Meeting documents

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Wednesday, 16th November, 2011 7.30 pm

PE 11/031 Declarations of interest.
Councillor C Smith declared a personal interest in the Kent Minerals and Waste Development Framework item, on the grounds that as a Kent County Council member he was involved in overseeing the consultation process. He remained in the meeting during the discussion to hear the views of Borough Councillors but did not take part in the debate.

Councillor Worrall declared a personal interest during the Borough Transportation Matters item as the discussion turned towards the Pembury Hospital development, on the grounds of being a non-executive director of the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.
PE 11/032 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 14 June 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the inclusion of Councillor Jessel on the list of apologies for the last meeting.
PE 11/033 Consultation - Master Plan and Planning Brief for the Hop Farm, East Peckham
Decision Notice D110112MEM

Consideration was given to a draft Master Plan and Planning Brief for the Hop Farm, which set the strategy for changes proposed in the complex for the wider future.

Members welcomed the proposals outlined in the Master Plan as a positive step forward but some concerns were expressed about
timescales and deliverability of improvements. These matters would be the subject of further detailed consideration.

RECOMMENDED: That the Planning Brief/Master Plan document be adopted for the purposes of Saved Policy P6/25, subject to alterations and modifications necessary as set out in paragraphs 1.3.3, 1.3.4 and 1.3.5 of the report.
PE 11/034 Kent Minerals and Waste Development Framework - Response to Options Consultation
Decision Notice D110113MEM

The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure recommended a response to Kent County Council on the consultation documents relating to the options stage of the Minerals and Waste Development Framework.

The background to the Options consultation was set out in the report, with Members being reminded that this was the second stage of the consultation process. Operators and landowners had identified suitable sites for minerals and waste development that could be developed between 2012 and 2030. As a result of the deadline for this exercise overlapping with the consultation on the Options, there would be a second Options consultation during the autumn on those sites that had come forward since the current development plans had been published. This meant that the Policy Directions Stage (Preferred Options) was likely to be delayed until the beginning of 2012.

Members commented on the apparent lack of balance across Kent and suggested that an increased emphasis on this point could be made in the response. It was noted that the Borough Council would have further opportunities to comment as part of the future consultation process and that any sites ultimately included within the Plan would also be the subject of planning applications.

RECOMMENDED: That the views on Kent County Council's Minerals and Waste Development Framework Strategy (Strategy and Policy Directions Consultation - May 2011), Minerals Sites DPD (Options Consultation - May 2011) and Waste Sites DPD (Options Consultation - May 2011) as set out in the report be transmitted to the County Council in response to its consultation.
PE 11/035 Character Area Appraisals SPD (West Malling and the Medway Gap) and Conservation Area Appraisals for Larkfield Church, Cobdown Farm (Ditton) and Holtwood - Adopt for Consultation
Decision Notice D110114MEM

The report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure presented for approval Character Area Appraisals for West Malling and the Medway Gap and Conservation Area Appraisals for Larkfield Church, Cobdown Farm and Holtwood for the purposes of public consultation in the autumn of 2011.

Planning officers were thanked for the production of high quality documents.

Members took the opportunity of referring to the Localism Bill and discussed the implications of Neighbourhood Development Plans for local communities and Parish Councils.


(1) the draft Character Area Appraisals for West Malling and the Medway Gap be approved for the purposes of public consultation; and

(2) the draft Conservation Area Appraisals for Larkfield Church, Cobdown Farm (Ditton) and Holtwood be approved for the purposes of public consultation.
PE 11/036 Managing Land for Horses: A Guide to Good Practice
Decision Notice D110115MEM

Members reviewed the report of the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure which set out the background to the Managing Land for Horses: A Guide to Good Practice document, produced by the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit. The report recommended the document's approval as a material consideration for development control purposes across the Borough.

RECOMMENDED: That the Managing Land for Horses: A Guide to Good Practice be adopted as a material consideration for development control throughout the Borough.
PE 11/037 Pedestrian Guard Rail in Tonbridge - Consultation
Decision Notice D110116MEM

Consideration was given to the responses received to the recent consultation with Members of the Area 1 Planning Committee on the County Council's proposals for pedestrian guard rail removal in Tonbridge.

The submitted responses, summarised in Annex 3, highlighted some support for retaining guard rails at certain locations, such as the stretch from Brook Street towards Tonbridge Station. At other locations, the feedback supported removal of the guard rail in line with the County Council's proposals.

In the course of consideration, Members recognised the merit of Kent County Council keeping the wider transport strategy for Tonbridge under review in liaison with the Borough Council.


(1) the recommendations, set out in Annex 3 of the report, be adopted as the Borough Council's formal response to the County Council's pedestrian guard rail removal project, subject to the further views of the Advisory Board as follows:

- the retention of all panels at Site 2 (Railway Approach/ Priory Road/Waterloo Road); and

- the retention of 3 panels at Site 12 (Hildenborough on Tonbridge Road at the junction of Coldharbour Lane); and

(2) this be conveyed to the County Council through the Joint Transportation Board.
PE 11/038 Borough Transportation Matters
Members were provided with an update on a range of current transportation issues affecting the Borough. The latest position regarding rail services, the number 70 bus service, the Local Sustainable Transport Fund and the A21 Tonbridge to Pembury dualling project were highlighted.

Particular reference was made to the recent application submitted to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, in which the developers of the new Pembury Hospital were seeking to vary the condition relating to bus service provision. The Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust had carried out surveys of in-patients and out-patients for the 2010/11 years and concluded that a level of bus service to the new hospital was justified. However, in respect of services for Hadlow, West Malling and Borough Green it was not considered that enough people from those areas visited the hospital to reasonably support a dedicated bus service. Members expressed disappointment and frustration as this proposal had significant implications for bus access to the new hospital for the local communities in Hadlow, West Malling and Borough Green.

Members appreciated issues around the viability of services for bus operators and the role of Kent County Council in supporting bus service provision but were concerned at disenfranchising residents in some areas of the Borough. It was also observed that if funding was offered, the voluntary sector and other providers might be able to provide a more tailored hospital transport service to those areas of the Borough.

With regard to rail services and the A21 Tonbridge to Pembury dualling project it was considered important to emphasise and highlight the interests and benefits to Tonbridge and Malling so that the County Council continued to support the economic vitality of the Borough and West Kent.

Members welcomed an opportunity for a robust discussion on borough transportation matters and asked that consideration be given to a future extraordinary meeting of the Advisory Board being centred around that theme. In addition, Members expressed the view that key stakeholders and other interested parties could be invited to participate.
PE 11/039 Capital Plan Schemes
A report detailing progress on several capital projects being managed by Transport Services was presented by the Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure. The projects reviewed were Town Lock, Tonbridge; Avebury Avenue Replacement Footbridge; Leigh Road, Hildenborough - Flood Alleviation Scheme and the Improvement Programme for existing car parks.

Members noted the proposal for the Town Lock area, particularly the funding contribution from the Environment Agency, and welcomed this as an opportunity to maximise on the history, character and heritage of the site.
PE 11/040 Demographic and Housing Forecasts
The Director of Planning, Transport and Leisure reported on a Kent Planning Officers' Group initiative to provide guidance on the adoption of a common approach to estimating and setting local demographic changes and dwelling requirements.
PE 11/041 Exclusion of Press and Public
There were no items considered in private.
The meeting ended at 2140 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr Ms V M C Branson (Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr J Atkins, Cllr T Edmondston-Low, Cllr Mrs F A Kemp, Cllr R D Lancaster, Cllr Miss A Moloney and Cllr C P Smith.