opportunity for parishes to find out about available grants and parish councils were invited to apply for places by contacting Mark Raymond at the Borough Council.

Members were advised that Planning Services hoped to provide an educational event for parish councils, targeted at new parish councillors, on the planning system. This has been scheduled for Thursday, 13 December 2007 but more information would be circulated shortly.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
PP 07/047 Parish and Town Council Representation on Standards Committee
The Panel was advised that the Town and Parish Councils Standards Sub-Committee had seven outstanding vacancies which the parish councils were invited to fill. Further information was available from the Monitoring Officer, Duncan Robinson, and background guidance on the Standards Committee would be circulated with the Minutes.

The importance of maintaining an effective Committee with the right balance of parish council and independent Members was emphasised.
PP 07/048 Kent County Council Services Update
The Kent County Council Community Liaison Manager, Loic Flory, provided an update which would be circulated with the minutes and invited questions from the Panel. Snodland Town Council advised that pavement repairs in Bramley Road had not commenced and Mr Flory was asked to progress this with the relevant team.

County Councillor Mrs Hohler reminded the Panel that the next Joint Local Board was scheduled for Wednesday 28 November 2007.

The Panel was given advance warning of road repairs between Addington and Wrotham Heath in November.

Kent County Council were actively running a campaign against the post office closures in Kent and parishes affected were asked to contact Roger Gough on The Cabinet Member for Community Development advised that two post offices in Tonbridge were earmarked for closure and emphasised that a 'proposed closures unacceptable' message would be fed back to the Royal Mail. The removal of these services would impact on the community destroying essential local services.
The meeting ended at 2150 hours.

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr N J Heslop (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr Mrs S J Boakes, Cllr R W Dalton, Cllr Mrs C A F Grant, Cllr Mrs S L Luck, Cllr B D Stone and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.