Meeting documents

Parish Partnership Panel
Thursday, 29th May, 2008 7.30 pm

PP 08/001 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 November be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Further to Minute PP 07/048 relating to post office closures, the Cabinet Member for Community Development advised the Panel of the planned temporary closure of the current Aylesford post office and relocation to an alternative site. This issue was a matter of concern for both the Parish and Borough Councils. Aylesford Parish Council and the local Member outlined their concerns related to the alternative site under consideration feeling it unsuitable for residents, the majority of whom were either elderly or carers of young children, due to access issues.

The Cabinet Member for Community Development requested clarification that the temporary closure would only be for a short time and opposed any possibility that the closure would be permanent. It was suggested that the Borough Council write to the Post Office offering their support to Aylesford Parish Council and encouraging them to consider a central Aylesford location for a permanent post office. Members recognised the importance of the Borough and Parish Councils working together to promote the interests of local residents in seeking a permanent satisfactory resolution as well as an adequate temporary one.
PP 08/002 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes.
No items were identified.
PP 08/003 Police liaison.
Chief Inspector Thomas provided an overview of the achievements made in performance and the neighbourhood policing agenda. Developments since the last meeting were updated including the successful outcome of the Securitas robbery trial which had achieved nationwide recognition for Kent Police.

Members were pleased to note the encouraging figures for the financial year to date showing effective crime reduction across the area. The Panel was reminded that Tonbridge and Malling was one of the safest boroughs to live in, mainly due to successful and effective partnership working.

The establishment and operation of PACT Panels was discussed. Members expressed concern at raising expectations and the lack of focus on a small number of key deliverables by some PACTs. The Panel asked that consideration be given to sharing PACT minutes and records of agreed actions with key partners so they were fully informed of the process. Members recognised that even though PACT Panels were a police led initiative it was important that a partnership approach was adopted. The Cabinet Member for Community Safety anticipated that the structure and way forward for PACT Panels, as well as the Borough Council's involvement, would be discussed at a future meeting of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Strategy Group.

Wrotham Parish Council shared their experience of participating in the pilot scheme, outlining the benefits contributing to a reduction in crime and a pleasanter environment.

East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council expressed gratitude for the innovative approach undertaken by their local police constable and her success in engaging with young people. Chief Inspector Thomas recognised the links between youth, poverty and crime and hoped that these relationships would grow and forge stronger links with young people. The Parish Council were advised that dates for key surgeries at their new Community Police Office would shortly be announced to residents.

The Chairman thanked Chief Inspector Thomas for his contribution to the meeting.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.
PP 08/004 Parish Charter
At the request of the Tonbridge and Malling Area Committee of the Kent Association of Local Councils, the report of the Chief Executive recommended the adoption of a revised Parish Charter for Tonbridge and Malling, details of which were outlined in the report.
The Panel noted that this was not a legal document but represented an informal agreement between the Borough Council and local town and parish councils on joint working.

The Panel was advised that an analysis of current best practice throughout the county had been used to produce the new draft. Further comments had been received from Hildenborough and West Malling Parish Councils which would be incorporated into the revised draft. The Director of Finance assured Members that the Borough Council had no intention of moving away from the current funding arrangements, subject to any future budgetary constraints, and agreed to revise the wording in the Charter relating to financial arrangements to avoid confusion.

Members requested that the amended version of the Parish Charter be circulated to all parish councils seeking their approval before formal adoption. The Cabinet Member for Community Development volunteered to visit parish councils individually to sign the Charter once the document had been approved and adopted.

The Chairman took the opportunity of inviting parish council chairmen to the Mayors Tea Party on 17 April 2008.

RECOMMENDED: That the revised Parish Charter, as set out in Annex 1 to the report,and amended as indicated, be adopted subject to the approval of all Parish Councils.
*Referred to Cabinet
PP 08/005 Recycling Update
The Waste Management Officer provided an update on the latest recycling performance. Members were advised that the final phase of the green-lidded bin service was completed in October 2007 which had led to an estimated recycling rate for the year of 40%. The Panel was reminded that over 90% of waste produced in the Borough was reused, either in composting, recycling or waste to energy.

Members were advised that new recycling sites had been added in Addington and Snodland with new banks at Aylesford, Kings Hill and Wouldham. Additional Sunday emptying for plastic bottles at some key sites had been introduced, whilst the adjustment to collection schedules for glass at key sites would be considered. Spring cleaning of sites including bank washing and deep litter picks were scheduled for the next few months.

New initiatives and latest news including the reduction of plastic bags, banning of throwaway bags, battery recycling and a recent Kent wide waste audit were summarised.

Members were advised that currently residents in the Borough could have their batteries and low energy lightbulbs recycled at Household Waste Recycling Centres operated by Kent County Council, or by disposing of them in the black bin. Some retailers such as Sainsbury operated postal scheme for recycling batteries. However, the use of re-chargeable batteries was recommended. It was noted that the disposal of batteries and low energy light bulbs in black bins would continue for the foreseeable future until a replacement provision had been considered and implemented. Members suggested that best practice on battery recycling could be explored with the Borough Council's twin town in Germany.

In response to a question raised by Aylesford Parish Council the Panel was informed that some glass banks in Aylesford had been moved in an effort to ease access and encourage residents to use a range of glass banks. The difficulties with further site redesign were explained due to the layout and the way the different banks were emptied. It was anticipated that the additional emptying and spring clean would improve the appearance of the site.

PP 08/006 Development Control Issues
At the request of Aylesford Parish Council forthcoming changes in development control directly affecting Parish Councils were outlined in a presentation given by the Chief Planner, a copy of which would be circulated with the Minutes. Members were advised that additional changes were expected in the future but until the necessary legislation came into force it was difficult to predict what these would be.
PP 08/007 Memorial Inspections
At the request of Hadlow Parish Council financial assistance, potential grant funding and legal requirements relating to the inspection of gravestones in churchyards or cemeteries were discussed.

Members were reminded that if parishes had opted to take responsibility to maintain churchyards or cemeteries the Borough Council was not liable for maintenance or repair costs. Parish councils were entitled, subject to the current budgetary position, to make a Special Works Grant application for capital expenditure. The Community Liaison Manager from Kent County Council advised that small community grants could be a source of funding available via the Joint Local Board.

The suggestion of forward funding 2009/10 grant applications was discussed, but it was felt that awarding grants to certain parish councils in 'isolation' would not, generally be a fair approach.

The Director of Finance advised that it might be possible to reallocate existing S136 grant awards, subject to Member approval, if parish councils felt they needed to reassess their projects and priorities in the light of these requirements. Parish Councils were invited to contact the Director of Finance if they wished to explore this option.

Further advice and information was available from the Chief Leisure Officer but Parish Councils were reminded that the Borough Council could offer assistance through appropriate grant funding.
PP 08/008 Grass Cutting
In response to an enquiry from East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council the Community Liaison Manager for Kent County Council, Mr L Flory, advised of the current arrangements in place for grass cutting now that the function had returned to Kent County Council.

The contract for highway grass cutting and shrub maintenance had been re-negotiated for the 2008/09 season and remained with the current contractor. Kent Highway Services had adopted a cutting frequency of 10 cuts per annum whilst the Borough Councils contract for its own amenity grass areas remained at 18 cuts per year. To avoid disparity this year it had been agreed that where highway and borough amenity grass were in the same area they would both be cut at a higher frequency at no additional cost.

The specific question raised by East Malling and Larkfield Parish Council had been investigated and an in depth answer provided outside the meeting.

The Panel was advised that any issues with grass cutting and shrub maintenance should be reported to Kent Highway Services on 08488 247 800.
PP 08/009 Kent Agreement 2
The Chief Executive set out the emerging terms of the Second Kent Agreement and the areas of joint working upon which the revised Agreement would be likely to focus. Partners were awaiting a formal announcement from Government as to how the reward grant system would operate.

Members noted that one of the key benefits of the Agreement was the ability for partners to achieve more across a wide range of areas of work than could be achieved by one organisation working alone.

The Panel thanked Trevor Minter, of Kent County Council, for his contribution and hard work in drawing together all the outcomes and details on behalf of all districts.

Members expressed difficulty in accepting the principle behind this initiative from National Government, feeling it restricted expenditure and reduced the amount allocated to local authorities.
PP 08/010 Local Development Framework: Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan
The presentation of the Chief Planner (Policy)introduced the Issues and Options Report for the Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan Document. Details of the consultation process with particular reference to the grouping of issues under six themes and the format for addressing each theme were set out. The implications of impending changes to the Local Development Framework Regulations were highlighted and anticipated the effect this would have on the production of the Draft Plan. The Panel was advised that the Issues and Options Report would be revised before the consultation to rationalise the number of 'Questions' asked.

Public consultation on the report would start on 14 March 2008. Members were advised that officers would be willing to attend parish council meetings to offer advice but that workshops had been arranged for 22 and 28 April to which parishes were invited.

At the request of the Chairman copies of the presentation would be circulated with the Minutes.

PP 08/011 Tonbridge to Redhill Line Timetable Changes
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation took the opportunity of advising the Panel of proposed
changes to timetables on the Tonbridge-Redhill line. A reduction in service off-peak was being considered which would mean no direct rail links to Gatwick from the Borough. Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council, Kent County Council and local Members of Parliament were making representations to Southern Rail expressing their concerns. Parish Councils were invited to contribute.
PP 08/012 The Budget 2008/09
The Director of Finance updated the Panel on the current budget position, advising that a £0.5million funding gap had been identified. The main issues impacting on the budget were outlined including inadequate funding for concessionary fares, reduced local government finance settlement grant and reductions in several grants. Details of a recent meeting with the Minister for Local Government to discuss funding implications were outlined.

The Cabinet Member for Finance assured the Panel that a range of options to address the funding deficit were being explored and a constructive approach would be taken.

Members supported the concept behind concessionary fares but felt that as a national scheme it should be funded nationally.

The Chairman thanked the parish councils for their support on budget issues. A copy of the Budget Statement would be circulated to all parishes for information.
PP 08/013 Kent County Council Services Update
The Kent County Community Liaison Manager, Loic Flory, provided an update which would be circulated with the Minutes and invited questions from the Panel.

Members were reminded that the next Joint Local Board was scheduled for 19 March 2008 with Crime and Disorder as the main agenda item.
The meeting ended at 2220 hours.

Attendance Details

Cllr M S Worrall (Chairman), Cllr N J Heslop (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr M A C Balfour, Cllr Mrs S J Boakes, Cllr Mrs C A F Grant, Cllr Mrs S L Luck and Cllr Mrs C J Woodger.